



This article presents the results of the clinical examination of the patient at the age of 41, who has been hospitalized according to the principle of OMC to the department of oral surgery and multi- specialized hospital of stomatology with a rare bone disease which affects the lower jaw -desmoplastic fibroma. The surveillance has been conducted for three years. Clinical characteristics and Хray patterns of the disease were revealed and the results of instrumental and histological studies were shown.


M Muzykin

Institute of a bioregulation and gerontology

A Iordanishvili

Mechnikov North-West State Medical university

M Rybakova

Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical university

V Bugera

Institute of a bioregulation and gerontology

S Vasiliev

Institute of a bioregulation and gerontology


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版权所有 © Muzykin M.I., Iordanishvili A.K., Rybakova M.G., Bugera V.N., Vasiliev S.V., 2017

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