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Important: If your article is accepted, and you send a revised or final version, please do not resubmit the article, but use this procedure. Otherwise, editorial work with the article significantly slows down. Authors are not charged for publications.


General requirements

  1. The journal accepts articles written in Russian and English. Articles are subsequently translated into English for publication in the English version of the journal, Automation and Remote Control.

  2. Only open research results are considered for publication. The editorial board is entitled to request the authors to provide an expert opinion on the possibility of publication in the open press.

  3. The article should correspond to the journal publication ethics. In particular, the article should not contain borrowings without indicating the sources. All incoming articles the editorial office checks for plagiarism with the help of the service provided by the platform elibrary.ru. In case of plagiarism, the editorial board reserves the right to inform the general public.

  4. For the initial presentation, the article as a file in the format pdf (exclusively) is uploaded to the Mathnet editorial system on the page http://www.mathnet.ru/php/esubmission.phtml?jrnid=at&wshow=snote (link "Submit a manuscript" on the journal page). Please note that all metadata should be filled in.

    For more information about article submission, see technical requirements.


Title page of an article

  1. Full names of the co-authors, indicating their degree, affiliation(s), and e-mail address (for each of the co-authors).

  2. Article title.

  3. Article abstract as a separate paragraph of up to 100 words, designed for a wide range of readers and accurately and fully reflecting the scientific essence of the article.

  4. 3-10 keywords as a separate paragraph.

The length of the article (excluding reviews) should not exceed 16 pages (12pt font at double interval), including the appendix, the literature list, tables, and figures.


Article structure

  1. The article should begin with an introduction, which includes the substantive formulation of the question addressed in the article, a brief history of the problem, and an explanation of where and when this problem arises in the solution of control tasks. If the problem is one of analyzing some mathematical model, it should be explained how this model flows from the content of the problem.

  2. The main text of the article gives a mathematical statement of the problem; formulated statements and obtained results should be described and explained in detail, and all the necessary evidence should be put in the Appendix.

    The rarely used special terms and designations need to be clarified. It is highly undesirable to use abbreviations (except for a very limited number of common ones).

    The article should be written using terminology specific to the field of knowledge covered by the article.

    In order to avoid terminological distortions when translating the article into English, authors are advised to attach to the article a list of the most accurate (within the scientific direction to which the article refers) English-language equivalents for the special terms used.

  3. The final part of the article (section «Conclusions») should contain a discussion of the obtained results, methods of application, and technical (or applied) direction.

  4. The "Acknowledgements" section, if necessary, should be placed between the "Conclusions" section and the list of literature; the "Acknowledgements" section does not allow the inclusion of information on financial support for the research. Financial support is reported as a note on the first page of the article.

  5. If additional material with all the input data for the description of the study is available, a public link to this material should be provided in the "Appendix" section.

  6. It is recommended that the article be divided into numbered sections with titles that correctly and fully reflect their content.


Formula design

The formula numbers are shown on the left in parentheses. If the number of numbered formulas is more than 20, double numbering is allowed (the first digit is the number of the section, and the second is the number of the formula within the section; for example, (3.2) is the second formula of the third section).

The letter «П» is added to the numbers of formulas in the Appendix; for example (П.2), the second formula in the Appendix.

Do not number formulas that are not referenced in the text of the article or in the Appendix.


Tables and figures design

The table rows and columns' names, and the header should be short but not abbreviated.

All bulky inscriptions in the figures should be replaced by numbers or letters and their explanations put in the text of the article or in the signature of the figure.


Reference style

The list of references should follow the standard adopted in the journal (see examples). Works in the list of references are numbered strictly in the order of their mention in the text of the article. Links to electronic publications are allowed. For articles having DOI, it is advisable to specify it immediately after the reference to the article. 



  1. Pontryagin L.S. Differential equations. М.: Fizmatgiz, 1961.
  2. Theory of automatic control. Part I. Theory of linear system control. / Ed. by А.А. Voronov. М.: High School, 1986.
  3. Gelenbe E., Mitrani I. Analysis and Synthesis of Computer Systems. London: Academic Press, 1980.

Journal articles:

  1. Zemlyakov S.D., Rutkovskii V. Yu. Functional controllability and customizability of coordinate parameter control systems // ARC. 1986. No. 2. P. 21-30.
  2. McLean D., Al-Khatib К. An Analytical Redundancy Scheme for Flight Control Systems // Aeron. J. 1985. V. 89. No. 889. P. 353-361. DOI: 10.1017/S0001924000050880

Conference proceedings:

  1. Desai М., Ray A. A Fault Detection and Isolation Methodology. Theory and Application // American Control Conference. San Diego, USA, 1984. P. 262-270. DOI: 10.23919/ACC.1984.4788387

Preprint, report, thesis etc.:

  1. Glumov V.M., Gorbatenkov V.B., Krutova I.N., Khristenko G.S. Structure and software unit identification of flight control systems. Preprint. М.: ICS RAS, 1989.
  2. Shmelev V.V. Method of exact penalty functions for solving linear and integer linear programming problems. М., 1988. Dep. VINITI 9.03.1988, No.1904-B88.


