Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 52, № 9 (2016)

Stydying Seas and Oceans from Space

Methods for retrieval of sea wave spectra from aerospace image spectra

Bondur V., Murynin A.


An approach to the retrieval of sea wave spatial spectra based on satellite optical imagery in linear and nonlinear approximations is described. Physical mechanisms of the formation of disturbed sea surface brightness fields recorded by remote sensing equipment are analyzed. Wave spectra retrieval methods using brightness field formation models that consider linear and nonlinear dependencies on sea surface slopes are suggested. A method for the construction of operators that retrieve the spatial spectra of surface wave slopes and elevations from aerospace imagery and take into account nonlinear modulations of disturbed sea surface brightness fields is developed. This method is based on the numerical simulation of sea surface images and the construction of a retrieving operator with respect to a set of parameters determined by aerospace imaging conditions. Examples of the use of the developed methods are given.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):877-887
pages 877-887 views

A study of sea-wave spectra in a wide wavelength range from satellite and in-situ data

Bondur V., Dulov V., Murynin A., Yurovsky Y.


The results of studying sea-wave spectra in a wide wavelength range using high resolution (0.5–1.0 m) satellite optical imagery spectra and the results of measurements carried out from an oceanographic platform using string-wave recorders, stereo system, and drifting wave buoys are presented in this paper. The wave spectra retrieved from satellite imagery and sea-truth data have been compared. A comparison has shown the adequacy of the purposely developed retrieval methods. Power approximation indices for spatial spectra in the 0.04–5.0-m wavelength range have been found. It has been shown that the wave spectra measured experimentally by satellite-based and in-situ methods best approximate the Toba spectrum.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):888-903
pages 888-903 views

Influence of the type of sea waves on the backscattered radar cross section at medium incidence angles

Karaev V., Panfilova M., Jie G.


We consider the influence of the sea surface state on the backscattered radar cross section and the accuracy of the wind speed retrieval from the scatterometer data. We used a joint set of radars and buoys to determine the type of sea waves. Three types of sea waves were distinguished: developing wind waves, fully developed wind waves, and mixed sea. It is shown that the retrieval error of the near surface wind speed using a one-parameter algorithm is minimal in the case of fully developed wind waves. We compared these data with the results of radio-altimeter data analysis and showed that in both cases underestimation of the retrieval wind speed exists for developing wind waves and overestimation occurs for mixed sea. A variety of swell parameters (length of the dominating wave, swell height, swell age) significantly influence the backscattered radar cross section, leading to a growth in the mean square error of the retrieved wind speed during vertical sounding (radio-altimeter data), and only slightly influence the mean square error of the scatterometer data (medium incidence angles). It is necessary to include the information about the parameters of sea waves in the algorithms and take into account the regional wave properties to increase the accuracy of wind speed retrieval.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):904-910
pages 904-910 views

Experimental studies of thermal radiation intensity dependence on near-water wind speed for rough sea surface

Sazonov D., Kuzmin A., Sadovsky I.


The results of in situ measurements of the characteristics of intrinsic microwave radiation from the sea surface are presented. The studies were carried out on the oceanographic platform of the Experimental Department of Marine Hydrophysical Institute during the summer–fall periods for 3 years, which made it possible to accumulate a significant amount of information on the change in the radiation intensity of under different meteorological conditions. Attention is primarily focused on the construction of wind-radiation dependences and their steepness analysis based on the measurement data obtained by a radiometer-polarimeter with a central frequency of received radiation equal to 37.7 GHz. The results are compared with the previous experimental studies and the model estimates of this effect.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):911-919
pages 911-919 views

Spectral characteristics of Rossby waves in the Northwestern Pacific based on satellite altimetry

Belonenko T., Kubrjakov A., Stanichny S.


