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卷 55, 编号 8 (2019)


Amplitude Delta Factors and Phase Shifts of Tidal Waves for the Earth with the Ocean on the Territory of Russia

Spiridonov E., Vinogradova O.


The results of the calculation of the amplitude delta factors and phase shifts of semidiurnal and diurnal tidal waves for a rotating self-gravitating ellipsoidal inelastic Earth with the ocean are presented, and the method used to calculate them is briefly described. The maps of distribution of the considered tidal parameters are constructed for the M2 and K1 waves over the territory of Russia; the zones with extreme and generally accepted values are identified. A discussion of the revealed features of the distribution of the amplitude factors and phase shifts on the territory of the Russian Federation is presented.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(8):793-803
pages 793-803 views

Characteristics of the Short-Period S-Wave Attenuation Field in the Source Zone of the Strongest Tohoku Earthquake of March 11, 2011 (Mw = 9.0)

Kopnichev Y., Sokolova I.


The characteristics of the short-period S-wave attenuation field in the source zone of the strongest Tohoku earthquake of March 11, 2011 in the northeast of Japan are considered (Mw = 9.0). The records of shallow local earthquakes obtained by the MAJO station at distances of 250 to 700 km are processed. A method based on the analysis of the ratio of the maximum amplitudes of the Sn and Pn waves (the Sn/Pn parameter) is used. The source zone is divided into four regions bounded by coordinates 36°–37°, 37°–38°, 38°–39°, and 39°–40°18′ N; and 140°30ʹ–145° E. It is established that all the regions contain segments of a rapid decrease in the Sn/Pn values, which are followed by segments of their sharp growth at small epicentral distances in all the areas. Another segment of rapid decrease in the Sn/Pn parameter is identified in all regions at relatively large distances. It is assumed that the first segments of rapid decrease in the Sn/Pn values are related to the gradual sinking of the S-wave rays in the mantle wedge. In this case, the minimum values of the parameter correspond to rays partly moving along the foot of this wedge. Such an effect is explained by the fact that the biggest content of the deep-seated fluids ascending due to the dehydration of the oceanic crust rocks correspond to the bottom of the mantle wedge. The segments of a sharp increase in the Sn/Pn values are likely to correspond to the propagation of rays within the upper part of the plate characterized by very weak attenuation. The second segments of the rapid decrease in the Sn/Pn parameter are related to the ray penetration into the waveguide formed in the bottom part of the plate formed as a result of the dehydration of the mantle rocks. The mean values Sn/Pn(Δ) in the four areas are much lower than in the source zone of the strongest Maule earthquake of February 27, 2010 (Chile, Mw = 8.8). This effect agrees with the earlier assumption about the larger fluid content in the subduction zones in the west of the Pacific Ocean compared to the east. Furthermore, this allows us to explain the features of the aftershock processes in these two enormous regions of the Pacific Ring.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(8):804-815
pages 804-815 views

Relationship of the Vp/Vs Parameter with the State of the Magmatic Substance and Activity of the Northern Group of Volcanoes in Kamchatka

Slavina L., Kuchai M., Likhodeev D., Senyukov S.


The dynamics of the volcanic activity, magmatic feeding system, accumulation, movement, and composition of magmas, and structure of the roots of the Northern group of volcanoes (NGV) in Kamchatka are considered. The results of monitoring the field of the ratio of seismic P- and S-wave velocities, the VP/VS parameter in the region of the Klyuchevskaya volcanic group based on the data of the volcanic earthquakes registered by a network of telemetric seismic stations are presented. The parameter changes in space and time during the periods of volcanic activity development. Each segment of the volcanic structure and period of activity is characterized by the own behavior of the field of VP/VS values. In the intermediate magmatic chamber, low VP/VS values are observed beneath the Klyuchevskoi volcano at a depth of 8 to 10 km and beneath Plosky Tolbachik at a depth of 3 to 5 km, which is related to the state of the substance and temperature in these areas, and the entry of a new melt portion of magma and the fluid-gas component from the crust and the mantle. The relation of volcanic earthquakes and earthquakes in the focal zone of Kamchatka, i.e., the ratio of the subduction zone (the sinking Pacific Ocean Plate) and the feeding source of volcanoes, is considered. It is shown that the Klyuchevskoi peripheral chamber is not the only area feeding the NGV. According to the values of the VP/VS parameter, the volcanoes have different magma compositions, which is determined by the physicochemical and temperature features of the medium. In our opinion, the feeding area of volcanoes from the Northern group is a neutral layer that we have identified.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(8):816-839
pages 816-839 views

