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Volume 83, Nº 5 (2018)


Spatial Structure of Glycogen Molecules in Cells

Bezborodkina N., Chestnova A., Vorobev M., Kudryavtsev B.


Glycogen is a strongly branched polymer of α-D-glucose, with glucose residues in the linear chains linked by 1→4-bonds (~93% of the total number of bonds) and with branching after every 4-8 residues formed by 1→6-glycosidic bonds (~7% of the total number of bonds). It is thought currently that a fully formed glycogen molecule (β-particle) with the self-glycosylating protein glycogenin in the center has a spherical shape with diameter of ~42 nm and contains ~ 55,000 glucose residues. The glycogen molecule also includes numerous proteins involved in its synthesis and degradation, as well as proteins performing a carcass function. However, the type and force of bonds connecting these proteins to the polysaccharide moiety of glycogen are significantly different. This review presents the available data on the spatial structure of the glycogen molecule and its changes under various physiological and pathological conditions.

Biochemistry (Moscow). 2018;83(5):467-482
pages 467-482 views

Argonaute Proteins and Mechanisms of RNA Interference in Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes

Olina A., Kulbachinskiy A., Aravin A., Esyunina D.


Noncoding RNAs play essential roles in genetic regulation in all organisms. In eukaryotic cells, many small non-coding RNAs act in complex with Argonaute proteins and regulate gene expression by recognizing complementary RNA targets. The complexes of Argonaute proteins with small RNAs also play a key role in silencing of mobile genetic elements and, in some cases, viruses. These processes are collectively called RNA interference. RNA interference is a powerful tool for specific gene silencing in both basic research and therapeutic applications. Argonaute proteins are also found in prokaryotic organisms. Recent studies have shown that prokaryotic Argonautes can also cleave their target nucleic acids, in particular DNA. This activity of prokaryotic Argonautes might potentially be used to edit eukaryotic genomes. However, the molecular mechanisms of small nucleic acid biogenesis and the functions of Argonaute proteins, in particular in bacteria and archaea, remain largely unknown. Here we briefly review available data on the RNA interference processes and Argonaute proteins in eukaryotes and prokaryotes.

Biochemistry (Moscow). 2018;83(5):483-497
pages 483-497 views


Interleukin-4 Restores Insulin Sensitivity in Lipid-Induced Insulin-Resistant Adipocytes

Stafeev I., Michurina S., Podkuychenko N., Vorotnikov A., Menshikov M., Parfyonova Y.


Obesity and latent inflammation in adipose tissue significantly contribute to the development of insulin resistance (IR) and type 2 diabetes. Here we studied whether the antiinflammatory interleukin-4 (IL-4) can restore insulin sensitivity in cultured 3T3-L1 adipocytes. The activity of key components of the insulin signaling cascade was assessed by immunoblotting using phospho-specific antibodies to insulin receptor substrate IRS1 (Tyr612), Akt (Thr308 and Ser473), and AS160 (Ser318) protein that regulates translocation of the GLUT4 glucose transporter to the plasma membrane. IR was induced in mature adipocytes with albumin-conjugated palmitate. IR significantly reduced phosphorylation levels of all the above-mentioned proteins. Addition of IL-4 to the culturing medium during IR induction led to a dose-dependent stimulation of the insulin-promoted phosphorylation of IRS1, Akt, and AS160. At the optimal concentration of 50 ng/ml, IL-4 fully restored activation of the insulin cascade in IR cells, but it did not affect insulin signaling activation in the control cells. IL- 4 neither upregulated expression of key adipogenesis markers GLUT4 and PPARγ nor caused lipid accumulation in the adipocytes. These results demonstrate that IL-4 can restore insulin sensitivity in adipocytes via mechanisms not associated with induced adipogenesis or de novo formation of lipid depots.

Biochemistry (Moscow). 2018;83(5):498-506
pages 498-506 views

Blood-Derived RNA- and microRNA-Hydrolyzing IgG Antibodies in Schizophrenia Patients

Ermakov E., Ivanova S., Buneva V., Nevinsky G.


