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卷 52, 编号 6 (2016)


Influence of radiation and circulation factors on climate change in Western Siberia at the end of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st century

Kharyutkina E., Loginov S., Ippolitov I.


An analysis of the air-temperature and atmospheric-pressure fields in Western Siberia is performed based on observations in 1976–2014; a comparison of temperature and pressure variability in two temporal intervals, 1976–2005 and 1985–2014, is carried out. The estimation of contributions from such climate-forming factors as radiation and circulation is performed for the same intervals. It is revealed that an increase in the annual mean ground–air temperature in the investigated region of Western Siberia was still taking place in the period of 1985–2014; however, the warming process was less active than in the 1976–2005 period. Winter months play the largest role in decreasing the temperature growth rate; during these months, the warming process was replaced by a cooling one in the second time interval. It is shown that the circulation factors, that is, the mechanisms described by indices of global circulation, played the dominant role in the period from 1985 to 2014.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(6):579-586
pages 579-586 views

Flow over mountains with the stream velocity shear

Kozhevnikov V., Moiseenko K., Volkov B.


The dependence of orographic disturbances of the atmosphere on properties of the incident flow is studied within the semianalytic approach. Reducing the initial system of equations of hydrothermodynamics to a single equation for an associative stream function makes it possible to consider a class of solutions of a sufficiently general type when the background velocity of the wind and the Lyra’s scale vary with height. It is shown that the dependence of the solution on the indicated factors can be not only strong, but also sufficiently unexpected. In particular, with the monotonic growth in the wind velocity in the troposphere, which corresponds to conditions of a jet stream near the tropopause, disturbances at low and medium heights can acquire an almost resonant and waveguide nature.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(6):587-595
pages 587-595 views

Generalization of the logistic law of distribution in the statistical analysis of wind-direction dynamics

Kaplya E.


The statistical regularity in the chaotic dynamics of wind direction is established. The distribution density of the increment in a wind-direction angle is approximated by generalizing the logistic law of distribution. Parameters of the approximation function are calculated by the least square method using the experimental data. The conformity between the function proposed and the meteorological data is verified by the Pearson’s chi-squared test and the Kolmogorov test.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(6):596-601
pages 596-601 views

On the theory of convective jets and thermals in the atmosphere

Ingel L.


In traditional theoretical models of convection from isolated sources, results usually depend little on their sizes: convective jets and isolated thermals rapidly “forget” the source geometry. However, new problems in which the sizes of a source are relatively large and can significantly influence results have recently become important. These are, for example, problems of the dynamics of intensive methane emissions of geologic origin. The paper generalizes some well-known integral models of thermals and jets. Although these simple schemes cannot compete with complicated numerical models in describing the spatial structure of the currents, they are shown to be able to reproduce a number of important numerical results rather well (the height and time of the rise of convective elements) and, moreover, to find clear physical laws and determine explicit dependences on parameters of the problem.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(6):602-605
pages 602-605 views

Estimating the parameters of pulsed sources from data on acoustic waves recorded in the atmosphere

Mishenin A., Kosyakov S., Kulichkov S.


The possibility of estimating the parameters of surface pulsed sources from data on acoustic waves recorded in the atmosphere is studied. Experimental values are given for peak pressure P+ of recorded acoustic signals, wave-profile area S+ in their positive phase, and length t+ of this phase, and the approximations of these parameters are obtained within wide ranges of source energy 10–3 < E < 1010 kg TNT and scaled distances 1 < R/E1/3 < 4 × 104 m/kg1/3. Conventional methods of estimating the acoustic energy E according to data obtained from acoustic measurements in the atmosphere are analyzed, and ways to improve their accuracy are proposed. The influence of the type of explosions on the parameters P+, S+, and t+ of acoustic signals at long distances R/E1/3 > 500 m/kg1/3 from explosions is shown.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(6):606-614
pages 606-614 views

Radar studies of the distribution of the formation zones of the first radar echo of hail clouds

Inyukhin V., Kushchev S., Liev K., Makitov V.


The results of studying the regions of hail-cell formation in the North Caucasus are considered. The optimal range of the underlying surface heights for their generation is determined based on an analysis of 392 hail cells. It is shown that the majority of hail cells are formed in the zone where the heights of the underlying surface vary from 900 to 2400 m. The most favorable conditions for the formation of hail clouds are recorded in the northern slopes of the Skalistyi (Rocky) ridge. This region accumulates the main maxima of the frequency of first radar echo recording. The second group of the frequency maxima is located over the Pastbishchnyi (Pasturable) and the Lesistyi (Woody) ridges. The generalized scheme for the region under study is constructed of three zones of generation of the first radar echo of the hail cells. It is shown that approximately 70% of hail clouds are formed over submontane and mountainous regions in the central North Caucasus (zones 2 and 3). The directions of motion of hail cells are quantified for each identified zone.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(6):615-621
pages 615-621 views

Statistically average atmospheric bending angle model based on COSMIC experimental data

Gorbunov M., Shmakov A.


