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Том 52, № 1 (2016)


Analysis of the reproduction of dynamic processes in the stratosphere using the climate model of the institute of numerical mathematics, Russian academy of sciences

Vargin P., Volodin E.


The reproduction of dynamic processes in the stratosphere at extratropical latitudes is considered in calculations of the atmospheric module of the global climate model of the Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, with an upper boundary of 0.2 hPa (~60 km) for the period from 1979 to 2008 in comparison with the data observational. Changes in temperature, zonal wind, activity of planetary waves, heat fluxes in the lower stratosphere, and sudden stratospheric warmings with the displacement and splitting of the polar vortex, as well as the distribution of associated circulation anomalies in the troposphere, are analyzed.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(1):1-15
pages 1-15 views

Analysis of the sensitivity of the composition and temperature of the stratosphere to the variability of spectral solar radiation fluxes induced by the 11-year cycle of solar activity

Smyshlyaev S., Galin V., Blakitnaya P., Lemishchenko A.


The sensitivity of the gas composition of the atmosphere and its temperature to the changes in spectral radiation fluxes during the 11-year cycle of solar activity has been analyzed with a chemistry-climate model of the lower and middle atmosphere. For this, the data of satellite measurements acquired in the first decade of the 21st century were used. The results of the model calculations showed that, in addition to the increase in the spectral flux in the absorption bands of molecular oxygen that leads to the growth of the ozone content, the changes in the flux at longer wavelengths are significant for the composition and temperature of the atmosphere. The changes of the ozone destruction rate in different catalytic cycles partly compensate each other; in these processes, the destruction rate increases in the reaction with atomic oxygen, while it decreases in the hydrogen and chlorine cycles.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(1):16-32
pages 16-32 views

Background component of methane concentration in surface air (Obninsk monitoring station)

Aref’ev V., Akimenko R., Kashin F., Upenek L.


We present measurement data from February 1998 to January 2014 obtained by Fourier spectroscopy for bulk methane concentrations in surface air samples. We have excluded the results of individual measurements of high methane concentrations arising at a temperature inversion and during fires to separate the monthly mean concentrations into the regional natural background concentration of methane and its anthropogenic addition. A seasonal concentration has been separated from the background concentration. Spectral analysis reveals a large number of composite oscillations of variations in the background methane concentra- tion with periods of 3 to 126 months. A model with the use of empirical parameters of these oscillations describes the temporal changes in the methane concentration with an error of less than 3%. The anthropogenic addition of CH4 in the atmosphere is largely of a random character. Over 16 years of observations, its increase was ~23.7 ppb, which has resulted in an increase in the total CH4 concentration by the same amount.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(1):37-44
pages 37-44 views

Comparing data obtained from ground-based measurements of the total contents of O3, HNO3,HCl, and NO2 and from their numerical simulation

Virolainen Y., Timofeyev Y., Polyakov A., Ionov D., Kirner O., Poberovskii A., Imhasin H.


Chemistry climate models of the gas composition of the atmosphere make it possible to simulate both space and time variations in atmospheric trace-gas components (TGCs) and predict their changes. Both verification and improvement of such models on the basis of a comparison with experimental data are of great importance. Data obtained from the 2009–2012 ground-based spectrometric measurements of the total contents (TCs) of a number of TGCs (ozone, HNO3, HCl, and NO2) in the atmosphere over the St. Petersburg region (Petergof station, St. Petersburg State University) have been compared to analogous EMAC model data. Both daily and monthly means of their TCs for this period have been analyzed in detail. The seasonal dependences of the TCs of the gases under study are shown to be adequately reproduced by the EMAC model. At the same time, a number of disagreements (including systematic ones) have been revealed between model and measurement data. Thus, for example, the EMAC model underestimates the TCs of NO2, HCl, and HNO3, when compared to measurement data, on average, by 14, 22, and 35%, respectively. However, the TC of ozone is overestimated by the EMAC model (on average, by 12%) when compared to measurement data. In order to reveal the reasons for such disagreements between simulated and measured data on the TCs of TGCs, it is necessary to continue studies on comparisons of the contents of TGCs in different atmospheric layers.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(1):57-65
pages 57-65 views

Stationary states of a pair of tangent identical vortex spots in a barotropic ocean

Shavlyugin A.


The method for constructing limiting forms of steady states of vortex patches characterized by the presence of corners on the boundary is presented. The method is based on a continuation of the solution (the streamline which must coincide with the vortex boundary) when passing through the singular point to those part of the common vortex border whose tangent is continuous at the critical point. Limiting steady states of a pair of identical touching vortex patches are constructed for the cases of unlimited and circular barotropic oceans. It is found that, for the case of a circular ocean, the solution of maximum area is the domain bounded by two diameters intersecting at right angles. This conclusion is also valid for an unlimited ocean when the vortex pair of infinite area takes even/odd quadrants whose boundaries are formed by the asymptotes of solutions of finite area. The results add new members to the set of known exact analytical solutions of the problem of steady states of vortex patches.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(1):101-107
pages 101-107 views

Studying randomness and determinism in surface temperature anomaly indices using the recurrence plot method

Kiselev B.


Surface temperature anomalies are studied using the methods of recurrence plots and statistical R/S analysis, as well as the Higuchi method for determining fractal dimension. Anomalies of the surface temperature above continents and the temperature in the World Ocean regions and in the Northern and Southern hemispheres are considered independently. It has been indicated that anomalies are more stochastic and deterministic for land and ocean surfaces, respectively.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(1):33-36
pages 33-36 views

Sources of and variations in tropospheric CO in Central Siberia: Numerical experiments and observations at the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory

Shtabkin Y., Moiseenko K., Skorokhod A., Vasileva A., Heimann M.