Using satellite altimetry measurement data for 1993–2013, we study the spectral characteristics of Rossby waves in the Northwestern Pacific (25°–50° N, 140°–180° E). For each latitude degree, we draw integral plots of spectral power density calculated with a two-dimensional Fourier transform (2D-FFT). We compare the dispersion equations of Rossby waves calculated from the WKB-approximation and an approximation of a two-layer ocean model with the empirical velocities determined by the slope of isopleths by the Radon method; also, we compare the dispersion equations with the spectral distributions of level variations. It is shown that the main energy of Rossby waves in the Northwestern Pacific corresponds to the first baroclinic mode. At almost all latitudes, there is good agreement between the empirical phase velocities calculated by isopleths by the Radon method and the theoretical values; also, the spectral peaks correspond to graphs of the dispersion equations for the first baroclinic mode Rossby waves, except for the Kuroshio region, where some peaks correspond to the second mode.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):920-928
pages 920-928 views

Polarimetric radars and polarimetric SAR data in tasks of detection and identification of marine oil pollution

Sineva A., Ivanov A.


Detecting and distinguishing different kinds of oil pollution, including spills of crude oil on the sea surface, is one important problem of modern remote sensing. The wide use of imaging radars is not always effective. In this review paper, the main principles and methods of polarization radar imaging and radar data processing are discussed based on present theoretical and experimental approaches and ideas. The efficiency of polarimetric methods for oil-spill detection and accurate identification on the sea surface is demonstrated as well. As is shown, modern methods of multipolarimetric radar-signal processing is a powerful means for improving oil-pollution detection and discrimination algorithms.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):929-939
pages 929-939 views

Modeling of oil spreading in a problem of radar multiangle diagnostics of Sea surface pollutions

Matveev A., Kubryakov A., Boev A., Bychkov D., Ivanov V., Stanichny S., Tsymbal V.


The possibilities of a multiangle method of radar diagnostics to determine thickness of an oil film on a sea surface by comparing the radar data with the quantitative modeling results obtained using the model of oil spreading dynamics are analyzed. The experimental results of the remote sensing of the Caspian Sea water area near the Neftyanye Kamni oil field by the Envisat-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and the new Floating Objects Tracking System (FOTS) model of oil spreading are used for the analysis. The model allows to calculate the dynamics and change in the mass and size of an oil slick basing only on the available data of satellite measurements and atmospheric reanalysis.The model takes into account the main processes that influence the slick formation (gravity spreading, advective transport, dispersion, emulsification, turbulent mixing, and evaporation). This model is used to calculate the thickness evolution and dynamics of the displacement of oil slicks in the period between two consecutive radar images of this region (0.5–4 days) and to estimate the volumes of oil spilled in the field. The good consistence of the height of the oil film calculated using radar measurements and the modeling results confirms the method’s reliability.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):940-950
pages 940-950 views

Monitoring short-period internal waves in the White Sea

Zimin A., Kozlov I., Atadzhanova O., Chapron B.


Widespread short-period internal wave (SPIW) activity in the White Sea has been revealed for the first time based on long-term (2009–2013) monitoring performed using satellite and in situ observations, and the statistical characteristics of these waves have been obtained. Two main regions where short-period waves constantly exist have been identified: the shelf area near the frontal zone at the boundary between the Basin and the Gorlo Strait and the shallow shelf area where the depths are about 30–50 m near Solovetskie Islands. Intense internal waves (IIWs), which are substantially nonlinear and are related to specific phases of a barotropic tide, are regularly observed near frontal zones. The wave height can reach half the sea depth and the wave periods vary from 7 to 18 min.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):951-960
pages 951-960 views

Reconstruction of the three-dimensional salinity and temperature fields of the Black Sea on the basis of satellite altimetry measurements

Korotaev G., Lishaev P., Knysh V.


