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Том 55, № 6 (2019)


Russian Atmospheric and Meteorological Research in 2015–2018

Mokhov I.
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(6):503-504
pages 503-504 views

Dynamic Meteorology Research in Russia, 2015–2018

Kurgansky M., Krupchatnikov V.


This review outlines the most important results of research in dynamic meteorology performed by Russian scientists in 2015–2018. It is part of the Russian National Report on Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences submitted to the International Associations of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS). A list of major published papers on dynamic meteorology over 2015–2018 is attached.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(6):505-536
pages 505-536 views

Results of Russian Studies of the Middle Atmosphere in 2015–2018

Krivolutsky A., Repnev A., Mironova I., Gruzdev A., Tuniyants T.


A review of the results of Russian studies of the middle atmosphere in 2015–2018 prepared by the Commission on the Middle Atmosphere of the Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences National Geophysical Committee for the National Report on Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences to the 27th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (Canada, 2019) is presented.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(6):537-551
pages 537-551 views

Russian Investigations in Atmospheric Chemistry for 2015–2018

Larin I.


This is a brief review of Russian studies in the field of atmospheric chemistry for 2015–2018, covering studies on tropospheric chemistry, chemistry of the ozone layer, heterophase processes, and those related to the chemical aspects of climate and its changes. The review was prepared by the Commission for Atmospheric Chemistry of the Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences Section of the National Geophysical Committee. The report was considered and approved at the 27th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)1.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(6):552-561
pages 552-561 views

Russian Studies of Atmospheric Electricity in 2015–2018

Mareev E., Stasenko V., Shatalina M., Dement’eva S., Evtushenko A., Svechnikova E., Slyunyayev N.


The most significant results of Russian studies in the field of atmospheric electricity in 2015–2018 are reviewed. The review is a part of the Russian National Report on Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences to the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS). It was presented and approved at the 27th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)1. The review is followed by a list of the main Russian works on atmospheric electricity published in 2015–2018.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(6):562-572
pages 562-572 views

Anthropogenic Meso-Meteorological Feedbacks: A Review of a Recent Research

Ginzburg A., Demchenko P.


The anthropogenic impact on the Earth’s climate system is currently one of the main factors determining climate change over all spatial scales, from local to global. Many scientific investigations have been devoted to the direct and indirect influence of various types of human activity on the state of the Earth’s climate system (ECS). Feedbacks that enhance or weaken anthropogenic effects during global warming have been studied in sufficient detail with the help of climate models. Regional models of climatic and meteorological processes that make possible detailed description of the climate properties in urban agglomerations and the role of feedbacks in the development of mesoscale atmospheric processes have been widely developed in recent years. This review is devoted to the description and analysis of mesoscale feedbacks in the climate system, including the energy consumption of an urban economy, which depends on climatic and weather conditions, and the role of these feedbacks in the formation and dynamics of the urban climate and the needs of an urban economy in regards to energy supply.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(6):573-590
pages 573-590 views

Estimating the Influence of Thermal Inertia and Feedbacks in the Atmosphere–Ocean System on the Variability of the Global Surface Air Temperature

Soldatenko S., Yusupov R.


The modern climate of our planet is characterized not only by a trend caused by an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, but also by fluctuations covering a wide range of frequencies and scales. The global climate variability based on the modeling results of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 of the World Climate Research Program is characterized by significant differences between models. In particular, for the decadal-scale anomalies of the global and hemispheric temperatures, the standard deviation differences between models are as high as fourfold. However, in contrast to the differences in climate sensitivity between models, the causes of a wide range of the estimates of climate variability are still not entirely understood. The research in this paper is based on two-component energy-balance stochastic model. We analyze the sensitivity of interannual and interdecade variability of the mean global surface temperature (GST) to the feedback and thermal inertia of the atmosphere–ocean system under the assumption that the main external forcing factor is random fluctuations of the radiation balance at the upper boundary of the atmosphere. We estimate the influence of thermal inertia and feedback in the climate system on the interannual and interdecade variability (variance) of the GST and the spectrum of its fluctuations using the absolute and relative sensitivity functions derived in the research.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(6):591-601
pages 591-601 views

Nonstationary Vortex Streets in Shear Flows

Kalashnik M., Chkhetiani O.


