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Том 55, № 7 (2019)


Two Stages of Thermal Evolution of the Continental Lithosphere

Trubitsyn A.


The evolution of the continental lithosphere, unlike the oceanic one, lasts more than 3.5 Ga. This evolution was largely determined by thermal factors, such as the removal of heat from the Earth’s surface, the interaction of the conductive layer of the lithosphere with mantle thermal convection, and the strong dependence of the viscosity of the upper layers of the Earth on temperature. The aim of this work was to simulate the long-term interaction of these factors over a period of several Ga on the basis of the whole-mantle thermal convection equations. In our evolutionary model, the nucleus of continental lithosphere with a thickness of 50 kilometers was inserted in the mantle, which then began to grow in depth due to the reorganization of convection under the continental lid with a conductive heat transfer mechanism. For the self-consistent modeling of the lithosphere thickness changes in time we set the condition of viscosity jump by three orders of magnitude with a decrease in local temperature below 1200°C. The results of successive calculations demonstrated that the initial period of growth of the continental lithosphere due to its cooling, which takes about one Ga, is subsequently replaced by its slow thinning due to the accumulation of heat under a thick heat-insulating lithospheric cover. The calculated maximum of the average thickness of the growing lithosphere, estimated by temperature and viscosity, is 162 kilometers, however, when estimated by the conventional point of intersection of the lithospheric geotherms with mantle adiabat, it is 100 kilometers more. The increase in the average mantle temperature from the heat-insulating effect is about 100 K/Ga and continues both at the stage of the lithosphere thickening and at the subsequent stage of its slow thinning. The mantle warming up due to the presence of continents is one of the competing factors in the global process of the Earth’s secular cooling. The conclusion about the presence of two stages in the evolution of the continental lithosphere clarifies existing ideas about the formation of the current state of the outer layers of the Earth.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(7):679-686
pages 679-686 views

Biosphere Conversion of Substances and Energy in the Formation of Continents

Savchenko I., Girenko I., Rimkevich V., Savchenko T.


The sedimentary stratum of the oceanic crust with a thickness of up to 3 kilometers and younger than the Jurassic age deposits of organic matter (OM) sediments, is saturated with O2 absorbed and dissolved in the ocean with binding energy in the range of 5–15 kJ/mol. During subduction of the oceanic crust into the mantle with T = 170–500°C, fluids of O2, H2O, CO2 are released and are subsequently filtered to the surface of the suprasubduction roof. The fluid O2 oxidizes the matters of the sedimentary cover, the mantle and the roof with O2 energy release of 14.97 kJ/kg. This results in the formation of a magma chamber. The melts of the chamber are divided with respect to density and composition into light-acidic enriched in SiO2 and compact—basic enriched in Са, Мg, K. The discharged acidic melts form a crust of a continental type. Energy saturation of the magma chamber is increased by exogenic energy of OM pyrolysis. At depths of subduction at T = 500–1200°C, OM undergoes deep metamorphism with the release of oil and gas fluids which form a planetary system of hydrocarbons. The continental crust and the hydrocarbon system are formed in many respects due to the biosphere conversion of solar energy, oxygen, and OM to the composition of the Earth’s outer shells.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(7):687-694
pages 687-694 views

Pollution of Russian Northern Seas with Heavy Metals: Comparison of Atmospheric Flux and River Flow

Vinogradova A., Kotova E.


Fluxes of anthropogenic heavy metals (Pb, Cd, As, Zn, Ni, Cr, and Cu) to the surface of four seas (White, Pechora, Kara, and Laptev seas) in the Russian Arctic have been estimated in this work using previously calculated concentrations of these elements in the surface atmosphere in some island and continental points of the Arctic Ocean. The obtained values were compared with the published data on the fluxes of the same components carried by waters flowing into the seas. Based on EMEP reports, we made some corrections for the data on lead and cadmium fluxes from the atmosphere to White and Pechora sea waters, taking into account pollution sources from European countries and the contribution of processes of the raising of dust and soil particles by wind to the pollution of the European part of Russia. On the whole, the contribution of atmospheric fluxes of HMs to the formation of the environment composition of northern Russian seas is significantly lower than that of the runoff of rivers flowing into the seas. The White Sea is the exception; it is exposed to numerous anthropogenic sources of HM emissions into the atmosphere. It is also reasonable to expect the atmospheric transport of HMs to make a significant contribution to these waters. One can also expect a significant contribution of the atmospheric transport of HMs to waters of distant seas (the Kara and Laptev seas), namely, in the parts of these seas where the influence of largest Siberian rivers (Ob, Yenisei, and Lena) is insignificant.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(7):695-704
pages 695-704 views

Applied Aspects of Different Frequency Bands of Seismic and Water Acoustic Investigations on the Shelf

Ampilov Y., Terekhina Y., Tokarev M.


