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Volume 55, Nº 10 (2019)


The Effect of Environmental Factors on the Cognitive Functions of Cadets at a Military Institute

Pavlov K., Syrtsev A., Mukhin V., Archimuk A., Mikheeva E., Nikolaeva S., Andieva N., Kamenskaya V., Petrenko M.


The relevance of studying the influence of environmental factors on the psychophysiological characteristics of cognitive functions of cadets at a naval high school is due to a lack of research in this scientific field. The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of seasonal changes of meteorological and cosmophysical factors on the psychophysiological characteristics of cognitive functions and their electrophysiological manifestation. Eighty-one first-year cadets of the Military and Naval Institute have been investigated. The registration of electroencephalography, parameters of heart-rate variability (HRV), and photoplethysmographic characteristics of the cardiovascular system (CVS) are used simultaneously with psychophysiological tests in the autumn–winter and spring period. It is established that, during autumn–winter periods with higher solar activity, speed of the wind, total cloudiness, and low temperatures of atmospheric air in comparison with the spring period, the displacement of the balance of nervous processes towards is observed. In the autumn–winter period, a decrease in the effectiveness of attention and spatial orientation and a reduction in the effectiveness of solving arithmetic problems are recorded. At the same time, multidirectional changes in the bioelectrical activity of the sensorimotor cortex of the right and left hemispheres are recorded. These changes depended on the type of functional samples. Heart-rate variability and vascular tone decrease during this period.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(10):1465-1487
pages 1465-1487 views

Non-Plate-Tectonic (Autonomous) Folding and Thrusting in the Earth’s Crust

Shevchenko V., Lukk A., Guseva T.


The formation of fold–thrust dislocations of stratified rocks in the Earth’s crust has been considered as a consequence of the lateral compression of such rocks by converging platforms or lithospheric plates over the last 150 years within the framework of a geosyncline concept and then according to the concept of plate tectonics. Such convergences are reliably confirmed by current geodetic measurements. At the same time there are less popular ideas that present the formation of these dislocations as a result of various local, autonomous processes. The essence of the problem is that the domination of directionally ordered horizontal compression over the value of lithostatic pressure in the Earth’s crust, which is unambiguously determined according to the data of focal mechanisms of earthquakes and in the measurements on stresses in situ in mine workings, makes it necessary to prefer the global mechanism of compression in the form of convergence of horizontally moving lithospheric plates. This convergence is reliably established on a global scale and by modern high-precision geodetic GPS measurements. However, similar GPS measurements, but on regional or local networks rather than on global ones, have shown an opposite result in a few cases. They revealed an increase in the width of representative segments of the mountain belts, rather than a decrease. A detailed study of the geological structure of such areas has indicated that the main role in their formation is played by scaly thrusts, sometimes transforming into small covers, and linear folds and groups of such folds associated with these dislocations and subordinate to them. The formation of such a cover-thrust tectonic structure continues now. For several years, the authors have developed a hypothesis according to which fold–thrust dislocations in the Earth’s crust are formed as a result of an increase in the volume of stratified rocks and as a consequence of an increase in the area of these rocks. They cause volume expansion stresses, similar to the stresses of external compression; crumple; and are dissected by thrusts and reverse faults, tending to cover adjacent territories. It is assumed that the increase in the volume (volume expansion) and the areas of stratified rocks is a result of the entry of additional mineral material with ascending flows of deep mineralized fluids. The increase in the volume and the width of the mountain structure during the formation of its tectonic structure is indirectly confirmed by the near-vertical formations detected in the Earth’s crust in several regions by geophysical methods, which have different velocity characteristics compared to the enclosing environment. These formations can be interpreted as channels of permeability for the penetration of deep fluids—the cause of an increase in rock volume. This suggests that the process of autonomous folding and thrusting in the Earth’s crust really exists in the regional plan, first and foremost, within the mobile mountain belts, along with a global plate-tectonic mechanism.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(10):1488-1516
pages 1488-1516 views

Observations of Modern Crustal Deformations in Moscow Using Global Navigation Satellite Systems

Mironov A., Suchilin A., Rogozhin E.


This article presents the results of processing observations of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) at satellite-geodetic stations located in Moscow, including stations of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute (SAI) and the Faculty of Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU). Horizontal velocities of stations are estimated in the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF2008) and fixed Eurasia (ITRF2008–EURA). The results show good data quality and consistent velocity of stations in the ITRF2008. The specificity of the calculated local velocities is due to the fault-block structure of the geological environment of Moscow. Anomalously high vertical velocities are detected on Vorobyovy Gory. Apparently, they are associated with the geodynamic features of the active landslide slope of Vorobyovy Gory, as well as with the proximity of the stations and reservoir of the Leninogorsk water distribution facility of the Mosvodokanal, which creates regular periodic loads on the soil.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(10):1517-1525
pages 1517-1525 views

Heterogeneities of the Field of S-Wave Attenuation in the Lithosphere of the Caucasus and Their Relationship with Seismicity

Kopnichev Y., Sokolova I.