The methodology of joint processing of the satellite altimetry and occasional hydrological observations in the Black Sea for 1993–2012 is developed. The original technique for reconstruction of the 3D temperature and salinity fields in the deep-sea part is proposed and implemented. This technique makes it possible to identify the depths at which a contribution of adiabatic processes to the deformation of the temperature and salinity profiles of the sea is predominant. Daily-averaged 3D fields of the seawater temperature and salinity in a baroclinic layer on a regular grid are reconstructed. The evaluation of accuracy of the reconstructed temperature and salinity arrays is performed by comparing them with the data of hydrological exploration. Structures of the temperature and salinity fields are correlated naturally with topography of the altimetric level and clearly indicate the synoptic variability. Seasonal and interannual variabilities of the kinetic energy (averaged over horizons of the 63–400 m layer) of the geostrophic currents calculated using the dynamic method makes it possible to reveal a sharp increase in the kinetic energy of the currents in the winter season of 2002. A high correlation is found between the interannual variability of the ERA-Interim wind stress curl averaged over the surface of the deep sea part and the kinetic energy of the geostrophic currents in the 63–400 m layer.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):961-973
pages 961-973 views

Manifestation specifics of hydrodynamic processes in satellite images of intense phytoplankton bloom areas

Lavrova O., Mityagina M.


The paper summarizes the results of the long-term complex satellite monitoring of the Black and Baltic seas. Data from synthetic aperture radars (SARs) constitute the experimental basis for the investigation of satellite. In addition to radar data, the data of the visible and infrared bands from MODIS Terra/Aqua, MERIS Envisat, Landsat series sensors are used. The features of the manifestation of hydrodynamic processes, submesoscale eddies in particular, in satellite radar and optical images in a period of intense phytoplankton bloom are discussed. A relationship is established between the intensity and duration of the phytoplankton bloom in the regions of observation and the frequency of the appearance of long-lasting wakes behind moving ships in SAR images. These wakes appear as long narrow bright bands of enhanced backscattered signal extending for tens and sometimes hundreds of kilometers. It is proposed to consider the wakes of this type as indicators of the areas and duration of intense phytoplankton bloom. Satellite observations over the Black and Baltic Seas conducted for more than ten years have shown that long-lasting ship wakes are influenced by powerful jet streams, such as those associated with the passage of eddies that leads to shifts and deformations. By comparing the true route of a ship with its wake in the satellite image, it is possible to obtain detailed information about the parameters of currents.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):974-987
pages 974-987 views

Determination of the chlorophyll a concentration by MODIS-Aqua and VIIRS satellite radiometers in Eastern Arctic and Bering Sea

Salyuk P., Stepochkin I., Bukin O., Sokolova E., Mayor A., Shambarova J., Gorbushkin A.


The waters of the Bering and Chukchi seas, as well as the De Long Strait, are investigated based on the data obtained in August 2013 during the scientific expedition of the Far Eastern Floating University on the research vessel Professor Khlyustin. Chlorophyll a concentrations calculated from MODIS-Aqua and VIIRS satellite data by ocean color and obtained by means of shipboard flow-through fluorometric measurements are comparatively analyzed. Vessel data are corrected for standard spectrophotometric measurements and the vertical depth distribution of phytoplankton. It has been found that, in the waters of the Eastern Arctic, satellite radiometers showed overestimated chlorophyll a concentrations in the upper seawater layer visible from the satellite. This is associated with the additional contribution of colored dissolved organic matter in the sea surface color. In the De Long Strait, satellite measurements incorrectly estimate the depth integrated chlorophyll a concentration, since the bulk of phytoplankton cells at a chlorophyll a concentration of 10–20 g/L is at depths of 25–30 m with luminosity of 5%.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):988-998
pages 988-998 views

On the spatial–temporal variations in the chlorophyll-a concentration on the Peter the Great Bay shelf during the winter–spring phytoplankton bloom according to satellite and subsatellite data

Shtraikhert E., Zakharkov S.


