Methods for Investigations the Biologically Active Forms of Si in Soil, Plants and Agrochemicals



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A set of methods for determining the active forms of silicon – monomers and polymers of silicic acid – in the soil–plant system is described in order to assess the silicon state of soils, the level of plant availability of silicon, as well as to assess the potential effectiveness of solid silicon-containing compounds as a source of bioavailable silicon. The parameter “active silicon” proposed to characterize the availability of bioavailable silicon in soils includes actual silicon, i.e. the content of monosilicon acid present in the soil solution at the moment, and “potential silicon” – monosilicon acid, which can pass into the soil solution from the solid phase. Based on the “active silicon” parameter, a classification of soils has been developed depending on the level of bioactive silicon deficiency.

Sobre autores

Е. Bocharnikova

All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Phytopathology

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Russia, 143050, Moscow region, Odintsovo district, r.p. Bolshye , ul. Institute, pos. 5

V. Matichenkov

Institute of Fundamental Problems of Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 142290, Moscow region, Pushchino, Institutskaya str., 2


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