Spatially periodic vortex systems that form due to unstable shear flows are called vortex streets. A number of exact and asymptotic solutions of two-dimensional hydrodynamic equations describing nonstationary vortex streets have been constructed. It is shown that the superposition of the flow with a constant horizontal shear and its perturbations in the form of a nonmodal wave provides an exact solution that describes a nonstationary vortex street with rotating elliptic current lines. The width of the zone occupied by such a vortex street has been determined. The equation of separatrix separating vortex cells with closed current lines from an external meandering flow has been obtained. The influence of the quasi-two-dimensional compressibility and beta effect on the dynamics of vortex streets has been studied based on the potential vorticity transport equation. The solutions describing the formation of vortex streets during the development of an unstable zonal periodic flow and a free shear layer have been constructed using a longwave approximation.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(6):602-611
pages 602-611 views

On the Relationship between the Kinematic Characteristics of Wind in Tropical Cyclones and Gravity Anomalies

Makosko A., Nabokova E., Yaroshevich M.


The existence of relationships between the kinematic characteristics of wind (maximum velocity and its acceleration) in a tropical cyclone (TC) and the values of gravity anomalies (vertical and horizontal components, respectively, vertical components of gravity anomalies (VGAs) and horizontal components of the gravity anomalies (HGAs)) along the paths of movement of TCs is established. It is shown that the changes in VGA and wind velocity are in general close in antiphase and to a certain extent correlate qualitatively. An analysis of wind accelerations and the corresponding values of VGA has not revealed a clear correspondence in their comparison. Changes in HGA values are close to changes in wind velocity and correlate well at the qualitative level, except for the entry of a TC to dry land and the movement of a TC across a highly anomalous region. A comparison of changes in maximum velocity and acceleration of wind to changes in HGA values is performed for the first time.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(6):612-618
pages 612-618 views

Variation of Carboneceous Atmospheric Aerosol Near St. Petersburg

Vlasenko S., Volkova K., Ionov D., Ryshkevich T., Ivanova O., Mikhailov E.


The results of 5-year (2013–2017) measurements of organic (OC) and elemental (EC) carbon aerosol fractions observed at the atmospheric monitoring station near St. Petersburg (Petergof, 59.88° N, 29.83° E) are presented. It is shown that the site of observations is under the influence of local pollution sources most of the time (~74%). The median values of carbonaceous aerosol in polluted conditions are 0.46 μg/m3 for ЕС and 2.62 μg/m3 for ОС. On average, the maximum excess of the EC background level is achieved in winter (2.4 times in January). The analysis of the ratio between the OC and the EC in the total carbon indicates the predominantly anthropogenic origin of the aerosol under study. In comparison with the data of similar measurements in Central Siberia, the background summer concentrations of carbonaceous aerosol in Peterhof are significantly lower. Some episodes of increased concentrations of OC and EC are attributed to the intensive accumulation of air pollution coming from the nearby megalopolis.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(6):619-627
pages 619-627 views

Thermohaline Structure of Waters in the North Atlantic in Different Phases of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation

Diansky N., Bagatinsky V.


The meridional structure of climatic trends and anomalies of potential temperature and salinity in the North Atlantic waters in different periods of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) in 1948–2017 are studied based on the EN4 and WOA2013 objective analyses data. An analysis of these different data sets allowed us to reveal almost identical patterns of variability of the thermohaline fields of the North Atlantic, which increases the reliability of the results. Long-term temperature and salinity trends calculated over the period 1948–2017 show that warming and salinization of water occur in the upper ~1 km layer of the North Atlantic. On the contrary, cooling and freshening of deep waters are observed, which is associated with the melting of the Greenland ice sheet, transport of fresher waters from the Arctic Ocean, and deepening of these cold and fresher waters into the deeper layers. Composite analysis of the zonally averaged temperature and salinity anomalies of the North Atlantic waters after removing the trends showed that in the warm AMO periods warming and salinization of waters are observed in the upper 1-km layer of the North Atlantic when compared to the cold periods based both on the EN4 and WOA2013 data. Below the 1-km layer, significant regions of cooling and freshening are observed; this distribution is more pronounced in the EN4 data. Analysis of the dynamics of zonally averaged temperature and salinity anomalies in the successive periods associated with the temporal variability of the AMO index revealed that these anomalies propagate along the zonally averaged meridional thermohaline circulation. To show this using the Institute of Numerical Mathematics Ocean Model (INMOM), the stream function of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) was simulated. It is shown that positive and negative anomalies of both temperature and salinity circulate along the water motion in the AMOC around its core, descending down into the deep ocean layers approximately at 60° N and ascending to the surface at 25° N, replacing each other with a period of about 60 years. It can be assumed that due to this process both the warm and cold phases of the AMO are formed.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(6):628-639
pages 628-639 views

Mechanism of a Positive Feedback in Long-Term Variations of the Convergence of Oceanic and Atmospheric Heat Fluxes and of the Ice Cover in the Barents Sea

Kalavichchi K., Bashmachnikov I.