The retrieval of profiles of meteorological variables from radio occultation observations requires knowledge of bending angle profiles up to heights of no less than 60–70 km. Because of the residual error of the ionospheric correction, retrieved profiles become too noisy by a height of about 40 km. In order to invert the bending angle profiles, the statistical optimization is used. This makes it possible to construct an optimal linear combination of the a priori estimate of the average bending angle profile and a posteriori noisy estimate based on observations. The estimate of the average bending angle profile for the given coordinates and the time of year is usually based on the climatological atmospheric model. MSIS and CIRA models that have been used for this purpose are now obsolete and do not describe the global changes in the atmospheric state. The model of average bending angles BA–IAP (Bending Angle–Institute of Atmospheric Physics) is built based on the processing of the array of COSMIC radio occultation observations during 2006–2013. The proposed model is statistically validated based on the COSMIC database. It is shown that our model describes the average bending angle profiles more accurately than the MSIS model.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(6):622-628
pages 622-628 views

Determining places of falling of launch vehicle fragments using infrasonic observations

Asming V., Vinogradov Y., Voronin A., Fedorov A., Chigerev E., Roskin O.


A procedure for locating the places of falling of fragments of a launch vehicle (LV) by recording the infrasonic signals is presented. The algorithms for generating pipes of real trajectories of falling fragments, for calculating signal parameters (sound propagation in the atmosphere), and for comparing the theoretical and experimental parameters are examined. The ways atmospheric parameters influence calculation accuracy is estimated.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(6):629-636
pages 629-636 views

Retrieving sea-wave spectra using satellite-imagery spectra in a wide range of frequencies

Bondur V., Dulov V., Murynin A., Ignatiev V.


A method to register sea-wave spectra using optical aerospace imagery has been developed. The method is based on the use of retrieval operators both in areas of high and low spatial frequencies, including the areas of spectral maximum. The approach to adjust and validate the method developed using sea truth data obtained by string wave recorders has been suggested. This paper presents the results of using the suggested method to study sea-wave spectra using high-resolution satellite imagery for various water areas under different conditions of wave generation.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(6):637-648
pages 637-648 views

Evaluation of the heat balance constituents of the upper mixed layer in the North Atlantic

Polonsky A., Sukhonos P.


Different physical mechanisms which cause interannual and interdecadal temperature anomalies in the upper mixed layer (UML) of the North Atlantic are investigated using the data of ORA-S3 reanalysis for the period of 1959–2011. It is shown that the annual mean heat budget in UML is mainly caused by the balance between advective heat transfer and horizontal turbulent mixing (estimated as a residual term in the equation of thermal balance). The local UML temperature change and contribution from the heat fluxes on the lower boundary of the UML to the heat budget of the upper layer are insignificant for the time scale under consideration. The contribution of the heat fluxes on the upper UML boundary to the low-frequency variability of the upper layer temperature in the whole North Atlantic area is substantially less than 30%. Areas like the northwestern part of the Northern Subtropical Anticyclonic Gyre (NSAG), where their contribution exceeds 30–60%, are exceptions. The typical time scales of advective heat transfer variability are revealed. In the NSAG area, an interannual variability associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation dominates, while in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre, an interdecadal variability of advective transfers with periods of more than 30 years prevails.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(6):649-658
pages 649-658 views

Features of the atmospheric boundary layer block for three versions of the WAM wind wave model

Polnikov V., Pogarskii F.


The estimated characteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer, obtained by the simulation of wind wave fields using three versions of the WAM numerical model are compared with the well-known empirical dependences of drag coefficient Cd on wind speed U10 and wave age A, as well as with the dependence of dimensionless roughness height zn on inverse wave age u*/ср. Calculations carried out for several years in the areas of the Pacific and Indian oceans, based on the ERA-interim and CFSR wind reanalyses have shown good agreement between the model and empirical dependences Cd(U10) and Cd(A). The range of estimated variability for zn(u*/ср) has been found to be significantly less than empirical. It has been also found that estimated values of wind speed U10W(t) are overestimated from 5 to 10% in all versions of WAM models compared with the input wind reanalysis U10R(t) at the moments of appearance maximum values of wind U10R(t). The reasons for the established features of the WAM model and their dependence on the model version are discussed.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(6):659-666
pages 659-666 views