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编号 1 (2023)



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Impulse Transfer Matrix of a Time-Varying System of Differential-Algebraic Equations

Shcheglova A.


A range of issues related to the impulse transfer matrix of a system of linear differential-algebraic equations is considered. For systems with infinitely differentiable coefficients, it is shown that this matrix can be represented as the sum of the impulse transfer matrices of its differential and algebraic subsystems. A form of a nondegenerate change of variables is found, which does not affect the form of the impulse transfer matrix. It is proposed to search for realizations of this matrix in the class of differential-algebraic equations of index 1 with separated differential and algebraic components. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the realizability of an impulse transfer matrix in the class of algebraic systems are obtained. The problem of construction methods and the dimension of minimal realizations of such a matrix is discussed under various assumptions.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(1):3-17
pages 3-17 views

Synthesis of Parameters of Proportionally-Integral and Proportionally-Integral-Differential Controllers for Stationary Linear Objects with Nonzero Initial Conditions

Shatov D.


The problem of the synthesis of proportional-integrating (PI) and proportional-integral-differentiating (PID) controllers in a nonstandard formulation is considered. For a linear one-dimensional control object with nonzero initial conditions, it is required to find a controller that is optimal in the sense of a quadratic functional of the state of the object with a regularization additive in control. The synthesis procedure is a solution of the corresponding quadratic optimization problem using a method similar to the conjugate gradient method (the direction at each step is calculated by the conjugate gradient method, and the step length is calculated by the Armijo rule). Numerical examples illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in the synthesis of controllers for models of control objects that are common in practice.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(1):18-27
pages 18-27 views


Optimum Complexing of Measurements when Maintaining a Maneuvering Object in Statistically Uncertain Situations

Detkov A.


The problem of synthesizing optimal and quasi-optimal algorithms for complex information processing is solved using the methods of Markov theory for estimating random processes when maintaining a maneuvering object and two-channel vector observation with violations in statistically uncertain situations. The problem is solved in relation to a discrete-continuous Markov process for the case when its continuous part is a vector Markov sequence, and the discrete part is characterized by a three-component discrete Markov process, each component of which is described by a Markov chain to several positions. A block diagram of quasi-optimal complex information processing is given. Using a simple example, simulation modeling shows the performance of a quasi-optimal algorithm in statistically uncertain situations.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(1):28-43
pages 28-43 views


Recovery of Aircraft Motion Parameters Using the Optimal Control Algorithms

Korsun O., Stulovsky A.


A method for solving the signal recovery problem based on a direct search for the optimal program control is considered. It is based on the parameterization of the desired signals and finding a solution by numerical optimization in a finite-dimensional space using any genetic or population algorithm. In order to check the efficiency of the method, the problem of finding the angular velocities and orientation angles of the aircraft from the data available onboard in the absence of direct measurements is given. Different variants of signal parameterization are compared based on Hermitian cubic splines.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(1):44-55
pages 44-55 views


Optimal Control of Systems with Distributed Parameters Under the Interval Uncertainty of an Object’s Characteristics

Pleshivtseva Y., Rapoport E.


A constructive method is proposed for solving a linear-quadratic problem of the robust optimization of spatiotemporal control actions in systems with distributed parabolic parameters under conditions of interval uncertainty of the time-invariant parametric characteristics of an object. In accordance with the control strategy according to the principle of the best guaranteed result, the assessment of achievable target sets of the controlled system is carried out according to the accuracy of uniform approximation to the required final state on an extended set of arguments, which includes, in addition to spatial variables, the entire admissible set of uncertain factors. The developed approach is based on the previously developed alternance method for constructing parameterizable program control algorithms, which extends the results of the theory of nonlinear Chebyshev approximations to a wide range of optimization problems and uses the fundamental laws of the subject area. It is shown that the proposed equations of optimal controllers, which are reduced to linear feedback laws on the measured state of the object with nonstationary transmission coefficients, lead to achievable values of the optimality criteria that do not exceed their upper bounds under the considered uncertainty conditions

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(1):56-71
pages 56-71 views


Organization of the Control Subsystem in Real-Time Computing Systems

Furugyan M.


The problem of the optimal arrangement of control modules in a real-time computing system is considered. This problem is formulated as a minimax problem. Various structures of the graph of the partial execution order of applied modules are studied: a sequential chain, several independent sequential chains, a tree oriented from the root to the leaves, a tree oriented from the leaves to the root, and an arbitrary graph without cycles. Algorithms for constructing the optimal arrangement of control modules are developed.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(1):72-81
pages 72-81 views

Comparison of Methods of Organization and Management Efficiency in Dynamic Models of Cournot Oligopoly

Korolev A., Kotova M., Ugolnitsky G.