This paper presents the results of a study of the interannual variability of the convergence of oceanic and atmospheric advective heat fluxes in the Barents Sea region for 1993–2014 using combined (in situ, satellite, and model-based) datasets: ARMOR-3D and ERA-Interim. The convergence of oceanic and atmospheric heat fluxes play a leading role in variations of the area of ice cover of the Barents Sea on interdecadal and interannual time scales, respectively. The interdecadal and the interannual variations of the oceanic heat flux are mainly shaped by current velocity variations in the western boundary of the Barents Sea. The contribution of current velocity to interdecadal variations is 70% of the increase in the oceanic heat flux, mainly due to an increased transport in the North Cape Current. The variations in the transport of the North Cape and of the Return currents has been found to be associated with the variation in the meridional gradient of the zonal wind speed, which, in turn, is caused by an increased oceanic heat transport into the Barents Sea and by the resulting melting of the sea ice. The in situ observations confirm the possible efficiency of the positive feedback between variations in the oceanic heat flux into the Barents Sea, the area of the ice cover, and of the character of atmospheric circulation in the Barents Sea region on decadal time scales.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(6):640-649
pages 640-649 views

Transformation of the First Mode Breather of Internal Waves above a Bottom Step in a Three-Layer Fluid

Lobovikov P., Kurkina O., Kurkin A., Kokoulina M.


We consider the problem of the propagation of a localized internal perturbation in the form of an oscillating wave packet (breather) of the first mode in a three-layer fluid with an uneven bottom in the form of a smooth step. The study is carried out using a method of numerical simulation within a fully nonlinear two-dimensional (in the vertical plane) set of Navier–Stokes equations. A set of calculations has been performed for different widths and heights of the bottom step. Inhomogeneity of the medium leads to the transformation of the internal wave field with the formation of weak reflected waves of the lowest modes and one or two first-mode breathers that propagate to the region of shallower depths. It is found from the analysis of linear stability in the terms of Richardson and Froude numbers that potentially unstable regions appear at the smallest values of the step width. An amplitude and energy analysis of secondary reflected nonlinear waves has been performed. The vertical mode composition of the fully nonlinear wave field has been analyzed. It is shown that the first mode makes the largest contribution to the vertical structure of the full-nonlinear packet, though the fourth, second, and third modes also make a noticeable contribution.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(6):650-661
pages 650-661 views

Vertical Transport of Momentum by Internal Waves in a Shear Current

Slepyshev A., Laktionova N.


Free internal waves are considered in the Boussinesq approximation with account for the rotation of the Earth and a plane–parallel current normal to the direction of wave propagation. A boundary-value problem for the amplitude of vertical velocity is solved analytically for homogeneous stratification at a constant velocity shear; the dispersion relation is found. Vertical wave fluxes of momentum and two components of the Stokes drift velocity are determined. The Stokes drift velocity transversal to the direction of wave propagation is nonzero in the presence of a shear current. Similar calculations are performed also for a two-layer model. The vertical wave flux of momentum can exceed the corresponding turbulent flux.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(6):662-668
pages 662-668 views

Unsteady Chains of Wave Structures and Anomalous Transport of Passive Admixture in a Barotropic Jet Flow

Reutov V., Rybushkina G.


The anomalous transport of passive admixture is studied when unsteady chains of wave structures with closed streamlines are excited in a barotropic jet flow that models the zonal flows in the Earth’s atmosphere and ocean, as well as in the laboratory experiments. The analysis is performed within a dynamical model describing saturation of the barotropic instability of the jet current in a plane channel with rigid parallel walls with account for the beta effect and external friction. The equations of a barotropic current are solved numerically using the pseudospectral approach. It is found that the generation of high modes in a jet with a “two-hump” velocity profile leads to the accelerated transition to the complex dynamics. A multiharmonic regime with a discrete spectrum appears in the initial stage of this motion. The exponents of the power dependence on the time of the average (over the ensemble) displacement of tracer particles and its dispersion are found for the basic generation regimes of the wave structure, which confirm the occurrence of the anomalous diffusion of the admixture. A self-similar probability density function of tracer displacements has been found and the dependence of the transition to the complex dynamics on the number of vortices in the chain and on the intensity of the beta effect has been revealed. Numerical estimates are presented which confirm the possibility of generating unsteady vortex chains and the related anomalous transport of the passive admixture.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(6):669-678
pages 669-678 views

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