Contributions of climatically significant natural and anthropogenic emission sources in northern Eurasia to seasonal carbon monoxide (CO) variations observed at the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) in Central Siberia in 2007–2011 have quantitatively been estimated using the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model. It is shown that the formation of a stable continental pollution plume from sources in Western Europe, European Russia and southern Siberia during winter plays an important role in the regional balance of surface CO and allows one to explain 55–80% of the amplitude of the CO annual cycle observed at the ZOTTO station (~70–90 ppbv). During the warm period, the effect of the anthropogenic factor is weakly pronounced, and the background concentration of CO is regulated, first and foremost, by the oxidation of biogenic volatile organic compounds and fire activity in the region.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(1):45-56
pages 45-56 views

Quasi-decadal variations in total ozone content, wind velocity, temperature, and geopotential height over the Arosa station (Switzerland)

Visheratin K.


We present the results of the analysis of the phase relationships between the quasi-decadal variations (QDVs) (in the range from 8 to 13 years) in the total ozone content (TOC) at the Arosa station for 1932–2012 and a number of meteorological parameters: monthly mean values of temperature, meridional and zonal components of wind velocity, and geopotential heights for isobaric surfaces in the layer of 10–925 hPa over the Arosa station using the Fourier methods and composite and cross-wavelet analysis. It has been shown that the phase relationships of the QDVs in the TOC and meteorological parameters with an 11-year cycle of solar activity change in time and height; starting with cycle 24 of solar activity (2008–2010), the variations in the TOC and a number of meteorological parameters occur in almost counter phase with the variations in solar activity. The periods of the maximum growth rate of the temperature at isobaric surfaces 50–100 hPa nearly correspond to the TOC’s maximum periods, and the periods of the maximum temperature correspond the periods of the decrease of the peak TOC rate. The highest correlation coefficients between the meridional wind velocity and temperature are observed at 50 hPa at positive and negative delays of ~27 months. The times of the maxima (minima) of the QDVs in the meridional wind velocity nearly correspond to the periods of the maximum amplification (attenuation) rate of the temperature of the QDVs. The QDVs in the geopotential heights of isobaric surfaces fall behind the variations in the TOC by an average of 1.5 years everywhere except in the lower troposphere. In general, the periods of variations in the TOC and meteorological parameters in the range of 8–13 years are smaller than the period of variations in the level of solar activity.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(1):66-73
pages 66-73 views

Influence of a spatial structure of precipitates on polarization characteristics of the outgoing microwave radiation of the atmosphere

Ilyushin Y., Kutuza B.


Issues of the formation and recording of the spatial and angular distributions of thermal radio radiation of rainfall in the microwave range are discussed. The thermal radio-frequency radiative transfer in a threedimensional rain cell is simulated numerically with a different rainfall rate, taking into account the nonspherical shape of falling raindrops and their size distribution. The role of the three-dimensional inhomogeneity of rainfall fields in the formation of a field of their inherent thermal radio radiation in the microwave range is revealed.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(1):74-81
pages 74-81 views

Neural network-based method for the estimation of the rain rate over oceans by measurements of the satellite radiometer AMSR2

Zabolotskikh E., Chapron B.


The rain rate (RR) retrieval method for the RR estimation over ice-free areas of the ocean is presented. Measurements of the Japanese Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) on board the satellite GCOM-W1 are used. The method is based on the results of the numerical modeling of brightness temperatures of the outgoing microwave radiation of the ocean–atmosphere system and their subsequent conversion into the RR using neural networks. A simplified form of the transfer equation is used. Its errors for the considered wavelengths do not exceed 1 K at an RR of less than 20 mm/h. The method is verified by comparison with the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission’s (TRMM) Microwave Instrument (TMI) RR product. As a result of the comparison, the rain rate retrieval error within the range of 20 mm/h is found to be 1 mm/h.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(1):82-88
pages 82-88 views

The influence of the Kuril Islands on the penetration of tsunamis into the Sea of Okhotsk (on the example of the Japan tsunami on March 11, 2011)

Kostenko I., Kurkin A., Pelinovsky E., Yalciner A.


The features of the propagation of the tsunami of March 11, 2011 in the northeastern Pacific have been studied with the aim of revealing the degree of influence of the Kuril Islands on the penetration of the tsunami in the Sea of Okhotsk. For this, a series of computational experiments have been performed within the shallow water theory using bathymetry (1) with and (2) without the Kuril Islands. The wave heights calculated have been analyzed, and the tsunami’s magnitude and intensity in the Sea of Okhotsk have been estimated. The computational experiments performed allow assessment of a decrease in the tsunami intensity while passing the Kuril Islands.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(1):89-100
pages 89-100 views

Numerical simulation of the motion of an ice keel in a stratified flow

Mortikov E.


The results of the three-dimensional numerical simulation for the study of the stratification effect and wave processes associated with it on the drag of the underwater part of the hummocked ice are considered. The numerical model is based on the sampling of equations on a rectangular grid using the immersed boundary method that makes it possible to explicitly describe the interaction of moving ice with a stratified flow. The dependence of the drag force on the Froude number was established based on these calculations. This dependence has expressed points of maximum and minimum. The form of this dependence is common for the considered models of ice keels. The obtained estimations of drag force consistent with the known results of laboratory experiments show the need for the construction of parametrizations of the drag coefficient on the ice–ocean boundary, taking into account wave effects.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(1):108-115
pages 108-115 views

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