Abzymes with various catalytic activities are the earliest statistically significant markers of existing and developing autoimmune diseases (AIDs). Currently, schizophrenia (SCZD) is not considered to be a typical AID. It was demonstrated recently that antibodies from SCZD patients efficiently hydrolyze DNA and myelin basic protein. Here, we showed for the first time that autoantibodies from 35 SCZD patients efficiently hydrolyze RNA (cCMP > poly(C) > poly(A) > yeast RNA) and analyzed site-specific hydrolysis of microRNAs involved in the regulation of several genes in SCZD (miR-137, miR-9-5p, miR-219-2-3p, and miR-219a-5p). All four microRNAs were cleaved by IgG preparations (n = 21) from SCZD patients in a site-specific manner. The RNase activity of the abzymes correlated with SCZD clinical parameters. The data obtained showed that SCZD patients might display signs of typical autoimmune processes associated with impaired functioning of microRNAs resulting from their hydrolysis by the abzymes.

Biochemistry (Moscow). 2018;83(5):507-526
pages 507-526 views

The Effect of Experimental Hyperthyroidism on Characteristics of Actin–Myosin Interaction in Fast and Slow Skeletal Muscles

Kopylova G., Shchepkin D., Bershitsky S.


The molecular mechanism of the failure of contractile function of skeletal muscles caused by oxidative damage to myosin in hyperthyroidism is not fully understood. Using an in vitro motility assay, we studied the effect of myosin damage caused by oxidative stress in experimental hyperthyroidism on the actin–myosin interaction and its regulation by calcium. We found that hyperthyroidism-induced oxidation of myosin is accompanied by a decrease in the sliding velocity of the regulated thin filaments in the in vitro motility assay, and this effect is increased with the duration of the pathological process.

Biochemistry (Moscow). 2018;83(5):527-533
pages 527-533 views

O-Antigens of Escherichia coli Strains O81 and HS3-104 Are Structurally and Genetically Related, Except O-Antigen Glucosylation in E. coli HS3-104

Zdorovenko E., Wang Y., Shashkov A., Chen T., Ovchinnikova O., Liu B., Golomidova A., Babenko V., Letarov A., Knirel Y.


Glycerophosphate-containing O-specific polysaccharides (OPSs) were obtained by mild acidic degradation of lipopolysaccharides isolated from Escherichia coli type strain O81 and E. coli strain HS3-104 from horse feces. The structures of both OPSs and of the oligosaccharide derived from the strain O81 OPS by treatment with 48% HF were studied by monosaccharide analysis and one- and two-dimensional 1H- and 13C-NMR spectroscopy. Both OPSs had similar structures and differed only in the presence of a side-chain glucose residue in the strain HS3-104 OPS. The genes and the organization of the O-antigen biosynthesis gene cluster in both strains are almost identical with the exception of the gtr gene cluster responsible for glucosylations in the strain HS3-104, which is located elsewhere in the genome.

Biochemistry (Moscow). 2018;83(5):534-541
pages 534-541 views

Regulated Gene Expression as a Tool for Analysis of Heterochromatin Position Effect in Drosophila

Shatskikh A., Olenkina O., Solodovnikov A., Lavrov S.


Position effect variegation (PEV) is a perturbation of genes expression resulting from the changes in their chromatin organization due to the abnormal juxtaposition with heterochromatin. The exact molecular mechanisms of PEV remain enigmatic in spite of the long history of PEV studies. Here, we developed a genetic model consisting of PEV-inducing chromosome rearrangement and a reporter gene under control of the UAS regulatory element. Expression of the reporter gene could be regulated by adjustment of the GAL4 transactivator activity. Two UAS-based systems of expression control were tested–with thermosensitive GAL4 repressor GAL80ts and GAL4-based artificial transactivator GeneSwitch. Both systems were able to regulate the expression of the UAS-controlled reporter gene over a wide range, but GAL80ts repressed the reporter gene more efficiently. Measurements of the heterochromatin-mediated repression of the reporter gene in the GAL4+GAL80ts system point to the existence of a threshold level of expression, above which no PEV is observed.

Biochemistry (Moscow). 2018;83(5):542-551
pages 542-551 views

New Data on Effects of SkQ1 and SkQT1 on Rat Liver Mitochondria and Yeast Cells

Rogov A., Goleva T., Trendeleva T., Ovchenkova A., Aliverdieva D., Zvyagilskaya R.


