Control of Set of System Parameter Values by the Ant Colony Method

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The paper considers the modification and application of the ant colony method for the problem of directed enumeration of the values of system parameters when performing calculated multiple calculations. Interaction with the user makes it possible to stop the process of exhaustive enumeration of sets of parameter values, and the application of a modification of the ant colony method will allow us to consider rational sets at early iterations. If the user does not terminate the algorithm, then the proposed modifications allow one to enumerate all solutions using the ant colony method. To modify the ant colony method, a new probabilistic formula and various algorithms of the ant colony method are proposed, allowing for each agent to find a new set of parameter values. The optimal algorithm, according to the research results, is the use of repeated endless cyclic search for a new solution. This modification allows you to consider all solutions, and at the same time, find all the optimal solutions among the first 5% of the considered solutions.

About the authors

I. N. Sinitsyn

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Federal Research Center for Computer Science and Control, Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, Russia; Moscow, Russia

Yu. P. Titov

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Federal Research Center for Computer Science and Control, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Moscow, Russia; Moscow, Russia


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