卷 10, 编号 1 (2020)

Original articles


Medvedev V., Mihailov I., Lepetunov S., Medoev Y., Kogan M.




材料与方法。对间质性膀胱炎/膀胱疼痛综合征及经证实膀胱颈部狭窄的患者(n = 29)行膀胱颈部的经尿道切开手术。在手术治疗后1个月、3个月、6个月对手术结果进行评估。治疗效果评估采用 GRA(Global Response Assessment)量表、间质性膀胱炎/膀胱疼痛综合征症状量表(尿急症状评分)、排尿日记,通过分析,可以确定膀胱的功能容量,排尿频率和夜尿。疼痛采用视觉模拟评分法(VAS)进行评估。功能效率是通过尿动力学研究确定的,其中包括膀胱测量能力,最大流量,和残余尿量。将治疗结果与39例无膀胱颈狭窄征象的间质性膀胱炎/膀胱疼痛综合征患者进行比较。



Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(1):5-10
pages 5-10 views


Korneyev I., Zasseev R., Aloyan A., Grinina A., Kondrashkin P., Makeev V., Furin V.


研究的目的。申请生殖医学中心的男性睾丸微石症(TM)的患病率和结构研究,并创建一个管理TM患者的算法。材料与方法。回顾性分析了143名男性(平均年龄为34.6±7.9岁)一直申请International Centre for Reproductive Medicine不孕不育的调查。检查包括对阴囊器官进行超声检查,评估其状况和体积,并记录TM的存在和流行。结果。根据超声资料,睾丸体积在0.5至33.3ml之间,平均为12.3±5.8 ml。睾丸发育不全、精索静脉曲张、鞘膜积液和睾丸垂体囊肿分别有88例(61.5%)、35例(24.5%)、9例(6.3%)和50例(35%)的患者。12例(8.4%)男性患者检测到TM超声征象,5例(42%)为典型,7例(58%)为局限型,5例(42%)为双侧型。1例(8%)双侧TM患者检测到左侧睾丸肿瘤的超声征象,触诊未见,进行了根治性手术治疗。有TM时,睾丸体积更小,无精子症和睾丸肿瘤的检出率高于无TM时(分别p为0.002、0.013和0.085)。TM患者被告知需要进行肿瘤方面的谨慎操作,并遵循自我检查的建议;同时存在睾丸癌危险因素的男性被要求进行睾丸活组织检查,但所有接受检查的患者都不同意这种干预。已开发出一种诊断和治疗TM患者的算法,考虑到他们是否同意接受睾丸活检,以在他们不同意的情况下尽量减少他们负面后果的风险。结论。TM在不育男性中很常见,为了检测它,他们被显示要对阴囊器官进行超声检查。提出的男性TM诊断与治疗算法,旨在提高睾丸恶性肿瘤的早期发现率和治疗成功率,并保留生殖功能的实现前景。

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(1):11-18
pages 11-18 views

Pathomorphology of adaptive changes in the remaining kidney in the early postoperative period after nephrectomy

Shormanov I., Los M., Kosenko M., Shormanova N.


Objective. To study the adaptive capacity of a single remaining kidney in the early postoperative period of nephrectomy in an experiment.

Materials and methods. The experiment involved 35 laboratory white rats, which were divided into three experimental groups. Group 1 (n = 5) intact animals, group 2 (n = 15) animals underwent nephrectomy on the left; group 3 (n = 15) animals underwent nephrectomy and additionally were created 90 minute hypoxic hypoxia. Histological material was collected on the 5th, 21st and 60th days after surgery.

Results. Characteristic morphological changes in the only remaining kidney were an increase in the size of the glomeruli and a decrease in their number. Nephron fibrosis was detected, accompanied by increased production of antigens by the tubular epithelium, which is likely a response to a cascade increase in oxidative stress and increased release of cytokines that stimulate the production of intrarenal collagen.

Conclusion. Nephrectomy and hypoxia are provocateurs for the development of systemic distress syndrome, the result of which is the formation of a “vicious pathogenetic circle”, which reduces the functionality of the renal tissue. This can be considered as one of the early preclinical mechanisms for the initiation of single kidney disease in the future.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(1):19-24
pages 19-24 views


Filippova Е., Bazhenov I., Zyrjanov A., Zhuravlev V., Borzunov I., Ustinov G.