Chlorophyll-a concentration (Cchl) variations in the cross section within and outside the Peter the Great Bay shelf during different stages of the winter–spring phytoplankton bloom in 2003–2005 has been considered based on a ship (obtained during the R/V Akademik M.A. Lavrent’ev voyage of February 26 to March 9, 2003) and MODIS-Aqua spectroradiometer and the SeaWiFS color-scanner satellite data. A comparison of the Cchl variability obtained from the ship and satellite data indicates that these data are inconsistent. According to satellite data obtained at the MUMM atmospheric correction, the Cchl variability is distorted less than the NIR-correction data. Studying the variations in the coefficients of light absorption by the detritus and yellow substance (adg) and light backscattering by suspended particles (bbp), Cchl, chlorophyll-a fluorescence (Fchl) according to the satellite data allow us to state that the variations in the discrepancy between the satellite and ship Cchl values are mainly caused by the variations in the content of the detritus and yellow substance in water. Based on the satellite data, it has been revealed that the adg values increase with increasing wind mixing after the phytoplankton bloom (about 2–5 km areas where the adg, Cchl, Fchl, and bbp values abruptly increased in 2005, apparently due to eddy formation). It has been indicated that the Fchl characteristic, which is close to Cchl, increases when the favorable conditions for the phytoplankton bloom deteriorate. Therefore, this characteristic cannot be used to identify Cchl under the indicated conditions.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):999-1011
pages 999-1011 views

Satellite microwave radiometry of sea ice of polar regions: a review

Tikhonov V., Raev M., Sharkov E., Boyarskii D., Repina I., Komarova N.


This is a review of methods of passive microwave satellite monitoring of the sea-ice cover in polar regions. We briefly describe the microwave radiometers launched into the Earth’s orbit and provide data used in studies of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice. We give a detailed description of currently used algorithms for determining the sea-ice concentration and cover in polar regions according to satellite microwave radiometry. The methods for constructing these algorithms and their related drawbacks are considered. The final section of this paper briefly analyzes the studies that compare current algorithms with each other, with radar data, infrared data, and data of visual ship observations.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):1012-1030
pages 1012-1030 views

Iceberg drifting and distribution in the Vilkitsky Strait studied by detailed satellite radar and optical images

Kucheiko A., Ivanov A., Davydov A., Antonyuk A.


This paper is devoted to the detection and identification of icebergs in the Russian Arctic Seas from the use of high- and medium-resolution radar and optical images from EROS-B, Radarsat-1, Radarsat-2, SPOT-4 and SPOT-5 Earth observation satellites. In July–September of 2011–2013, the SCANEX Research and Development Center, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Atomflot, and other partner organizations provided operational satellite monitoring of icebergs in the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea. More than 130 highly detailed optical and radar images were received and processed. The Vilkitsky Strait—one of the narrowest and most dangerous places within the Northern Sea Route—was chosen as an experimental polygon. As a result, iceberg location in the strait during the 2011–2013 navigation periods was analyzed, as were the iceberg size, area, drift direction, and height.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):1031-1040
pages 1031-1040 views

Sea surface wind and Sea ice in the Barents Sea using microwave sensing data from Meteor-M N1 and GCOM-W1 satellites in January–March 2013

Mitnik L., Mitnik M., Chernyavsky G., Cherny I., Vykochko A., Pichugin M., Zabolotskikh E.


Application of satellite passive microwave sensing for the retrieval of key climatic parameters in the Barents Sea is considered. Fields of surface wind, atmosphere water vapor content and cloud liquid water content were found from MTVZA-GY radiometer onboard the Meteor-M N1 satellite and AMSR2 onboard the GCOM-W1 satellite with the use of original algorithms. The fields are in a good agreement with the ancillary remote and in situ measurements, which follows from the analysis of the evolution of the extra tropical and polar cyclones and cold air outbreaks with storm winds leading to intense air-sea interaction, and the formation and drift of sea ice.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):1041-1050
pages 1041-1050 views

Climatic variability of transport in the upper layer of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current from hydrological and satellite data

Artamonov J., Fedirko A., Skripaleva E.


