Operational Absolutely Optimal Dynamic Control of the Stochastic Differential Plant’s State by Its Output



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The problem of synthesizing the average-optimal control law for a dynamic plant subject to random disturbances, if its state variables are measured partially or with random errors, is considered. Using the method of a posteriori sufficient coordinates (SCs), the complexity of constructing the well-known interval-optimal Mortensen controller is described and a much simpler algorithm for finding its operational-optimal analog is obtained. The new controller does not require the solution of the corresponding Bellman equation in inverse time, since it is optimal in the sense of a time-varying criterion. This makes it possible to disregard information about the future behavior of the object and reduces the procedure for finding the dependence of a control on sufficient coordinates to direct-time integration of the Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equation and to solving a problem of parametric nonlinear programming. The application of the obtained algorithm is demonstrated by the example of a linear-quadratic-Gaussian problem, as a result of which a new operational version of the well-known separation theorem is formulated. It represents a stochastic control device as a combination of a linear Kalman–Bucy filter and a linear operational-optimal positional controller. The latter differs from the traditional interval-optimal controller by the well-known gain and does not require the solution of the corresponding matrix Riccati equation in inverse time

Sobre autores

E. Rudenko

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 125080, Moscow, Russia

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Email: rudenkoevg@yandex.ru
Россия, Москва


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Declaração de direitos autorais © Е.А. Руденко, 2023

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