材料与方法。该研究包括28例神经源性逼尿肌过度活动的多发性硬化症患者,其对保守治疗有抵抗。所有患者均接受膀胱内注射100单位的A型肉毒杆菌毒素。在手术后1、3、6个月评估肉毒杆菌治疗的效果。结果。28例患者均取得临床改善。尿动力学研究显示,逼尿肌注射肉毒杆菌毒素3个月后,最大膀胱容积增加119.9±37.6%(p < 0.05),第一次逼尿肌不自主收缩时膀胱容积增加74.8 ± 21.4%(p < 0.05),亢进时最大逼尿肌压力减少53.5±29.7%(p < 0.05)。神经源性膀胱症状量表(NBSS)总分由38.04 ± 14.27降至29.06 ± 14.46(p = 0.000),主要原因为尿失禁和尿急。SF-Qualiveen总分从2.32 ± 0.70下降到1.61 ± 0.85(p = 0.000)。2例患者在肉毒杆菌治疗前进行了自我导尿,4例患者在手术后进行了自体导尿。


Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(1):25-32
pages 25-32 views


Krupin V., Uezdnyj M., Zubova S., Petrova P.






Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(1):33-38
pages 33-38 views

Results of using of terpens-based medication renotinex in patients with urolithiasis after extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy

Popkov V., Osnovin O., Fomkina O.


In spite of high efficacy and safety of extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL), the question of reduction of this procedure complications risk continues to be relevant. In this study results of Renotinex prescription for patients with urolithiasis after ESWL are presented. Renotinex is a terpens-based drug and it has anti-inflammatory and lithokinetic properties. Inclusion of this medication in complex therapy leads to reduction of terms of stone fragments excretion, pain sensation reduction, bacteriuria frequency decrease.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(1):39-42
pages 39-42 views

Effect of cryoprecipitate on neoangiogenesis in patients with purulent pyelonephritis

Chernova Y., Nejmark A., Momot A.


The aim of the study is to investigate the effectiveness of conservative therapy with the inclusion of cryoprecipitate in its composition and its effect on the angiogenesis of renal blood vessels in patients with purulent pyelonephritis.

Materials and methods. The study included 30 patients aged from 20 to 45 years (6 men, 24 women) with acute purulent pyelonephritis. All patients were assessed for markers of angiogenesis in blood plasma: vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A), angiopoietin 1 (Ang1) and angiopoietin 2 (Ang2). The patients were divided into two groups. Patients of group 1 (n = 15) received conservative therapy with the inclusion of cryoprecipitate, patients of group 2 (n = 15) received surgical treatment. The control group consisted of 10 healthy donors aged 20–35 years, whose blood angiogenesis markers were determined to obtain reference values.

Results. In the course of preliminary studies, the blood content of angiogenesis markers was determined in 10 healthy donors. The level of VEGF-A in patients of both groups and the level of Ang1 in patients of group 1 at admission to the hospital significantly exceeded the corresponding values in the control group. In group 2 patients, the level of VEGF-A and Ang1 remained elevated during treatment, which indirectly indicated an ongoing inflammatory process. The level of Ang2 in patients of both groups did not change significantly. Conservative treatment of group 1 patients showed high efficiency, which was confirmed by positive dynamics of clinical and laboratory indicators, as well as data from instrumental examination.

Conclusions. The results obtained indicate the effectiveness of conservative therapy with the administration of cryoprecipitate in patients with purulent pyelonephritis, and the effectiveness of such treatment is comparable to the effectiveness of surgical treatment . The use of cryoprecipitate has an endothelioprotective and anti-inflammatory effect on blood vessels, stabilizes the processes of angiogenesis, which contributes to limiting the inflammatory process and its regression.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(1):43-49
pages 43-49 views

Microbial load of the urine in patients with recurrent urolithiasis and its correction

Goloshchapov E., Chetverikov A.


