Turbulent Exchange in Unsteady Air-Sea Interaction at Small and Submesoscales

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An adequate description of the interaction between the atmosphere and ocean remains one of the most important problems of modern oceanology and climatology. An extremely wide variety of physical processes occurring in the coupled layers, a large range of scales, a moving boundary, all this factors significantly complicates the creation of models that would allow calculating the physical characteristics in both media with the necessary accuracy. In this paper the temporal variability of dynamic parameters in the driving layer of the atmosphere and in the near-surface layer of the sea on small and sub-mesoscales from one to several tens of hours is considered. The collected experimental data show a very high correlation between the dynamic wind speed and turbulence intensity in the upper sea layer on all scales recorded. An important distinguishing feature of all measured physical quantities in both media is the presence of quasi-periodic oscillations with different periods. For a more accurate description of momentum and energy fluxes from the atmosphere a non-stationary model of turbulent exchange in the near-surface layer of the sea is proposed. The model takes into account quasi-periodicity in the intensity of dynamic interaction between the atmosphere and the sea at these scales. In the model we use the equations of momentum and turbulent energy balance, the system of equations is solved numerically, the calculation results are compared with other models and with experimental data. It is shown that taking into account the non-stationarity of the wind strain improves the correspondence between the calculations and the experimental data. It is noted that in the nonstationary case, the energy and momentum flux from the atmosphere and the turbulence intensity increases compared to the action of a constant average wind of the same duration. Therefore, the strong averaging often used in global models may markedly underestimate the intensity of the dynamic interaction between the atmosphere and ocean.

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About the authors

A. M. Chukharev

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: alexchukh@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Kapitanskaya str., 2, Sevastopol, 299011

M. I. Pavlov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: alexchukh@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Kapitanskaya str., 2, Sevastopol, 299011


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. An example of a change in the average scale of turbulent energy, normalized to the maximum value, in the boundary layers of the atmosphere and the sea on June 15-16, 2007: dynamic velocity in the air and the rms vertical pulsation velocity wf at a depth of 1 m, processed by an upper-pass filter with a threshold frequency of 1 Hz.

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3. Fig. 2. Histogram of the distribution of the detected periodicities in the boundary layers of the atmosphere and the sea. – dynamic velocity in the air; wrms – RMS vertical velocity pulsations in water; Ud – flow velocity. Measurements were carried out in June 2005 and in June 2007 in the area of the oceanographic platform in Katsiveli.

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4. Fig. 3. Global spectra of dynamic velocity in air and filtered RMS vertical pulsation velocity at a depth of 1 m, calculated using wavelet analysis. The data were averaged over 5 minutes, measurements were performed on June 17-18, 2007.

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5. Fig. 4. The rate of dissipation of turbulent energy: experimental data and model calculations. The dots represent the experimental data; K&al. – model [Kudryavtsev et al., 2008]; Multisc – multiscale model [Chukharev, 2013]; NS stat – non–stationary model, V10 - wind speed at an altitude of 10 m, HS – height of significant waves, fp – frequency of the spectral peak of the wave.

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6. Fig. 5. Model variation of the longitudinal component of the drift velocity.

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7. Fig. 6. Model calculation of the change in the pulse flow in depth over time with periodic exposure to tangential wind stress on the sea surface (thick solid line) and with constant wind (thin marked line). Time step 0.5 h.

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8. Fig. 7. Differences in the rate of dissipation in model calculations with constant and variable effects of wind on the sea surface of the same duration. The points are experimental values, NS is a nonstationary model with constant (stat) and variable (unsteady) pulse flow on the surface. The measurements were performed on October 16, 2009 (a) and September 21, 2015 (b).

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