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Том 52, № 3 (2016)


Link between anomalously cold winters in Russia and sea-ice decline in the Barents Sea

Semenov V.


There were several anomalously cold winter weather regimes in Russia in the early 21st century. These regimes were usually associated with a blocking anticyclone south of the Barents Sea. Numerical simulations with an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) using prescribed sea-ice concentration (SIC) data for different periods during the last 50 years showed that a rapid sea-ice area decline in the Barents Sea in the last decade could bring about the formation of such a blocking anticyclone and cooling over northern Eurasia. The SIC reduction in the former period, from the second half of the 1960s to the first half of the 1990s, results in a weaker response of opposite sign. This suggests a nonlinear atmospheric circulation response to the SIC reduction in the Barents Sea, which has been previously found in the idealized AGCM simulations. An impact of the Barents Sea SIC reduction on the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), in particular, on the formation of the anomalously low NAO index, is found. The results indicate an important role that the Barents Sea, a region with the largest variability of the ocean–atmosphere heat exchange in the Arctic in wintertime, plays in generating anomalous weather regimes in Russia.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(3):225-233
pages 225-233 views

Estimates for regression relationships between characteristics of tropical cyclones and gravity anomalies

Makosko A., Yaroshevich M.


We have obtained regression relationships between vertical components of gravity anomalies in tropical cyclone areas and some cyclonic characteristics. These regressions are more pronounced in territories where negative gravity anomalies are prevalent. Numerical experiments are performed for the cyclonic zone of the northwestern Pacific and western Atlantic. In the zone of the western Atlantic, the main focus is on cyclones entering to the terrestrial part of the United States. We conclude that under some conditions, gravity anomalies can affect the characteristics of tropical cyclones.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(3):234-238
pages 234-238 views

Self-oscillations in the laboratory periodic flow and the linear law for the dissipation rate in the single-frequency range

Batchaev A.


In this paper, a Reynolds number increase transition from self-oscillations close to single-frequency ones to the temporally chaotic regime in the flow in a cylindrical channel driven by a spatially periodic force with four half-periods is experimentally investigated. The parameter ε proportional to the mean rate of the kinetic energy dissipation in unit mass per unit time associated with perturbations in the fluid is used as a basic characteristic of self-oscillations. The Reynolds number dependence ε(Re) for single frequency self-oscillations is considered theoretically.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(3):239-246
pages 239-246 views

Background component of carbon oxide concentrations in the surface air (Obninsk monitoring station)

Kashin F., Aref’ev V., Sizov N., Akimenko R., Upenek L.


Data on the volume concentration of carbon oxide (CO) in surface-air samples taken in European Russia, which were obtained using the Fourier transform spectroscopy method, are given. Over 16 years of measurements, this concentration decreased by 28%. These measured concentrations of CO are separated into its regional natural background and anthropogenic components. Seasonal variations in the concentration of CO are separated from its background concentration. Their extreme intra-annual values and mean amplitudes are determined. An empirical model of time variations in the concentration of CO is proposed. The atmospheric concentration of the CO anthropogenic component decreased by ~61 ppb over the measurement period.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(3):247-252
pages 247-252 views

The comparison of IR and MW ground-based measurements of total precipitable water

Berezin I., Virolainen Y., Timofeyev Y., Poberovskii A.


Water vapor is one of the basic climate gases playing a key role in various processes at different altitudes of the Earth’s atmosphere. An intercomparison and validation of different total precipitable water (TPW) measurement methods are important for determining the true accuracy of these methods, the shared use of data from multiple sources, the creation of data archives of different measurements, etc. In this paper, the TPW values obtained from measurements of solar IR spectral radiation (~8–9 μm absorption band) and thermal MW radiation of the atmosphere (1.35 cm absorption line) for 138 days of observation are compared. Measurements have been carried out from March 2013 to June 2014 at Peterhof station of the St. Petersburg State University in (59.88° N, 29.82° E). It is shown that MW measurements usually give higher TPW values than IR measurements. The bias between the two methods varies from 1 to 8% for small and large TPW values, respectively. With increasing TPW values, the bias reduces and for TPW > 1 cm it is ~1%. Standard deviation (SD) between the two methods reaches 7% for TPW < 0.4 cm and 3–5% for TPW > 1 cm. These data show the high quality of both remote sensing methods. Moreover, the IR measurements have a higher accuracy than MW measurements for small TPW values.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(3):253-256
pages 253-256 views

Parameterization of key optical and radiative characteristics of homogeneous layers of mixed phase clouds

Petrushin A.


