About Height of the Surface Air Layer by Sodar Data

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Average empirical estimations of the surface air layer height in Moscow have been received by the data of long-term acoustic remote sensing of the atmosphere using MODOS Doppler sodar of METEK (Germany) production. Based on the assumption that the average conditions are close to neutral stratification, this height, as the top of the quasi-linear section of the average long-term wind velocity profile in semi-logarithmic coordinates, is 40–60 m. The wind rotation height, i. e. the height of intersection of day and night wind profiles is on average 95 meters per year. The roughness length in conditions of loose but high urban development in vicinity of Moscow State University in Moscow is 5 m.

According to the criterion of the constant wind direction in the surface air layer, its height appears in the average monthly wind direction profiles over the “dead zone” of the sodar (40 m) in approximately one case out of three and usually amounts to 60 m, less often 80 or 100 m. In the rest cases, it is apparently masked by “dead zone”. The average height of the surface layer according to this approach is probably a little less than 50 m, which is close to the estimate obtained from the logarithmic distribution of wind velocity with height in this layer. The daily course of the surface air layer height is noted by the largest values in the afternoon (80–100 m in summer under conditions of prevailing unstable stratification and 60–80 m in winter) and the smallest ones (less than 40 m) in the late evening and at night in summer and from evening to noon in winter.

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About the authors

M. A. Lokoshchenko

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: loko@geogr.msu.su

географический факультет

Russian Federation, Leninskie Gory, 1, Moscow, 119992


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The MODOS Doppler radar antenna system (left) and an anemometric tower with wind sensors (right) at the Moscow State University Meteorological Observatory. The arrows show anemometers at two heights.

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3. Fig. 2. Wind velocity profile in the layer from 7 to 440 m according to the MODOS Doppler radar and contact measurements on average for 2004-2012 at the Moscow State University Meteorological Observatory. Confidence intervals are calculated with a confidence probability of 0.95.

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4. Fig. 3. Profiles of wind direction according to the radar data on average for individual months of sounding. Confidence intervals are calculated with a significance level of 5%.

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