Based on the satellite altimetry dataset of sea level anomalies, the climatic hydrological database World Ocean Atlas-2009, ocean reanalysis ECMWF ORA-S3, and wind velocity components from NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, the interannual variability of Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) transport in the ocean upper layer is investigated for the period 1959–2008, and estimations of correlative connections between ACC transport and wind velocity components are performed. It has been revealed that the maximum (by absolute value) linear trends of ACC transport over the last 50 years are observed in the date-line region, in the Western and Eastern Atlantic and the western part of the Indian Ocean. The greatest increase in wind velocity for this period for the zonal component is observed in Drake Passage, at Greenwich meridian, in the Indian Ocean near 90° E, and in the date-line region; for the meridional component, it is in the Western and Eastern Pacific, in Drake Passage, and to the south of Africa. It has been shown that the basic energy-carrying frequencies of interannual variability of ACC transport and wind velocity components, as well as their correlative connections, correspond to the periods of basic large-scale modes of atmospheric circulation: multidecadal and interdecadal oscillations, Antarctic Circumpolar Wave, Southern Annual Mode, and Southern Oscillation. A significant influence of the wind field on the interannual variability of ACC transport is observed in the Western Pacific (140° E–160° W) and Eastern Pacific; Drake Passage and Western Atlantic (90°–30° W); in the Eastern Atlantic and Western Indian Ocean (10°–70° E). It has been shown in the Pacific Ocean that the ACC transport responds to changes of the meridional wind more promptly than to changes of the zonal wind.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):1051-1063
pages 1051-1063 views

Convective structures in the Lofoten Basin based on satellite and Argo data

Alexeev V., Ivanov V., Repina I., Lavrova O., Stanichny S.


We discuss the possibility of detecting deep convection in the Lofoten Basin of the Norwegian Sea based on the eddy structures revealed from the satellite data. Satellite altimetry, SAR imagery, and MODIS satellite spectral radiometer sea-surface temperature (SST) data are used in the analysis, along with the data of oceanographic Argo floats. It is shown that the eddies identified from the satellite data correspond to the convective cells in the same region according to the data of the Argo floats. We consider several examples of the summer eddy and one winter eddy and the corresponding structures in the ocean measured by the Argo floats when they were located close to the identified eddies. As this method develops and improves, it can be used for the analysis of the dynamic of oceanic eddies in the region of the Lofoten Basin, and possibly in other regions with active deep convection.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):1064-1077
pages 1064-1077 views

Studying Atmospheric Processes from Space

Satellite monitoring of trace gas and aerosol emissions during wildfires in Russia

Bondur V.


Peculiarities of the formation of carbon gas and fine aerosol emissions into the atmosphere during wildfires are analyzed. A prompt satellite monitoring system and technique for the assessment of burnt areas and volumes of CO2, CO, and PM2.5 emissions from wildfires are described. The results of satellite monitoring of the Russian Federation and some Russian regions for different months over 2010–2014 are given; burnt areas and volumes of carbon gas and aerosol emissions throughout the entire territory are assessed. The peculiarities of seasonal frequencies of wildfires and volumes of hazardous gas and fine aerosol emissions in the regions under study are identified.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):1078-1091
pages 1078-1091 views

Determination of the methane content in the atmosphere using correlation radiometer

Shishigin S.


In this work the procedure of replacing the inhomogeneous atmosphere with homogeneous layers is discussed. The absorption and emission functions of a layer in a selected spectral region are the same as they are for the inhomogeneous layer. The dependence of the effective brightness temperature of a layer on its thickness is shown in the methane absorption band 1220–1260 cm–1. Negative values of luminosity spectral density of a homogenous atmospheric layer with a width of over 3200 m indicate an increase in the weakening role of the layer for the outgoing radiation in the considered atmospheric model. The application of the method of gas optical filter correlation for a measurement of the methane content in the near-ground atmospheric layer from an aerospace platform is considered.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):1092-1096
pages 1092-1096 views

Detection and assessment of cloud cover and precipitation parameters using data of scanning radiometers of polar–orbiting and geostationary meteorological satellites

Volkova E., Uspensky A.


Two multispectral threshold techniques have been developed and tested for the automatic classification of AVHRR/NOAA and SEVIRI/Meteosat-10 data. They provide day-and-night detection and the assessment of cloud-cover parameters, as well as the discrimination of precipitation zones and severe weather phenomena. The validation of output information products, which has been performed with ground-based conventional meteorological observations and radar data, as well as with independent satellite-based estimates of cloud cover and precipitation parameters, confirms the feasibility of developed techniques and reasonable accuracy of output products. Therefore, the technique is concurrent to those implemented in current foreign satellite centers.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):1097-1109
pages 1097-1109 views

Methods for automatic cloud classification from MODIS data

Astafurov V., Kuriyanovich K., Skorokhodov A.


