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Том 54, № 5 (2018)


Optimal Perturbations with Zero Potential Vorticity in the Eady Model

Kalashnik M., Chkhetiani O.


The problem of finding optimal perturbations, which are perturbations with a maximum ratio of the final energy to the initial energy, is considered in the Eady model of baroclinic instability. The solution to the problem uses explicit expressions for the energy functional, which are functions of parameters of an initial perturbation. For perturbations with zero potential vorticity, the basic parameters are the amplitudes of the initial buoyancy distributions at the boundaries of the atmospheric layer and a phase shift between these distributions. Dependences of the optimal phase shift and maximum energy ratio on the wave number and time optimization are determined using an analysis for extremum. The parameters of the optimal perturbations are compared with those of the growing normal modes. It is found that only one exponentially growing mode is an optimal perturbation.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(5):415-422
pages 415-422 views

Effect of the Planetary Boundary Layer Horizontal Inhomogeneity in the Two-Dimensional Fluid Motion Model

Permyakov M., Semykin V., Malikova N.


The generalized two-dimensional vortex equation is derived for an incompressible viscous fluid in a rotating system for a vertically averaged flow taking into account the variability of the boundary layer characteristics. The resulting equation contains parameters and their spatial derivatives determined by the second moments of functions describing the vertical profiles of the flow components. Numerical experiments demonstrate the influence of the boundary-layer horizontal inhomogeneity on the evolution of the vorticity field of a pair of atmospheric vortices.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(5):423-429
pages 423-429 views

Variability of the Southern Hemisphere Subtropical Jet Stream in the Second Half of the 20th Century and Early 21st Century

Zolotov S., Ippolitov I., Loginov S., Kharyutkina E.


Latitudinal position and wind speed of the Southern Hemisphere subtropical jet stream have been investigated on the basis of ERA-Interim, JRA-55, and NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data for 1948–2013. The analysis covers different time intervals in summer and winter seasons, as well as different spatial domains. It has been shown that the variability of the southern jet stream parameters in both winter and summer seasons is predominantly characterized by wind-speed weakening on the jet-stream axis and its poleward shift. The winter seasons of 2000–2013 identified a shift in the jet-stream axis toward the equator in the Atlantic (60°–0° W) and African (0°–60° E) sectors; the wind-speed increase in the Atlantic sector was statistically significant. The wind speed on the jet-stream axis in both winter and summer is closely related to the temperature difference in the upper tropospheric layer of 200–400 hPa between the latitudinal zones of 0°–30° S and 30°–60° S. A significant negative correlation (r = −0.78) between wind speed and temperature difference has been revealed for the winter season in the upper tropospheric layer between the latitudinal zones of 30°–60° S and 60°–90° S, which can be explained by the Southern Annular Mode variability in this season. No such relationship has been found for the summer season.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(5):430-438
pages 430-438 views

Cloud Formation over the Ocean upon Cold Air Intrusion

Rutkevich P., Golitsyn G., Rutkevich B.


The problem of stationary vertical distribution of saturated moist air thermodynamic parameters that takes place, for example, in an eyewall cloud of a tropical cyclone is considered. Based on these distributions, the cloud-growth dynamics problem is also considered. The heat and moisture fluxes from the ocean surface are determined by the wind and temperature difference and subcloud layer condition and last after the beginning of cloud formation. They change the condition of both the cloud and the subcloud layer. The coexistence and interaction of the two different regions require additional conditions. We assume continuity of the temperature and humidity profiles at the lower cloud boundary. The problem of cloud formation over the warmer ocean with account for water-phase transformations is considered in the present study. The cloud boundaries (the upper and the lower) in the process are determined and the temperature and moisture profiles within the cloud are also investigated. The lower boundary dipping is determined while taking the subcloud moisture into account. An approximate analytical model of these processes is formulated, and the corresponding equations are solved numerically. Approximate equations govern the vertical cloud structure well.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(5):439-445
pages 439-445 views

Technique and Results of Measurements of Turbulent Helicity in a Stratified Surface Layer

Koprov B., Koprov V., Solenaya O., Chkhetiani O., Shishov E.