Nash and Stackelberg equilibria and cooperative solutions for dynamic game-theoretic Cournot oligopoly models in normal form with inhomogeneous agents are found analytically. Cooperative game-theoretic Cournot oligopoly models of three persons in the form of the von Neumann–Morgenstern and Gromova–Petrosyan characteristic functions are studied, including the calculation of the Shapley vector. A comparative analysis of the payoffs of agents, according to the solutions obtained, is carried out for games in normal form and in the form of a characteristic function.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(1):82-105
pages 82-105 views

Decomposition of a Decision-Making Problem Into Levels of Preference of the Majority Graph

Smerchinskaya S., Yashina N.


Decision-making problems with a large number of alternatives are considered. It is proposed to preliminarily narrow the initial set of alternatives, excluding the obviously worse options. For this purpose, the decomposition of the original problem into preference levels of the majority graph is carried out. Graph levels containing the least preferred alternatives are removed. An algorithm for constructing an aggregated full quasi-order for ordering the set of best alternatives is developed. Majority graph preference levels are used to rank alternatives using Hamiltonian paths in a digraph. An algorithm for finding Hamiltonian paths in a digraph is proposed by raising the adjacency matrix to a power. An applied problem of ordering drone models using an algorithm for constructing a complete quasi-order is presented.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(1):106-122
pages 106-122 views

Multi-Agent Dynamic Model of the Multi-Criteria Information Interaction of Structural Elements of a Self-Organizing Data Transmission Network of a Ground-Air Monitoring System

Borodin V., Kletskov D., Timoshenko A., Shchevtsov V.


An analytical model of the interaction of information between the structural elements of a monitoring system is presented, taking into account the dynamics of information exchange during its decentralized functioning based on a multi-agent approach within the framework of formation of a coalition of subscriber terminals. The relevance of the development of this model is due to the complexity and spatial distribution of modern information systems. The scientific novelty of the considered model lies in the study of a variety of strategies for managing the subscriber terminals (agents) of a decentralized transmission network, given in a logical-linguistic and set-theoretic form, analytical expressions for indicators of reciprocity and cognitive dissonance, which arise from the impact of destructive factors on the structural elements of a multi-level network of data transmission. The application of the developed model, in contrast to existing ones, makes it possible to study data-transmission networks of this type in terms of the stability of information interaction between structural elements at different time intervals in the absence of a single control center.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(1):123-136
pages 123-136 views


Solution of Problems According to Precedent in Knowledge Bases of Tactical Onboard Intelligent Systems During the Mission Phases of a Moving Object

Fedunov B.


The solution of the problem according to precedent is possible if the experience of solving similar problems (precedents) is accumulated. Subject-independent structures of the experimental knowledge matrix containing information on precedents and the procedural knowledge matrix used to solve the problem are presented. An example of a solution based on the precedent of a problem that arose onboard a passenger aircraft in the situation “Aircraft takeoff after an interrupted run on the runway—the task “Where to fly after takeoff?” is given.”

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(1):137-147
pages 137-147 views


Method for Aligning Instrument and Related Coordinate Systems on Aircraft

Lisitsyn V., Obrosov K., Sebryakov G.


A method is proposed for coordinating the instrumental coordinate systems of different posts of the optical-electronic system of aircraft with each other and with the inertial navigation system. The method does not require preflight preparation and is based on processing video information streams generated by thermal imaging and television channels of the optoelectronic system and using information from inertial navigational and radar systems when performing special maneuvers. Theoretical analysis of the accuracy and modeling showed the potential benefits of the proposed method.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(1):148-163
pages 148-163 views


Organizing the Rotation of the Body of a Vibration Robot Around the Vertical

Garbuz M., Dosaev M., Samsonov V.


The movement of a vibrating robot, consisting of a body, two homogeneous flywheels, and an unbalance, is considered. A mathematical model of plane-parallel motion is constructed. The principal possibility of unbalance control, which results in the rotation of the robot in the horizontal plane, is shown. The dependences of the body’s rotation angle on the system’s parameters are described. The conditions for a complete stop of the body after rotation are determined. The displacement of the body from the initial position is analyzed.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(1):164-176
pages 164-176 views