Key optical characteristics of radiation scattering in clouds (mean cosine of the scattering phase function, averaged factors and indices of scattering efficiency, and single-scattering albedo) and integral characteristics of homogeneous cloud layers (cloud-layer albedo and transmission factor) have been calculated with the use of the earlier suggested model of the microstructure of mixed phase clouds, where ice crystals and water droplets are homogeneously mixed over the volume, for individual wavelengths in the range from 0.6 to 10.6 μm. An approach is elaborated for statistically valid parameterization of the above characteristics versus the mean temperature of a mixed layer only under the availability of reliable information about the temperature dependence of the characteristic sizes of particles of different fractions and their concentrations in the cloud.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(3):257-262
pages 257-262 views

Effect of photochemical self-action of carbon-containing aerosol: Wildfires

Konovalov I., Berezin E., Beekmann M.


It has been shown by numerical simulation that the rate of formation of secondary organic aerosols (SOAs) in smoke plumes caused by vegetation and peat fires under real conditions can significantly depend on the aerosol optical thickness (AOT). The AOT determines the photodissociation rate and hydroxyl radical concentration, which in turn determines the rate of SOA generation as a result of oxidation of semivolatile organic compounds. Quantitative analysis has been carried out for the situation that took place in European Russia during the 2010 Russian wildfires. The state-of-the-art 3D chemical transport model is used in this study; the simulations are optimized and validated using the data of monitoring of the particulate matter in the Moscow region and Finland. The findings indicate that it is important to allow for this effect in studies focused on the analysis and prediction of air pollution due to wildfires, as well as climate and weather studies, whose results may depend on the assumptions about the content and properties of atmospheric carbon-containing aerosol.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(3):263-270
pages 263-270 views

Parameters of radio pulses of cloud-to-ground multiple-stroke lightning discharges in Northeast Asia

Tarabukina L., Kozlov V.


Parameters of radio pulses from multiple-stroke lightning discharges arising on the territory of Yakutia and in Transbaikalia are estimated. The number of cloud-to-ground return strokes per lightning reaches 11, on average, 4.2 (without allowance for the cases of single lightnings) for Yakutia and up to 15 for Transbaikalia. The time interval between the subsequent strokes was on average 43 ms. A peak value of signals of subsequent strokes averages 0.5 of the value for the first stroke.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(3):271-276
pages 271-276 views

Modeling Black Sea circulation with high resolution in the coastal zone

Zalesnyi V., Gusev A., Agoshkov V.


We present a numerical model of Black Sea circulation based on primitive equations with improved spatial resolution in the coastal zone. The model equations are formulated in a two-pole orthogonal coordinate system with arbitrary locations of the poles and a vertical σ coordinate. Increased horizontal resolution is gained by displacing the pole into the vicinity of the separated subdomain. The problem is solved over a grid with a variable step. The northern coordinate pole is displaced to the vicinity of Gelendzhik; the grid step varies from 150 m in the coastal zone to 4.6 km in the main basin. We simulated the fields of currents, sea level, temperature, and salinity under the given atmospheric forcing in 2007. The model is capable of reproducing the large-scale Black Sea circulation and submesoscale variations in the coastal currents.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(3):277-293
pages 277-293 views

On the application of a turbulence closure modified model to the description of the density jump evolution in a stably stratified medium

Ezhova E., Zilitinkevitch S., Rybushkina G., Soustova I., Troitskaya Y.


The self-similar turbulent density jump evolution has been studied in the scope of a turbulence closure modernized theory which takes into account the anisotropy and mutual transformation of the turbulent fluctuation kinetic and potential energy for a stably stratified fluid. The numerical calculation, performed using the equations for the average density and kinetic and potential energies of turbulent fluctuations, indicates that the vertical profiles of the buoyancy frequency, turbulence scale, and kinetic and potential energies drastically change when the turbulence anisotropy is strong. The vertical profiles of the corresponding energy and spatial discontinuity parameters, calculated at a weaker anisotropy, indicate that similar drastic changes are absent and a qualitative agreement exists with the known analytical solution, which describes the density jump evolution in a freshwater basin and was obtained previously [5, 8] in the scope of a turbulence local-similarity hypothesis applied in combination with the budget equation for the turbulent fluctuation kinetic energy.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(3):294-300
pages 294-300 views

Vertical momentum transfer by internal waves when eddy viscosity and diffusion are taken into account

Slepyshev A.


