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Том 52, № 7 (2016)


Celestial mechanical causes of weather and climate change

Sidorenkov N.


This paper is devoted to the synchronization of synoptic processes in the atmosphere with tidal oscillations in the Earth’s rotational speed discovered by the author. The causes and effects of the synchronization are explained. Data are given on the monthly revolution of the Earth, tidal oscillations in the Earth’s rotational speed, and the main lunisolar cycles. An explanation is proposed for the causes of the Mul’tanovskii elementary synoptic periods and the manifestations of 4- and 8-year cycles in the climate system. It is shown that the 35-year Brückner cycle is attributed to the beat of the annual solar (365 days) and annual lunar (355 days) oscillations in meteorological characteristics. An explanation is proposed for how the lunisolar tides may affect the air temperature, which is based on the interaction of the gravitational lunisolar tides with the radiation conditions in the atmosphere (due to changes in the cloud cover). A discussion is given of the relationship between the fluctuations in the climatic characteristics and the change in the Earth’s rotational speed on decadal time scales.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(7):667-682
pages 667-682 views

Traces of ancient tsunamis in the coastal parts of the South China Sea

Rogozhin E.


The results of geological and geomorphological investigations have shown that the South China Sea and its close coastal margins are in danger because of the possibility of a tsunami arriving from seismically active zones in the Philippines and Taiwan to the west and northwest coastal zones of the South China Sea. The collected data on paleotsunamis make it possible to date at least three such ancient catastrophes that have occurred in the last 1000 years (about 350, 650, and 960 years ago). The height of splashes of these ancient tsunami waves can be estimated. It was more than 7 m and in some places exceeded 15 m. The length of the sea coast covered by the paleotsunamis is estimated at several hundred (up to a first thousand) kilometers, which gives the opportunity to distinguish them from the ancient typhoons that are also typical of the region.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(7):683-696
pages 683-696 views

Statistical simulation of variations in medical characteristic during heliogeophysical disturbances

Sergeenko N.


Heliobiological studies, although recently very active, have failed to provide a full understanding of the Sun–biosphere interaction mechanisms. This is because the forecasts of bio tropic effects of the active Sun, like geophysical forecasts, are mostly determined by empirical patterns and are of a probability character. To obtain probability predictions, an adequate statistical model should be prepared. This is what is treated in this work. The time series of data from medical studies have undergone the trend treatment. The samples were sorted by the state of heliogeophysical conditions, and statistical distributions and invariants have been calculated down to the forth order. The analysis has shown that during heliogeomagnetic disturbances the obtained distributions differ from the Gaussian law. Therefore, an attempt at a statistical description of medical characteristics was made on the basis of the Poisson model. For our samples, the characteristic function of the exponential kind was chosen under the assumption that time series are the superposition of some, determined or random, process. Through the Fourier transform, the characteristic function was transformed into a nonholomorphic expressiveasymmetrical function of the probability density. The statistical distributions, calculated for the studied samples over perturbation periods, were compared with the obtained model function of distribution. The probability of coincidence for a posteriori distributions by the criterion χ2 is Р ~ 0.7–0.9. Our analysis has allowed a conclusion about the applicability of a model based on the Poisson random process for statistical description and appraisals of the probability of changes in the number of vascular bouts and strokes during heliogeophysical perturbations.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(7):697-706
pages 697-706 views

Biotropic geomagnetic pulsations Pc1 resulting from the magnetic storm of March 17, 2015

Slivinsky A.


Data obtained by a Hall sensor–based magnetic field detector have been used to record the spectral components of the geomagnetic field. An analysis of specific features of the spectral characteristics of geomagnetic fluctuations has indicated that the pulsations identified in the vicinity of the strong magnetic storm of March 17, 2015, are “pearl”-type fluctuations, i.e., biotropic geomagnetic Pc1 pulsations.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(7):707-713
pages 707-713 views

Shielding in biology and biophysics: Methodology, dosimetry, interpretation

Vladimirsky B., Temuryants N.


An interdisciplinary review of the publications on the shielding of organisms by different materials is presented. The authors show that some discrepancies between the results of different researchers might be attributed to methodological reasons, including purely biological (neglect of rhythms) and technical (specific features of the design or material of the screen) ones. In some cases, an important factor is the instability of control indices due to the variations in space weather. According to the modern concept of biological exposure to microdoses, any isolation of a biological object by any material necessarily leads to several simultaneous changes in environmental parameters, and this undermines the principle of “all other conditions being equal” in the classical differential scheme of an experiment. The shielding effects of water solution are universally recognized and their influence is to be observed for all organisms. Data on the exposure of living organisms to weak combined magnetic fields and on the influence of space weather enabled the development of theoretical models generally explaining the effect of shielding for bioorganisms. Ferromagnetic shielding results in changes of both the static magnetic field and the field of radio waves within the area protected by the screen. When screens are nonmagnetic, changes are due to the isolation from the radio waves. In both cases, some contribution to the fluctuations of measured parameters can be made by variations in the level of ionizing radiation.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(7):714-724
pages 714-724 views

Fires in the Altai-Sayan region: Landscape and ecological confinement

Ponomarev E., Shvetsov E., Kharuk V.