We have mapped a short-period S-wave attenuation field of in the lithosphere of the Caucasus. We have used a method based on the analysis of the ratio of the maximum amplitudes for Sn- and Pn-waves. We have processed more than 200 earthquakes records, recorded by the Kislovodsk station (KIV) at distances of ~200–750 km. It is shown that, in general, the highest attenuation of shear waves is observed in the western part of the region. It is established that increased and intermediate attenuation takes place for paths simultaneously crossing rupture zones of the 1988 Spitak (Mw = 6.8) and 1991 Racha (Mw = 7.0) earthquakes. At the same time, the source zone of the 1970 Dagestan earthquake with Mw = 6.8 is characterized by mainly lower attenuation. These data are consistent with an earlier conclusion that deep-seated fluids have been ascending into the Earth’s crust from the uppermost mantle for a few decades after large seismic events, and this process leads to a decrease in attenuation of Sn-waves. A high attenuation zone has been identified in the western part of the region, where, according to instrumental and historical data, no seismic events with M ≥ 6.0 have been recorded. It is assumed that processes of a large earthquake preparation may be taking place here.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(10):1526-1535
pages 1526-1535 views

Underestimated Seismic Hazard of the Ferghana Depression: New Archeoseismological Data

Korzhenkov A., Usmanova M., Anarbaev A., Maksudov F., Murudaliev R., Zakhidov T., Rakhmanov Z.


The results of archeoseismological investigations carried out for the first time at the Eylatan and Kuyul’tepe ancient settlements in the Ferghana Valley (Namangan oblast of Uzbekistan) are presented. Both settlements have traces of strong seismic effects. In Eylatan there is a systematic 4-m left-lateral displacement of sublongitudinal walls along a sublatitudinal seismogenic fault. In Kuyul’tepe, numerous ruptures and fissures have been revealed in an archeological trench. Eylatan was apparently destroyed in the 1st century BC by a strong (MS = 7.6, I0 = X) earthquake, whose seismogenic rupture reached the surface in the area of this settlement. After this seismic event, people have left the ancient city and to build comparatively small settlements around it. However, another strong earthquake (I = VIII–IX in Kuyul’tepe) in the beginning of 1st millennium AD destroyed these settlements, too. The data can be used for a new seismic hazard assessment of the Ferghana depression.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(10):1536-1546
pages 1536-1546 views

Probable Paleoseismic Deformations at the Rubas Archeological Site, Mid-6th Century AD, South Dagestan

Gmyrya L., Korzhenkov A., Ovsyuchenko A., Larkov A., Rogozhin E.


The discovery of a unique archeological monument of the 6th century AD in the south of Dagestan (the Rubas Fortification) and archeoseismological studies of its military engineering objects have revealed many characteristic deformations caused by previously unknown historical earthquakes. Based on the archeoseismological and geological data, traces of the active fault zone have been found in the area of this archeological monument. The slips on this fault led to the displacement and distortion of the early medieval monumental defensive wall.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(10):1547-1558
pages 1547-1558 views

On the Initiation of Dynamic Slips on Faults by Man-Made Impacts

Kocharyan G., Batuhtin I., Budkov A., Ivanchenko G., Kishkina S., Pavlov D.


The subject of research is dynamic slips on large faults initiated by man-made impacts. In addition to recognized types of man-made impacts such as fluid injection or seismic vibrations, the possible trigger effect of rock extraction and displacement during mining operations is considered. It is shown that dynamic sliding can be initiated only on faults in which three geomechanical conditions for the occurrence of instability are fulfilled: closeness of the value of Coulomb stresses in the fault plane to the local ultimate tensile strength; the condition of weakening of frictional contact with an increasing sliding velocity and relative movement of fault sides; and the implementation of a certain ratio between the stiffness of the enclosing massif and the rate of reduction of resistance to friction. Features of formation of a dynamic slip on a fault are considered in the series of laboratory and numerical experiments. It is shown that the movement always begins in the segment with the property of velocity weakening, regardless of the location of such a segment relative to the load application. According to the calculations, the excavation of rock in a large mining quarry leads to a change of about 1 MPa in the Coulomb stresses in the fault plane in areas that significantly exceed the size of the nucleation zone of earthquakes with \(M \leqslant 6\). This may turn out to be sufficient to initiate seismogenic slips on stressed faults.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(10):1559-1571
pages 1559-1571 views

The Problem of Meridional Heat Transport in the Astronomical Climate Theory

Fedorov V.


The reduction of solar radiation arriving in the summer half of the years by 65° N has been found to be a consequence of decreased inclination of the rotation axis and increased meridional contrast in insolation, rather than a result of climate cooling. Thus, the astronomical climate theory involves a paradox related to the fact that the change in the meridional heat transfer due to a change in the inclination of the rotation axis is disregarded. In this context, the mechanism of the astronomical chronology of climatic events in the Pleistocene needs to be revised.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(10):1572-1583
pages 1572-1583 views

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