In this paper, different texture-analysis methods are used to describe different cloud types in MODIS satellite images. A universal technique is suggested for the formation of efficient sets of textural features using the algorithm of truncated scanning of the features for different classifiers based on neural networks and cluster-analysis methods. Efficient sets of textural features are given for the considered classifiers; the cloud-image classification results are discussed. The characteristics of the classification methods used in this work are described: the probabilistic neural network, K-nearest neighbors, self-organizing Kohonen network, fuzzy C-means, and density clustering algorithm methods. It is shown that the algorithm based on a probabilistic neural network is the most efficient. It provides for the best classification reliability for 25 cloud types and allows the recognition of 11 cloud types with a probability greater than 0.7. As an example, the cloud classification results are given for the Tomsk region. The classifications were carried out using full-size satellite cloud images and different methods. The results agree with each other and agree well with the observational data from ground-based weather stations.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):1110-1119
pages 1110-1119 views

Main results of recent investigations into the physical mechanisms of the interaction of tropical cyclones and the ionosphere

Vanina-Dart L., Sharkov E.


International investigations into the correlation between tropical cyclones (TCs) and the ionosphere are associated with great difficulties in proving the influence of possible TC mechanisms on the ionosphere. In this paper, the ionospheric parameters obtained by ground-based and satellite sensing over the TC and at a certain distance from it are analyzed. This paper is a brief presentation of the main areas of research on the TC–ionosphere interaction problem by different international teams of scientists from the formulation of the problem to the present. The main conclusion of the paper is that internal gravity waves are the main factors that influence the ionosphere from the active cyclones.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):1120-1127
pages 1120-1127 views

Statistical characteristics of polar lows over the Nordic Seas based on satellite passive microwave data

Smirnova J., Zabolotskikh E., Bobylev L., Chapron B.


In this study polar lows over the Nordic Seas for the period of 1995–2008 have been detected and studied using the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) data. A new methodology for polar low detection and monitoring based on the analysis of the total atmospheric water vapor content (WVC) fields retrieved from SSM/I was used. Lifetimes, diameters, translation speeds, distances traveled, and intensities were estimated for the detected polar lows using SSM/I WVC, sea surface wind speed fields and infrared imagery. Over the Norwegian and Barents Seas, the polar low activity was found to be almost equal. A positive tendency in the total number of polar lows for the time period of 1995–2008 was detected.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):1128-1136
pages 1128-1136 views

Variant for estimating the activity of tropical cyclone groups in the world ocean

Yaroshevich M.


It is especially important to know the character and the intensity level of tropical cyclone (TC) activity when the system for estimating the cyclonic danger and risk is formed. During seasons of increased cyclonic activity, when several TCs are simultaneously active, the total energy effect of the cyclone group joint action is not estimated numerically. Cyclonic activity is as a rule characterized by the number of TCs that occur in the considered zone. A variant of the criterion, according to which relative cyclonic activity is estimated, is presented.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):1137-1141
pages 1137-1141 views

Novaya Zemlya bora and polar cyclones in spaceborne SAR and optical imagery

Ivanov A.


Mesoscale meteorological phenomena, such as Novaya Zemlya bora and polar cyclones, have been studied based on the respective signatures in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images of the sea surface using remote sensing methods. The local bora covers both coastal and open-sea zones of the Barents Sea to the west of Novaya Zemlya and can lead to catastrophic consequences in coastal waters of the archipelago. Another interesting and hardly predictable phenomenon is polar cyclones. The development of especially intensive and catastrophic polar cyclones can be traced using multisensor and multispectral imagery. It has been shown that the application of spaceborne SARs and optical sensors enables real time detection, forecast, and monitoring of Novaya Zemlya bora and polar cyclones in the Barents Sea, giving ground for their detail research.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):1142-1154
pages 1142-1154 views

Methodological Aspects of Remote Sensing

A two-channel method for retrieval of the Black Sea surface temperature from Landsat-8 measurements

Aleskerova A., Kubryakov A., Stanichny S.