This article focuses on the study of the information value of offshore technologies based on the generation of acoustic signals in water in a wide frequency band: from one-digit Hz to hundreds of KHz. The initial data for the studies were the experimental materials of marine seismic exploration, seismic acoustics and side-scan sonar, obtained in selected areas of the Russian Arctic shelf. This article analyzes applied methods based on the excitation of controlled sources. Authors differentiate them by dominant frequencies as follows: low frequency (digits and double-digits Hz); mid-frequency (hundreds of Hz to the first KHz); high and super high frequency (up to several hundreds of KHz), which form the basis of offshore seismic surveys, seismoacoustics and sonar detection. This article for the first time incorporates research methods which differ in practical application, but are similar in the physical sense. This indicates that there is a need for an integrated multi-disciplinary study of complex natural bodies at different levels of detail and the development of solution approaches for this problem. The authors believe that crucial scientific breakthroughs are feasible at the joint edge of different disciplines providing the exchange of methodologies and toolware applied by cross-experts. The authors also provide examples for each of three frequency intervals. The majority of experimental study results given in the article were obtained with direct involvement of the authors. They present a practical value in the context of the development of an integrated geophysical sedimentary mantle study methodology at different levels of detail aimed at the creation of an unbiased image of the structure and properties of complex shelf bodies.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(7):705-720
pages 705-720 views

Self-Similarity Properties of the Kerch Peninsula Stream Network and Their Comparison with the Results of Structural and Geomorphological Analysis

Zakharov V., Simonov D., Bryantseva G., Kosevich N.


The results of the fractal analysis of a drainage network reconstructed using a digital elevation model and the structural and geomorphological analysis of the relief of the Kerch Peninsula are compared. Three sectors with different geomorphological expression and the uplifts and depressions associated with them have been identified by the results of the structural and geomorphological analysis. At the same time, the newest structural geometry does not coincide with the structural geometry that developed until the Late Pliocene period. The neotectonic structures of several orders are distinguished according to the results of the structural and geomorphological analysis. The relationship between the magnitude of the fractal dimension D of the drainage network and the movement direction was found: higher values correspond to uplifts and lower values correspond to depressions. This is due to the fact that the areas of neotectonic uplifts are characterized by the active restructuring of the drainage system and the formation of new streambeds and valleys as well as the branching of streams. The increasing complexity of the river network is seen in the higher values of the fractal dimension D, which is a quantitative measure of the complexity of objects. At the same time, the increased values of the D field correlate with rather large first-order structures. It is also found that the results of fractal analysis are subject to the scale effect, and the sensitivity depends on the accuracy and scale of the data. This should be taken into account in further research. It is shown that the fractal approach is promising for the quantitative analysis of the drainage pattern in the study of the newest tectonic structures.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(7):721-730
pages 721-730 views

Calculation of Tidal Displacements and Tilts for a Nonelastic Rotating Earth

Spiridonov E., Vinogradova O.


A technique for calculating tidal displacements and tilts for the Earth both with the ocean and without it is presented in this work. This technique mainly follows the technique described in the International Earth Rotation Service Conventions and differs from it in small corrections in formulas for the calculation of displacements for diurnal (21) and semidiurnal (22) waves, as well as in an another set of usual and load Love numbers. Values of the gamma factors for the Earth without the ocean are also presented. Our results can be used for the processing of GNSS and tilt-measuring observations. The obtained results are compared with works by other authors, and the calculation technique is implemented in the new version of the ATLANTIDA3.1_2017 program for predicting parameters of Earth tides.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(7):731-742
pages 731-742 views

Revisiting the Origin of Seismicity in Fennoscandia

Lukk A., Leonova V., Sidorin A.


A review of the literature suggests that the seismic process in Fennoscandia (the Baltic Shield) is affected by at least four mechanisms: (1) northwest-to-southeast movement of the lithospheric plate under the Norwegian and Barents seas by spreading of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from Iceland to Spitsbergen; (2) postglacial isostatic uplift; (3) local recent neotectonic movements; and (4) gravitational bending deformations on continental contact with the sea shelf along the Norwegian coast due to strong erosion from the rising crystalline domain of the Baltic Shield. The current seismicity of Fennoscandia is relatively low. The strongest earthquake in this area over the last 1000 years was the earthquake of 1627 which had a magnitude of M ≈ 6.5 and occurred in the Kandalaksha graben in the White Sea. However, Fennoscandia, including the Kola Peninsula and eastern Karelia, has a reliable history of a significant number of Pleistocene and even Holocene paleoseismic dislocations, whose parameters allow them to be associated with strong earthquakes which occurred at that time with magnitudes of 7–8 and even higher. It is likely that these paleo-events occurred at the last stage of the glacial age (9000–10 000 years ago) during the intense postglacial isostatic uplift of the Fennoscandia domain. Their possible recurrence can be estimated as tens of thousands of years from the time interval between consecutive glaciations. One should therefore recognize that the nature of current seismicity of Fennoscandia is determined by tectonic stresses caused by both the global effect of the northwestern uplifting lithospheric plate under the Norwegian Sea (a constant source of tectonic stress accumulation) and local tectonic uplifts (the north coast of Norway) or lowerings (the Swedish coast of the Gulf of Bothnia), rather than by postglacial stresses. In addition, the increased seismicity of southwestern Norway and the adjacent North Sea shelf is most likely caused by the formation of crest-like structures under the action of tensile stresses revealed here.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(7):743-758
pages 743-758 views