Additional material and information

Information about authors of the article should contain:

  1. Full name, affiliation, position, scientific degree, and scientific title in Russian and English,
  2. phone numbers, e-mails and post addresses,
  3. article title, abstract and keywords in Russian and English
  4. the most appropriate section of the journal.

In addition, the authors must attach two signed copies of License agreement.


Carefully check the article for compliance with these rules before sending the manuscript to the editorial system and technical requirements! Failure to do so may be a reason for rejecting the article.


After acceptance

When accepting an article to publish, the author is sent a manuscript of the article with comments by scientific and literary editors. The corrected electronic version of the article is considered to be final (the tex-file must correspond to the pdf-file). It is not allowed to make meaningful changes to the text of the article at this stage. Correction of the article is not sent to the author.

The publication is accompanied by an indication of the date of article submission to the editorial office (in case of revision the submission date is changed) and the date of acceptance of the article for printing.

The article should be prepared exclusively in LaTeX format using journal template (current template, updated in 2023). The article is sent to redacsia@ipu.ru, the e-mail of the editorial office. The figures are presented as separate files in graphic formats bmp, png, or eps with the obligatory indication in the file name of the number of the figure and the author’s Latin name.




  • Integrity. The authors are fully responsible for the reliability of the results presented. Provisions and results should be considered from all sides, without hiding possible shortcomings, inconsistencies, etc.

  • Originality. The authors guarantee that the work is original, has not been published before and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere and in any other language. By agreement with the Editorial Board it is possible to publish previously published papers in extended form at conferences. In such a case, this fact should be explicitly stated in the article itself.

  • Honesty. Plagiarism (including incorrect borrowings), manipulation of references, falsification of data, results, illustrations or graphs are inadmissible. In case of detection of such events in the published articles, the editorial board reserves the right to take appropriate measures, up to the withdrawal (retraction) of the article.

  • Reproducibility. The article should clearly and accurately describe the course and methods of research for verification and reproducibility. This is especially true for the origin of the source materials and data sets.

  • Citation. New findings should be described in the context of previous research. Authors should accurately and fully cite related work, both their own and that of other authors, maintaining balance. If citations are used from the text of any source, they should be cited in the original language.

  • Conflict of Interest. Authors are obliged to notify the journal editorial board about possible conflicts of interest related to their submitted article. For example, members of the editorial board are obliged to indicate this fact in case they are the authors of an article submitted to the journal.

  • Authorship. The list of authors includes all those and only those persons who fulfil the criteria of authorship, i.e. who have made a substantial contribution to the work. It is inadmissible to include "guest" and "gift" authors or to exclude persons who have made a substantial contribution (e.g., to the calculations), i.e., inadmissible:

    • "guest" authors - those who do not fulfil the accepted criteria for authorship but are listed because of their position, reputation or expected influence,
    • "gift" authors - those who do not meet the accepted criteria for authorship but are listed as a personal favour or for payment,
    • "ghost" authors - those who fulfil the accepted criteria for authorship but are not listed as co-authors.


Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the Publisher exclusive license to first publication.
  2. Authors are able to distribute the manuscript and/or the article in accordance with Self-Archiving policy of the journal (see details).
  3. The manuscript can be accepted for publication only by decision of the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial board of the journal in accordance with the Manuscript stelection policy of the journal (see details).
  4. Published Article will be distributed in print and electronic version and will be available online by Subscription or in Open Access at the discretion of the Publisher. 


An exclusive license for publication granted by authors allows the publisher to use the article in the following ways:

  • the reproduction of the Article, as well as the metadata of the Article, in any material form, including on paper and/or electronic media as a separate work and/or as part of the Journal, and/or as part of the Licensee's and/or other parties' databases, at the Licensee's discretion;

  • the dissemination of copies of the Article, as well as the metadata of the Article, or any other disposal of its original or copies, including on paper and/or electronic media as a separate work and/or as part of the Journal, and/or as part of the Licensee's and/or any other parties' databases, at the Licensee's discretion, including distributing or otherwise using the Article or portions (excerpts) thereof for publication in scientific, educational, technical or professional journals or other periodicals and derivative works; in printed and electronic versions of such journals, periodicals and derivative works in all media and formats now existing and which may arise in the future;

  • making the Article available to the public in a way that any person may gain access to the Article from any place and at any time out of preference;

  • reprocessing of the Article by translating it into any languages at the Licensee's option, and using the reprocessed (translated) Article in the above ways.

Other rights not directly transferred to the publisher under this License Agreement, including patent rights to any process, method etc., described by the Authors in the manuscript, as well as trademark rights, are reserved for the Authors.


All the Copyright statements for authors are present in the Standart Publishing Agreement to Publish an Article. The Agreement filled in and signed by authors should be upload to the Publisher within the all other files accompainged a manuscript when submitting.