The present work is devoted to the development of a retrieval algorithm for the sea surface temperature from the two-channel measurements of the Landsat-8 satellite on the basis of a comparison with MODIS satellite data. The algorithm makes it possible to reconstruct the surface temperature with a 100 m resolution, which enables analysis of the spatial structure of various phenomena on the ocean surface at small scales (upwelling, submesoscale vortices, etc.). The magnitude of the standard deviation between the reconstructed temperature and the temperature derived from the MODIS satellite is ~0.58°C. The sources of inconsistency between temperatures retrieved from the MODIS and Landsat-8 measurements were investigated: diurnal temperature variation, which leads to an increase in the standard deviation in the summer period because of the mismatch in time (~2 hours) between measurements; the presence of specific bands in the Landsat data, which is probably related to instrumental errors of the device.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):1155-1161
pages 1155-1161 views

Sea-surface temperature chart enhancement in frontal zones

Aleksanin A., Kim V.


Infrared and microwave satellite images used for sea-surface temperature (SST) retrieval often have distortions such as noise and blurring of thermal front lines that decrease the quality of SST charts. In order to solve this problem, it is proposed to use an approach based on the Mumford–Shah model that approximates an image with a piecewise smooth function. In order to combine the advantages of the proposed approach and conventional methods for noise filtering and image restoration it is proposed to divide images into flat and frontal zones and process them separately. The SST quality is enhanced by the use of edge-preserving noise filtering and restoration algorithms. The latter use the features of radiometers and different stages of the SST construction procedure to improve their accuracy. The images obtained using the MTSAT/VISSR, METEOR-M/MSU-MR, and AQUA/AMSR-E radiometers are used for testing the developed approach.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):1162-1171
pages 1162-1171 views

A multisensory algorithm of satellite radiothermovision

Ermakov D., Sharkov E., Chernushich A.


A multisensory algorithm of satellite radiothermovision has been proposed that makes it possible to combine the data of satellite radiothermal monitoring of the Earth from different sources within a single method of spatiotemporal interpolation taking into account the differences in time of measurements and in the spatial resolution of different instruments. The new algorithm was tested in a series of measurements with SSMIS instruments onboard F16, F17 satellites of DMSP and AMSR-2 instruments onboard the GCOMW1 satellite in November 2013, as well as a series of measurements with the same instruments in August 2012 supplemented with data from WindSat. The parameters of the spatiotemporal interpolation of total precipitable water fields are improved nearly twofold (with a time step of 1.5 h on a regular grid with 0.125° sampling) compared with the method that previously used only SSM/I data. The achieved spatial sampling exceeds known world analogues while maintaining a high accuracy of interpolation. In addition, the problem of the transition from the fields at a fixed local time to the fields at a fixed universal time is briefly considered. It has been shown that this transition is mainly relevant in the study of the fast atmospheric processes on a global scale with high temporal resolution.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):1172-1180
pages 1172-1180 views

Data intercalibration technique for infrared channels of the Elektro-L/MSU-GS imager with the AIRS infrared sounder data

Kiseleva Y., Gektin Y., Zaytsev A., Kuharsky A., Rublev A., Uspensky A.


A new intercalibration technique for infrared channels of the MSU-GS imager on the Elektro-L no. 1 Russian geostationary meteorological satellites is suggested using the Aqua/AIRS sounder data. Intercalibration is carried out over the ocean surface in the region of the Elektro-L subsatellite point. The proposed technique accounts for possible FOV contamination by the land surface or clouds. According to the intercalibration, the average biases for the MSU-GS channels are as following: 4.8 K for channel 7, 2.0 K for channel 8, and 2.7 K for the channels 9 and 10. The technique was validated using the same approach for two infrared channels of the European Meteosat-10/SEVIRI imager.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(9):1181-1190
pages 1181-1190 views

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