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With cirrhosis of the liver statistically significant violations of cerebral hemodynamic parameters observed in intracranial department due to hemispheric asymmetry of blood flow. Hemispheric asymmetry of blood flow is marked by the development of vascular resistance and lability of the process of atherosclerosis. Hemispheric asymmetry between blood flow and stages of hepatic encephalopathy observed a noticeable positive relationship.

About the authors

V E Kulikov

Ulyanovsk State University

T A Emelina

Ulyanovsk State University

V A Kornilova

Ulyanovsk State University

M A Toneva

Ulyanovsk State University

E R Antonova

Ulyanovsk State University


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Copyright (c) 2015 Kulikov V.E., Emelina T.A., Kornilova V.A., Toneva M.A., Antonova E.R.

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