In August 2014, measurements of the turbulent velocity rotor, turbulent temperature gradient, turbulent helicity, and turbulent potential vortex were performed at the Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics testing ground in Tsimlyansk under different stratification conditions. The measurements were carried out using the technique first used in the Tsimlyansk expedition in 2012 [1]. The measuring facility consisted of four three-component acoustic Gill Windmaster anemometers–thermometers placed at the vertices of a rectangular tetrahedron with a base scale of 0.7 m (in contrast to the experiment in 2012, when the base scale was 5 m). The measuring facility was placed on top of a mast with an adjustable height of 3.5, 5, 13.5, and 25 m and was equipped with a rotator. The temperature profile in the 10–600 m layer was continuously recorded by the Kadygrov microwave profiler [2]. The series of density of instantaneous helicity He = ui'ω'i = u11' + u2'ω'2 + u3'ω'3 and average values of the total and its summands were calculated for 12 daytime and 10 daytime 2-hour intervals. The helicity value averaged over 12 day realizations is about 0.2 m/s2, and the average cosine is close to 0.08 ± 0.03. At night, the helicity is estimated as 0.07 ± 0.03 m/s2, and the cosine is close to 0.025 ± 0.03. For the abovementioned 12 daytime and 10 daytime 2-hour intervals, the covariance and correlation matrices of temperature components, velocity rotor, velocity, and temperature gradient are calculated. The off-diagonal terms of the covariance matrix exceed by absolute values the diagonal terms several times. Similar characteristics of a potential vortex were estimated in the incompressibility approximation. The systematic error due to spatial averaging of the measured quantities is discussed.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(5):446-455
pages 446-455 views

Atmospheric Perturbations during the Flow around Mountain Groups

Berzegova R., Bedanokov M.


A nonlinear stationary two-dimensional theoretical model of the flow around the northwestern Caucasus mountains, taking the features of the real mountain terrain into account, is presented. The results of the calculations of the field of air-flow velocities and the general patterns of occurrence and the scale of the rotary-wave deformation of the air flow over the mountains are discussed. The model calculations are used to obtain the motion trajectories and fields of velocity perturbation in the troposphere for the real range of Lira scale values in the atmosphere. Based on the data, the safety indices of flights over the mountains in the Republic of Adygea are calculated for aircraft of two types: light and high-speed. The location of the major-hazard areas above the mountains and how they depend on the properties of the free-stream flow are determined. It is shown that, in certain parts of the area, this hazard can be critical.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(5):456-461
pages 456-461 views

On the Applicability of Similarity Theory for the Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer over Complex Terrain

Barskov K., Glazunov A., Repina I., Stepanenko V., Lykossov V., Mammarella I.


Micrometeorological measurements in the atmospheric boundary layer over a hilly forest terrain have been made on a meteorological tower at several levels from the forest canopy top to a height that exceeds the height of trees almost seven times. A semiempirical length scale depending on the local topography features and the underlying surface type has been proposed and calculated. This scale has been shown to allow the universal functions of the Monin–Obukhov similarity theory to be corrected for a stable atmospheric boundary layer over complex terrain without substantial modification when compared to the universal functions over a homogeneous surface with small roughness elements. This approach can be used to refine the methods for calculating turbulent momentum fluxes from profile measurements over spatially inhomogeneous landscapes.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(5):462-471
pages 462-471 views

Linear Approximations of the Second Turbulent Moments of the Atmospheric Convective Surface Layer in a Forced-Convection Sublayer

Vulfson A., Nikolaev P.


The Monin–Obukhov similarity theory for the convective surface layer distinguishes two limiting cases: a dynamic limit and a free-convection limit. The dynamic limit for the convective surface layer is defined as a flow with a logarithmic profile of wind and a zero buoyancy flux at the underlying surface. The free-convection limit is characterized by a zero wind speed and a positive buoyancy flux at the underlying surface. The limits of the generalized Monin–Obukhov similarity theory are able to describe the higher order turbulent moments. In this paper, it is assumed that the convective surface layer consists of two sublayers: the lower dynamic sublayer adjacent to the surface and the upper forced-convection sublayer. The turbulent moments can be approximated separately for each sublayer. Linear approximations are suggested for the turbulent moments of the vertical velocity and the potential temperature variance in the forced-convection sublayer. The first-order expansion terms of them correspond to the free-convection limits of the Monin–Obukhov theory under no-wind conditions. The second-order expansion terms describe profiles of the turbulent moments in under convective conditions with a moderate wind. A comparison between the proposed approximations and experimental data strongly suggests that the linear approximation is correct within a forced-convection range.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(5):472-479
pages 472-479 views

Optimal Control of Aerosol Emissions into the Stratosphere to Stabilize the Earth’s Climate

Soldatenko S., Yusupov R.