Free internal waves are considered in a Boussinesq approximation in the situation when horizontal eddy viscosity and diffusion in a vertically inhomogeneous flow are taken into account. The dispersion relation and wave damping factor are found in a linear approximation. The Stokes drift velocity is determined in the second order of smallness based on the wave amplitude. It has been indicated that the Stokes drift velocity, transverse with respect to the wave propagation direction, differs from zero if the flow-rate transverse component depends on the vertical coordinate. Vertical momentum fluxes differ from zero and can be comparable with or exceed the corresponding turbulent fluxes if eddy viscosity and diffusion are taken into account.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(3):301-308
pages 301-308 views

Comparing satellite and meteorological data on wind velocity over the Black Sea

Garmashov A., Kubryakov A., Shokurov M., Stanichny S., Toloknov Y., Korovushkin A.


Wind-velocity data obtained from in situ measurements at the Golitsyno-4 marine stationary platform have been compared with QuikSCAT scatterometer data; NCEP, MERRA, and ERA-Interim global reanalyses and MM5 regional atmospheric reanalysis. In order to adjust wind velocity measured at a height of 37 m above the sea surface to a standard height of 10 m with stratification taken into account, the Monin–Obukhov theory and regional atmospheric reanalysis data are used. Data obtained with the QuikSCAT scatterometer most adequately describe the real variability of wind over the Black Sea. Errors in reanalysis data are not high either: the regression coefficient varies from 0.98 to 1.06, the rms deviation of the velocity amplitude varies from 1.90 to 2.24 m/s, and the rms deviation of the direction angle varies from 26° to 36°. Errors in determining the velocity and direction of wind depend on its amplitude: under weak winds (<3 m/s), the velocity of wind is overestimated and errors significantly increase in determining its direction; under strong winds (>12 m/s), its velocity is underestimated. The influence of these errors on both spatial and temporal estimates of the characteristics of wind over the Black Sea is briefly considered.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(3):309-316
pages 309-316 views

The role of atmospheric circulation in spatial and temporal variations in the structure of currents in the western South China Sea

Vlasova G., Demenok M., Xuan N., Long B.


Based on numerical simulations, we calculate the integral water circulation of the South China Sea on the eastern Vietnam shelf in the Vietnam coastal current area. The main objective of simulations was to study the hydrodynamic structures of this current in the winter–summer interseasonal period. The calculations were performed for the period from April to June 1999, which had the necessary primary field data. Two types of atmospheric processes were considered: the first is characterized by a small pressure gradient over the South China Sea and the second includes tropical cyclones in the southern part of the sea. The simulation results showed that there are three hydrodynamic gyres in the study area during the given time period: two anticyclonic gyres and a cyclonic gyre that separates them, which together form a complex pattern of the Vietnam current. These gyres persist for the given types of atmospheric processes and are quasi-stationary structures. The Vietnam current carries coastal water masses from south to north within the anticyclonic gyres in summer and from north to south within the cyclonic gyres in winter.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(3):317-327
pages 317-327 views

A change in the asymmetry coefficient of Light-Scattering phase function in natural waters that contain organic particles

Mankovskii V.


A semiempirical model is constructed for the relationship between the coefficient of asymmetry of Light Scattering phase function in water K and the scattering coefficient σ, which shows a mechanism of an increase in the asymmetry coefficient as the scattering coefficient grows as a result of an increase in the concentration of organic particles. The mechanism of this relationship lies in the presence in all natural waters of molecular scattering and scattering by mineral particles that create background scattering in water medium, which is overlaid by scattering by organic particles. This relationship has a regional character caused by the regional features of background scattering and the average size of organic particles in those regions. The model relationships K = f(σ) are plotted properly to the experimental ones in the various regions.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2016;52(3):328-333
pages 328-333 views

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