The peculiarities of brain bioelectrical activity in infants who suffered from stress due to military conflict depending on type of feeding





The aim of the research is to study the peculiarities of brain electrical activity in infants who suffered from stress due to military conflict and who were on different types of feeding.

An electroencephalographic study was conducted in 68 infants who were in the military conflict zone and formed the main group. These infants were divided into 2 subgroups. Subgroup Ia included 36 infants who were breastfeeding. Subgroup Ib included 32 infants who were on artificial feeding. EEG was also made to 88 children who made up a control group and were outside the zone of military conflict. Of these, 47 children were breastfed, who entered the subgroup IIa and 41 children were on artificial feeding, included in subgroup IIb.

The study was carried out with the help of a hardware-software complex for recording and processing electroencephalograms and evoked potentials DX-NT 32.

The most pronounced physiological changes in brain bioelectrical activity were detected in the group of children undergoing stress of war and being on artificial feeding, which were manifested by lower parameters of the amplitude, frequency and time index of alpha and beta rhythms, increased amplitude, frequency and time index of delta and theta rhythms.


T. Shirina

Lugansk State Medical University named after St. Luke

乌克兰, Lugansk

I. Ershova

Lugansk State Medical University named after St. Luke

俄罗斯联邦, Lugansk


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