Thrust Control for Aircraft Landing on a Carrier




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This paper considers aircraft landing on a carrier. We propose two schemes for calculating, first, the probability of a go-around due to disengaging the arresting gear and, second, the maximum descent of the aircraft’s trajectory with respect to the deck level immediately after leaving the deck. The instant to increase the aircraft’s thrust before touching the deck is a control parameter affecting these characteristics. The requirements imposed on the probability of a go-around and the maximum descent of the aircraft’s trajectory allow determining an admissible range for the thrust increase instant. Numerical results are presented for a real aircraft landing on a real carrier.


C. Semakov

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI)

Dolgoprudny, Moscow oblast, Russia; Moscow, Russia

M. Semakova

Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation

Moscow, Russia


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