Modern Horizontal Movements in the Zones of Strong and Moderate Earthquakes of the Early 21st Century in the Central Sector of the Greater Caucasus: Characteristics Inferred from GPS Observations and Connection with Neotectonics and Deep Structure of the Earth’s Crust

Rogozhin E., Milyukov V., Mironov A., Ovsyuchenko A., Gorbatikov A., Andreeva N., Lukashova R., Drobyshev V., Khubaev K.


Analysis of GPS-measurements made for the first time along the geodesic profile crossing all the main geological structures in the Ossetian region of the Greater Caucasus showed that significant jumps in the velocity of horizontal movements are observed in zones where strong earthquakes recently occurred. Interpretation of the measurement data is performed in comparison with the results of neotectonic and seismotectonic studies and data on deep structure of the region. The maximum decrease in the current transverse shortening rates is recorded in the zones of the Vladikavkaz and Kakheti–Lechkhum faults. The zone of the Vladikavkaz Fault hosted the source of the Khataldon earthquake of May 11, 2008, M = 4.5, I = 4 in the epicentral zone. Epicentral zones of earthquakes such as the 1991 Racha with М = 7.0, 1991 Dzhava with М = 6.2, Oni-I of February 6, 2006 with М = 5.0, and Oni-II of September 7, 2009 with М = 6.0 involved the upper crustal blocks within the limits of the Kakheti–Lechkhum suture zone at the base of the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus. The previously predicted significant decrease in the rate of horizontal movements after seismic activations in these areas of catastrophic seismic events of 1991, 2006, and 2009 on the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus is confirmed.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(7):759-769
pages 759-769 views

Seismic “Incident” of 1185 in the Northern Sea of Azov: Contemporary Analysis of the Earthquake in an Active Seismogenic Zone

Nikonov A.


The earthquake and tsunami that occurred in 1185 in the North Azov region is considered here using the multidisciplinary approach for the first time in professional literature, based on indications from the Old Russian written source, The Tale of Igor’s Campaign. Problems such as the relationship between earthquake and tsunami, shaking intensity, geographic position, and other location conditions are addressed. The epicenter area is established to be the northeastern shore of the Sea of Azov. Information is given about earthquakes in the region for 200 years and their confinement to the sublatitudinally extending northeastern shore of the sea is found. The revealed seismogenic zone is correlated with the North-Azov fault, a large tectonic structure of the same orientation. Finally, based on archeoseismic data, which have not been previously employed in a seismic hazard assessment in the framework of making General Seismic Zoning maps, the question is raised of assessing the seismic potential of the zone.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(7):770-778
pages 770-778 views

Helicopter Crash on the Spitsbergen Archipelago: Infrasound and Seismic Signals Decryption

Vinogradov Y., Fedorov A.


A Convers Avia Airline Mi-8 helicopter crashed near the Russian settlement of Barentsburg on October 26, 2017. The moment of impact was recorded by the Barentsburg seismo-infrasound array 2.5 km from the crash site. The seismo-infrasound array consists of a micro-aperture infrasound group, including three low-frequency microphones and a broadband seismic station located at the same site. A detailed analysis of the obtained records of the seismometer and the low-frequency microphones is presented here. Two types of signals determined by the helicopter fall are detected in seismic channels: a wave caused by the water impact of the helicopter and propagating through the earth, and an air wave that was also generated by the water impact but propagating through the atmosphere. The second type of wave was also recorded by low-frequency microphones from the infrasonic microgroup. The procedure for determining the source coordinate by the complex analysis of acoustic and seismic signals is described. The difference in arrival times of seismic and acoustic waves is used to determine the distance to the source, and the back azimuth is calculated using the differences in the arrival times of the acoustic wave to the spaced microphones of the infrasound microarray. The records of the acoustic signals associated with the operation of the helicopter rotor before the crash and at the moment of water impact are examined. A detailed analysis of the frequency and amplitude composition of the received seismic and infrasound signals has allowed us to not only determine the exact place and time of the helicopter crash, but also to estimate the expected trajectory of its movement before the fall, as well as to recreate some details of the accident.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(7):779-784
pages 779-784 views

Some Characteristics of Moscow Acoustic Noise

Spivak A., Rybnov Y., Kharlamov V.


Instrumental observation data on acoustic oscillations in Moscow for 2014–2017 have been analyzed. The difference in amplitude and spectral characteristics of acoustic noise between the megalopolis and an outside area has been demonstrated. Data testifying to an increase in acoustic noise during strong atmospheric phenomena such as hurricanes and squalls are presented. Specific features of infrasound oscillations and acoustic–gravity waves have been considered separately.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(7):785-791
pages 785-791 views

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