Mitochondria are involved in many processes in eukaryotic cells. They play a central role in energy conservation and participate in cell metabolism and signaling pathways. Mitochondria are the main source of reactive oxygen species, excessive generation of which provokes numerous pathologies and cell death. One of the most promising approaches to the attenuation of oxidative stress in mitochondria is the use of targeted (i.e., transported exclusively into mitochondria) lipophilic cationic antioxidants. These compounds offer advantages over conventional water-soluble antioxidants because they induce the so-called “mild uncoupling” and can prevent collapse of the membrane potential in low, nontoxic concentrations. A novel mitochondria-targeted antioxidant, SkQT1, was synthesized and tested within the framework of the research project guided by V. P. Skulachev. The results of these experiments were initially reported in 2013; however, one publication was not able to accommodate all the data on the SkQT1 interactions with isolated mitochondria and cells. Here, we examined comparative effects of SkQT1 and SkQ1 on rat liver mitochondria (with broader spectrum of energy parame- ters being studied) and yeast cells. SkQT1 was found to be less effective uncoupler, depolarizing agent, inhibitor of respiration and ATP synthesis, and “opener” of a nonspecific pore compared to SkQ1. At the same time SkQ1 exhibited higher antioxidant activity. Both SkQT1 and SkQ1 prevented oxidative stress and mitochondria fragmentation in yeast cells exposed to t-butyl hydroperoxide and promoted cell survival, with SkQT1 being more efficient than SkQ1. Together with the results presented in 2013, our data suggest that SkQT1 is the most promising mitochondria-targeted antioxidant that can be used for preventing various pathologies associated with the oxidative stress in mitochondria.

Biochemistry (Moscow). 2018;83(5):552-561
pages 552-561 views

Recombinant Production, Reconstruction in Lipid–Protein Nanodiscs, and Electron Microscopy of Full-Length α-Subunit of Human Potassium Channel Kv7.1

Shenkarev Z., Karlova M., Kulbatskii D., Kirpichnikov M., Lyukmanova E., Sokolova O.


Voltage-gated potassium channel Kv7.1 plays an important role in the excitability of cardiac muscle. The α-subunit of Kv7.1 (KCNQ1) is the main structural element of this channel. Tetramerization of KCNQ1 in the membrane results in formation of an ion channel, which comprises a pore and four voltage-sensing domains. Mutations in the human KCNQ1 gene are one of the major causes of inherited arrhythmias, long QT syndrome in particular. The construct encoding full-length human KCNQ1 protein was synthesized in this work, and an expression system in the Pichia pastoris yeast cells was developed. The membrane fraction of the yeast cells containing the recombinant protein (rKCNQ1) was solubilized with CHAPS detergent. To better mimic the lipid environment of the channel, lipid–protein nanodiscs were formed using solu- bilized membrane fraction and MSP2N2 protein. The rKCNQ1/nanodisc and rKCNQ1/CHAPS samples were purified using the Rho1D4 tag introduced at the C-terminus of the protein. Protein samples were examined using transmission electron microscopy with negative staining. In both cases, homogeneous rKCNQ1 samples were observed based on image analysis. Statistical analysis of the images of individual protein particles solubilized in the detergent revealed the presence of a tetrameric structure confirming intact subunit assembly. A three-dimensional channel structure reconstructed at 2.5-nm resolution represents a compact density with diameter of the membrane part of ~9 nm and height ~11 nm. Analysis of the images of rKCNQ1 in nanodiscs revealed additional electron density corresponding to the lipid bilayer fragment and the MSP2N2 protein. These results indicate that the nanodiscs facilitate protein isolation, purification, and stabilization in solution and can be used for further structural studies of human Kv7.1.

Biochemistry (Moscow). 2018;83(5):562-573
pages 562-573 views

Agonistic and Antagonistic Effects of Progesterone Derivatives on the Transcriptional Activity of Nuclear Progesterone Receptor B in Yeast Model System

Michurina A., Polikarpova A., Levina I., Kulikova L., Zavarzin I., Guseva A., Morozov I., Rubtsov P., Smirnova O., Shchelkunova T.


Identification of progesterone selective agonists and antagonists that act through one of the nuclear progesterone receptor isoforms is of particular importance for the development of tissue-specific drugs in gynecology and anticancer therapy. Fourteen pregna-D′6- and pregna-D′3-pentarane progesterone derivatives with 16α,17α-cycloalkane groups and two progesterone 3-deoxyderivatives were examined for their ability to regulate transcriptional activity of human nuclear progesterone receptor isoform B (nPR-B) expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast. Transcriptional activity of nPR-B was measured from the expression of the β-galactosidase reporter gene with a hormone-responsible element in the promoter. Among the compounds tested, two were full progesterone agonists, four were partial agonists, one compound possessed both agonistic and antagonistic activity, one compound displayed only partial antagonistic activity, and eight compounds did not show any activity. Modifications of the pentarane structure, precisely, introduction of an additional double bound in the A or B rings and/or modification at the 6th position of progesterone, lead to a switch from the complete agonistic activity to partial agonistic or mixed activities. These modifications enable progestins to act as selective modulators of progesterone receptor. Steroids with reduced A-ring and 3-ketogroups lose their ability to regulate PR-B activity. Both 3-deoxycompounds, being selective ligands of progesterone membrane receptors, do not affect PR-B activity.