A Volcano in the Alps?

Ioganson L.


This paper analyzes the article published in Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedomosti (SPV) and a number of foreign studies addressing the natural cataclysm that occurred in Savoy (Western Alps) in 1751 and was recognized by witnesses as a volcanic eruption. This event was observed by V. Donati, a famous natural sc-ientist of the 18th century, and described by H.B. de Saussure, a prominent researcher of the Alps. Other evidence of similar phenomena in the Alps is presented from the historical data. It is suggested that a special type of explosive eruption, not accompanied by lava pouring out but still very dangerous may occur in the Alps.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(8):840-845
pages 840-845 views

Holocenic Geological and Seismic Activity of the Fault System in Northeastern Bulgaria by the Complex of Geological-Geomorphological and Archeoseismological Methods

Rogozhin E., Gorbatikov A., Stepanova M., Kharazova Y., Dimitrov O., Ovsyuchenko A., Korzhenkov A., Strelnikov A.


The structure of the fault system of northeastern Bulgaria and, in particular, of the Intramoesian fault, is examined in order to assess their current activity. The Intramoesian fault and its branch disjunctives have not been sufficiently studied from the geological-geomorphological and seismological points of view. The authors conduct a complex of geophysical investigations and obtain an idea of their deep structure. The system of these faults is a key element in solving the problem of assessing the seismic hazard of the region, since recent studies of this territory indicate the existence of traces of relatively young seismotectonic processes. There is also an opinion that the zone of the two Intramoesian faults disturbs the eastern part of the tectonic plate, which is subducted under the Carpathian fold system in the region of the Vrancea Mountains. The results of the field study of the southeastern Bulgarian part of these fault systems by a complex of geological-geomorphological, paleoseismological, and archeoseismological methods are presented. The zone of the Intramoesian fault is structurally segmented and the features of its intersection with the disjunctives of another structural orientation are revealed based on this. The data that determine the degree of its geological and seismic activity are discussed.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(8):846-859
pages 846-859 views

Lake Sevan (Armenia) Deposits as Indicator of Paleoclimate and Neotectonic Processes

Gorbatov E., Vardanyan A., Korzhenkov A., Razumniy S.


The history of lacustrine sedimentation in the Sevan depression is traced. The potential of using lacustrine sediments for the analysis of paleoclimate and neotectonic development of the region is shown. The long-term preservation of the lacustrine regime in the Sevan depression is mainly due to large lava flows that repeatedly create dams in the northwestern part of the depression. A coupled analysis of three dated sections of sediments near the coast of Lake Sevan (Dzknaget, Norashen, and Argichi) shows that the main factor determining the lake level fluctuations in the Holocene is the climate: the alternation of eras with varying moisture amounts. Transgression periods are characterized by the accumulation of shallow–lake and beach facies and regression periods are characterized by alluvial and subaerial technogenic (cultural layers) facies. Holocene sediments of Lake Sevan contain synchronous transgressions of the Subarctic, Atlantic and Sub-Atlantic periods and regressions of the Boreal and Subboreal periods. The transgression periods are associated with climate moistening and the development of tree–shrub vegetation in its watershed area, and the regressions correspond to epochs of a decrease in humidity and a reduction of this type of vegetation. The minimum lacustrine sedimentation rates are typical for beach facies that are remote from river mouths (0.1–0.3 mm/year), and the maximum values are typical for delta facies (0.7–1.5 mm/year). The results can be used to analyze and forecast long-term trends in the development of the natural environment in the watershed area of Lake Sevan and changes in its level.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(8):860-869
pages 860-869 views

Seismic Activation in the Eastern Part of the Southern Slope of the Great Caucasus in the Late XX to Early XXI Centuries

Yetirmishli G., Mammadli T., Rogozhin E., Sysolin A.