The problem of the optimal control of aerosol emissions into the stratosphere to stabilize the Earth’s climate is considered based on the zero-dimensional energy balance model. The global surface-temperature deviation from the undisturbed value is the state variable, and the albedo of the artificial aerosol layer, whose time variations are functionally related to the change in the total mass of aerosol particles and, consequently, the rate of their emissions, is the control variable. The problem is solved with and without consideration for the system phase path and control variable constraints for the given performance measure (objective function). Unlike previous studies, the aerosol emission scenarios are not set a priori, but represent a rigorous solution of the optimal control problem, ensuring the minimization of the objective function. The method is illustrated using the RCP8.5 scenario of growing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The approach considered in this paper can be easily extended to the cases of applying other known methods of climate engineering to manipulate the climate.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(5):480-486
pages 480-486 views

Ground-Based Measurements of the Total Column of Freons in the Atmosphere near St. Petersburg (2009–2017)

Polyakov A., Timofeyev Y., Virolainen Y., Makarova M., Poberovskii A., Imhasin H.


The results of the first long-term (2009–2017) ground-based spectroscopic measurements of the total content (TC) of a number of freons in Russia are presented. According to measurements in Peterhof, TCs of CFC-11 and CFC-12 decrease at a rate of ~0.6% per year and TC of HCFC-22 grows at a rate of ~2.7% per year, which is in good agreement with independent measurements. The seasonal course of freon TC in the area of St. Petersburg is registered: highs of CFC-11 and CFC-12 are observed in summer and lows are in late winter and spring. For the HCFC-22 TC, the opposite seasonal course is observed, with a maximum in winter and a minimum in summer.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(5):487-494
pages 487-494 views

Algorithm of the k–ω Turbulence Equations Solution for the Ocean General Circulation Model

Moshonkin S., Zalesny V., Gusev A.


The algorithm for splitting k–ω turbulence equations is used to parameterize viscosity and diffusion coefficients in the ocean general circulation model. The k–ω equations are split into stages describing the transport-diffusion and generation-dissipation of the turbulent kinetic energy and frequency function ω. At the generation-dissipation stage, the equations are solved analytically. Calculations of circulation in the North Atlantic–Arctic Ocean for 1948–2009 have been carried out. The experiments demonstrate an adequate reproduction of hydrophysical characteristics and high efficiency of the algorithm. It is shown that considering the climatic annual mean buoyancy frequency in the turbulence equations at the generation-dissipation stage is an important factor in improving the accuracy of simulated fields.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(5):495-506
pages 495-506 views

On the Contribution of the Eddy Transport to the Annual Mean Heat Budget of the Upper Layer in the North Atlantic

Polonsky A., Sukhonos P.


According to Ocean Re-Analysis System 3 (ORA-S3) data, all components of the annual mean heat budget of the upper quasi-homogeneous ocean layer (UQL) in the North Atlantic for the period of 1959–2011 have been calculated and errors of these estimates have been determined. It has been shown that the contribution of the horizontal eddy diffusivity (estimated as a residual term of the UQL heat balance equation) to changes in the UQL annual mean temperature is significantly overestimated. This takes place mainly due to neglecting the covariances of seasonal fluctuations of current velocity vector components and UQL temperature gradients in calculations carried out with the use of annual average values. These covariances play an important role in the annual mean heat budget in some regions of the North Atlantic, especially in tropical latitudes. Changes in the annual average UQL temperature in the central and eastern parts of the North Atlantic are significantly affected by errors related to an inaccuracy of estimates of annual average heat fluxes on the ocean surface. The maximum contribution of the horizontal eddy diffusivity to the interannual variability of the UQL temperature is observed in the northwestern part of the North Atlantic and the region of the Subpolar Gyre.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(5):507-514
pages 507-514 views

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