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Obesity and its attendant neurohormonal regulatory violations and play a leading role in the development and progression of insulin resistance (IR), which is the principal risk factors of the metabolic syndrome (MS). Identifying predictors of MS in childhood is of great clinical importance, since the adequate treatment of this condition is reversible. The aim of the study was to investigate the clinical manifestations, metabolic and hormonal disorders in primary obesity, depending on the presence of comorbid conditions in children. In the endocrinology department at Children's Hospital №1 of St. Petersburg in 2008-2011 observed 20 children aged 8 to 17 years (boys - 14, girls - 6) with primary obesity. The survey included children study of heredity; objective examination of the analysis of physical development, evaluation of blood pressure; study hemogram, biochemical analysis of blood parameters and hormonal status; the results of instrumental studies of the cardiovascular system and digestive tract. Patients have formed two groups: 13 children with primary obesity without comorbid conditions (group 1) and 7 children with complicated comorbidity primary form of obesity (group 2). Isolation of children in Group 2 of the total weight of obese patients was conducted taking into account the identification of IR. Studies have shown that the complicated form of primary comorbidity of obesity was more common in males and is characterized by hemodynamic and hormonal changes indicating a possible risk of developing MS. At the same time, the expression of lipid metabolism, the frequency of functional pathology of the cardiovascular system and digestive tract diseases did not differ among children in group 1 and group 2.

About the authors

V I Mazurov

North-West State Medical University after I.I. Mechnikov

N V Gonchar

North-West State Medical University after I.I. Mechnikov; Scientific Research Institute of children infecnion


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