



Literature analysis was performed data on possibilities of ultrasonic examination (uS) of the para- thyroid glands (PTG) in the differential diagnosis and determining treatment strategy of secondary hyperparathyroidism. It was indicated that the current PTG hyperplasia can be diagnosed by using a variety of methods, at the same time as the most promising considering ultrasound. The literature data suggests that ultrasonography is a highly informative method for assessing the PTG state in secondary hyperparathyroidism, allowing early detection of changes in the glands, to determine the severity of hy- perplasia, assess variants of morphological changes to select the treatment. uS can also be used to moni- tor and control changes identified in gland state during the therapy. uS is recognized method of choice due to its non-invasiveness, harmless and availability, while computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and scintigraphy may become further diagnostic step in the cases of unidentified glands and a suspected ectopic PTG. The use of uS allows additional qualitative and quantitative information about PTG state that can be used to select an adequate method of medical or surgical treatment. Further research is needed to assess the possibilities of applying the uS method in the differential diagnosis of secondary hyperparathyroidism.


I Zotova

North-Western State Mechnikov Medical university

A Kholin

North-Western State Mechnikov Medical university


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