Biochemistry (Moscow). 2018;83(5):574-585
pages 574-585 views

An Inducible DamID System for Profiling Interactions of Nuclear Lamina Protein Component Lamin B1 with Chromosomes in Mouse Cells

Kozhevnikova E., Leshchenko A., Pindyurin A.


At the level of DNA organization into chromatin, there are mechanisms that define gene expression profiles in specialized cell types. Genes within chromatin regions that are located at the nuclear periphery are generally expressed at lower levels; however, the nature of this phenomenon remains unclear. These parts of chromatin interact with nuclear lamina proteins like Lamin B1 and, therefore, can be identified in a given cell type by chromatin profiling of these proteins. In this study, we created and tested a Dam Identification (DamID) system induced by Cre recombinase using Lamin B1 and mouse embryonic fibroblasts. This inducible system will help to generate genome-wide profiles of chromatin proteins in given cell types and tissues with no need to dissect tissues from organs or separate cells from tissues, which is achieved by using specific regulatory DNA elements and due to the high sensitivity of the method.

Biochemistry (Moscow). 2018;83(5):586-594
pages 586-594 views

Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) Catalyzes Lipid Peroxidation of Oleic Acid-Induced HepG2 Cells

Huang B., Bao J., Cao Y., Gao H., Jin Y.


Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a chronic hepatic disease associated with excessive accumulation of lipids in hepatocytes. As the disease progresses, oxidative stress plays a pivotal role in the development of hepatic lipid peroxidation. Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1), a subtype of the cytochrome P450 family, has been shown to be a vital modulator in production of reactive oxygen species. However, the exact role of CYP1A1 in NAFLD is still unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of CYP1A1 on lipid peroxidation in oleic acid (OA)-treated human hepatoma cells (HepG2). We found that the expression of CYP1A1 is elevated in OA-stimulated HepG2 cells. The results of siRNA transfection analysis indicated that CYP1A1-siRNA inhibited the lipid peroxidation in OA-treated HepG2 cells. Additionally, compared with siRNA-transfected and benzo[a]pyrene (BaP)-OA-induced HepG2 cells, overexpression of CYP1A1 by BaP further accelerated the lipid peroxidation in OA-treated HepG2 cells. These observations reveal a regulatory role of CYP1A1 in liver lipid peroxidation and imply CYP1A1 as a potential therapeutic target.

Biochemistry (Moscow). 2018;83(5):595-602
pages 595-602 views

Downregulation of LINC00894-002 Contributes to Tamoxifen Resistance by Enhancing the TGF-β Signaling Pathway

Wang M., Sun H., Zhu T., Wang X., Zhang X.


Tamoxifen is a widely used personalized medicine for estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer, but approximately 30% of patients receiving the treatment relapse due to tamoxifen resistance (TamR). Recently, several reports have linked lncRNAs to cancer drug resistance. However, the role of lncRNAs in TamR is unclear. To identify TamR-related lncRNAs, we first used a bioinformatic approach to predict whether they have connection with known TamR-associated genes by starBase v2.0 and divided them into two groups. Group A contains lncRNAs that connect with known TamR genes and group B contains lncRNAs that show no predicted interaction. Among the 12 lncRNAs in group A, 58.3% of them are either up- or downregulated in MCF-7/TamR cells compared to the sensitive cells. In contrast, the expression levels of all group B lncRNAs are not changed in MCF-7/TamR cells. LINC00894-002 exhibits the most sophisticated network pattern and is the most downregulated lncRNA in MCF-7/TamR cells. Moreover, we find that LINC00894-002 is directly upregulated by ERα. Knocking down LINC00894-002 downregulates expression of miR-200a-3p and miR-200b-3p, upregulates the expression of TGF-β2 and ZEB1, and finally contributes to TamR. Herein, we report the first case of an inhibitory lncRNA against TamR through the miR-200-TGF-β2-ZEB1 signaling pathway.

Biochemistry (Moscow). 2018;83(5):603-611
pages 603-611 views

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