Spatial and temporal patterns of vegetation fires in the Russian part of Altai-Sayan region over the period of instrumental satellite observations (1996–2014) have been studied. The distribution of fires by landscape categories, natural zones, altitudinal belts, and terrain profile forms is presented. We estimate the confinement of fire development in forests dominated by dark coniferous, light coniferous, and deciduous forest stands. The results are standardized taking into account the ratio between plant-cover areas of the selected categories, classes, and zones in the region. We have found an exponential decrease in the number of fires in the area of transition from plains and lowlands to highlands. Middle mountains are characterized by the largest burnt areas. Up to 50% of all fires are observed in the northern and adjacent slopes. The fire occurrence on concave slopes is 40% higher than that on convex slopes. The logarithmic growth in the number of burnt areas and fire frequency was found for all natural zones (forest, steppe, and forest steppe); the greatest seasonal variability in fire frequency and fire statistics is observed in the forest-steppe zone of the region. It is shown that the spatial distribution of fires is in agreement with the selected climatic facies. On the whole, the long-term dynamics of forest burning in the Altai-Sayan region and Siberia is strongly related to the variation of meteorological parameters characterizing climatic changes.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(7):725-736
pages 725-736 views

Dependence of cerebral-cortex activation in women on environmental factors

Pavlov K., Mukhin V., Kamenskaya V., Klimenko V.


The investigation of female physiological reactions to different meteorological conditions and space weather is relevant, since there are little experimental findings in this field. The purpose of this work is to determine how the level of cerebral-cortex activity in women depends on the meteorological and cosmophysical parameters of weather and space processes. We studied electroencephalograms (EEGs) recorded at rest in the sitting position and with eyes closed. We performed four series of measurements of brain bioelectrical activity from February to June 2013. We found that the level of cortical activity recorded by EEG changed significantly during these 6 months. Significant differences were detected between the cortical activity and the parameters of weather and space processes; namely, an increase in the air temperature and a decrease in the wind speed and cosmic-ray energy result in a decrease in the activity rate of the right occipital lobe.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(7):737-744
pages 737-744 views

EEG reactions of the human brain in the gradient magnetic field zone of the active geological fault (pilot study)

Pobachenko S., Shitov A., Grigorjev P., Sokolov M., Zubrilkin A., Vypiraylo D., Solovjev A.


This paper presents the results of experimental studies of the dynamics of the functional state of a person within the zone of an active geological fault characterized by abnormal spatial distribution of the magnetic- field vector values. It is shown that these geophysical modifications have a pronounced effect on the fluctuations of the electrical activity of the human brain. When the person gets into a zone with abnormal levels of gradient magnetic field in the absence of any subjective sensations, a nonspecific orientation activation reaction is observed, which is characterized by a significant increase in the levels of peak performance in key functional EEG frequency bands.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(7):745-752
pages 745-752 views

Theoretical and experimental fundamentals of designing promising technological equipment to improve efficiency and environmental safety of highly viscous oil recovery from deep oil reservoirs

Moiseyev V., Nazarov V., Zhuravlev V., Zhuykov D., Kubrikov M., Klokotov Y.


The development of new technological equipment for the implementation of highly effective methods of recovering highly viscous oil from deep reservoirs is an important scientific and technical challenge. Thermal recovery methods are promising approaches to solving the problem. It is necessary to carry out theoretical and experimental research aimed at developing oil-well tubing (OWT) with composite heatinsulating coatings on the basis of basalt and glass fibers. We used the method of finite element analysis in Nastran software, which implements complex scientific and engineering calculations, including the calculation of the stress-strain state of mechanical systems, the solution of problems of heat transfer, the study of nonlinear static, the dynamic transient analysis of frequency characteristics, etc. As a result, we obtained a mathematical model of thermal conductivity which describes the steady-state temperature and changes in the fibrous highly porous material with the heat loss by Stefan–Boltzmann’s radiation. It has been performed for the first time using the method of computer modeling in Nastran software environments. The results give grounds for further implementation of the real design of the OWT when implementing thermal methods for increasing the rates of oil production and mitigating environmental impacts.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(7):753-759
pages 753-759 views

Generalization of the logistic distribution in the dynamic model of wind direction

Kaplya E.


Statistical regularity in the dynamics of wind direction has been found. The density distribution of the increment of the wind-direction angle has been approximated using a generalized advanced logistic distribution. The advanced logistic distribution involves an additional power-law parameter. The parameters of the approximation function have been computed from experimental data using the method of least squares. The consistency of the proposed function with meteorological data has been tested using Pearson’s chisquared test and the Kolmogorov test.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(7):760-767
pages 760-767 views

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