In this paper, we consider a series of strong earthquakes that occurred on the central and eastern segments of the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus recorded in the late XX to early XXI centuries. We present a complex analysis of seismological manifestations, based on of which the seismological and geodynamic situation of the region in the early XXI century are a generalized and interpreted.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(8):870-883
pages 870-883 views

Approximation of the High-Temperature Fire Zone Based on Terra/MODIS Data in the Problem of Subpixel Analysis

Ponomarev E., Litvintsev K., Shvetsov E., Finnikov K., Yakimov N.


In this work, an improved approach of the pixel-based analysis of the Terra/MODIS imagery is proposed. The approach allows us to improve the accuracy in estimating characteristics of the combustion zone when detecting thermal anomalies. The investigation is carried out based on the imagery of active vegetation fires in Siberian forests by the MODIS radiometer in the spectral ranges of 3930 to 3990 and 10 780 to 11 280 μm (bands 21 and 31, respectively). It is proposed to describe the approximation of the temperature profile of the fire front using an exponential function. Using the nonuniform approximation of the temperature distribution on the surface in the vicinity of the active combustion zone allows us to determine the portion of the active pixel of the Terra/MODIS image with the given temperature excess over the background temperature in it. This improves the accuracy in extracting active combustion zones and classifying the heat release rate at the subpixel level. This approach is applicable to monitoring fire development phases in the near real time mode.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(8):884-892
pages 884-892 views

Statistical Analysis of Monitoring the Results of the Radon Level and Meteorological Parameters in the Buildings of Geophysical Stations in Azerbaijan

Feyzullayev A., Aliyev C., Mardanov M., Jafarova H., Huseynov D., Baghirli R.


In this paper, we present a statistical analysis of the results of monitoring the radon content and meteorological parameters (atmospheric pressure, temperature, and humidity) in the buildings of three stationary geophysical stations in Azerbaijan (Sheki, Shamakhi, and Kurdemir) from April 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017 and the level of their interrelation. The studied database included 13 152 measurement complexes with an hourly interval. Short-term (intraday) and medium-term (intra-annual) changes in the parameters and the correlation dependence between them are considered. Radon fluctuations at various stations are generally ambiguous due to the different geological conditions at their location and the building construction. The statistical analysis of the data for the entire observation period showed a weak correlation between the radon content and climatic parameters. However, according to the monthly average values for 2017, there is a positive correlation between changes in the radon levels and the humidity in the air at all three stations during the year while, a decrease in atmospheric pressure and an increase in air temperature are accompanied by an increase in the radon concentration in the buildings of the Shamakhi and Sheki stations.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(8):893-904
pages 893-904 views

Amplitude–Frequency Characteristics of Geomagnetic Noise at Low Frequencies

Sokol-Kutylovskii O.


The features of the geomagnetic noise distribution over frequencies in different bandwidths and in the signal accumulation mode are investigated. It is shown that the amplitude of geomagnetic noise, measured by a magnetomodulation magnetometer in the passband of 0.1 to 230 Hz at the latitude of the Middle Urals in a quiet geomagnetic field can vary from 0.2 to ~2 nT from peak-to-peak, depending on the time and place of the measurement. The conditions for measuring a weak magnetic field against a background of geomagnetic noise and the limitations associated with the random nature of the changes in the amplitude of geomagnetic noise and the lack of correlation of its amplitude at various measurement points are considered. The obtained data can be used to estimate the amplitude of a weak external magnetic field, which can be recorded in an undisturbed geomagnetic field in unshielded space, which is of interest in magnetobiology and biomedicine.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(8):905-912
pages 905-912 views