Among the causes of stone formation in the urinary system, an important role belongs to the microbiome, which affects the stability of the colloidal system of urine. Understanding the level of microbial tension in the urine allows to use pathogenetic approaches both for prevention and for the relapses of stone formation. The study included 162 patients with recurrent urolithiasis, 12 patients underwent complex anti-relapse therapy after surgical treatment (or spontaneous discharge of concretions after litokinetic therapy). It was determined that along with the known factors, there is a violation of quantitative indicators of urine microbiota. An increase of the microbial load of urine leads to a violation of the structure of uromodulin (Tamm – Horsfall protein), which in turn determines the high frequency of recurrence of urinary lithogenesis. Thus, a comprehensive assessment of the urine microbiota and its impact on the state of uromodulin, lead to an improvement in the quality of urolithiasis metaphylaxis. In the complex of metaphylaxis and prevention of urolithiasis, it is advisable to use antimicrobial agents (uroseptics) not only to reduce the risk of infectious and inflammatory complications, but also to increase the stability of the colloidal properties of urine.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(1):51-55
pages 51-55 views

The effectiveness of different regimens of testosterone gel therapy in men with androgen deficiency

Kuzmenko A., Gyaurgiev T., Bakutina Y., Zarubayco A.


The results of androgen replacement therapy with the appointment of a transdermal gel with testosterone in patients with androgen deficiency were presented. 90 men with testosterone deficiency (<12 nmol/L) and impaired erectile function were observed. The average age of patients was 58 ± 5.2 years. Patients were divided into 3 groups. Patients of the 1st (control) group underwent basic behavioral therapy, the 2nd group received basic therapy with testosterone gel for a dose of 50 mg, the 3rd group received basic therapy with testosterone gel at a dose of 100 mg. The duration of treatment was 6 months. The use of testosterone in the form of a transdermal gel led to a significant increase in the content of total testosterone in both patients of the 2nd (50 mg) and 3rd groups (100 mg). A dose-dependent effect was noted, in patients of the 3rd group the level of testosterone was significantly higher than in patients 2nd group. An increase in testosterone was accompanied by a decrease in FSH and LH levels.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(1):57-60
pages 57-60 views

The diagnostic value of nerve growth factor and c-reactive protein in patients with interstitial cystitis / painful bladder syndrome

Sholan R.


Objective: to determine the diagnostic value of nerve growth factor (NGF) and C-reactive protein (CRP) in patients with interstitial cystitis / painful bladder syndrome (IC/BPS).

Material and methods. 44 patients with IC/BPS (main group) and 20 volunteers (control group) were examined. The average age of the patients of the main group was 46.4 ± 13.9 years, the control group – 35.3 ± 9.7 years. Cystoscopy and hydrodistension of the bladder were performed. The severity of pain was evaluated on a visual analogue scale (VAS). The concentration of NGF was determined in the blood by the method of ELISA, CRP by the immunoturbidimetric method.

Results. The average total score on the VAS scale was 5.47 ± 0.91, mild pain (2–4 points) was noted by 20.4%, moderate pain (5–6 points) – 54.5%, severe pain (7–8 points) – 25.0% of patients. Diffuse bleeding of the bladder mucosa in 45.4% of cases was observed. In IC/BPS patients the average NGF level was 11.23 ± 8.22 ng/ml, CRP – 3.56 ± 1.66 mg/l. The concentration of NGF exceeded the control level by 22.7% (p < 0.05), CRP – by 71.3% (p = 0.015). The correlation coefficient of NGF with CRP was r = + 0.179 (p = 0.42), and the determination coefficient was R2 = 0.032.

Conclusion. Identified statistically significantly increased levels of NGF and CRP in the blood serum of IC/BPS patients confirm the presence of a systemic inflammatory reaction. A weak direct correlation is determined between NGF and CRP in patients with IC/BPS patients. The determination of serum NGF and CRP in combination with clinical data can be used to diagnose IC/ BPS.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(1):61-66
pages 61-66 views



Kuzmin I., Ajub A., Slesarevskaya M.



Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(1):67-74
pages 67-74 views

Сlinical observations


Slesarevskaya M., Ponomareva Y., Sozdanov P., Tyurin A., Sycheva A., Kuzmin I.



Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(1):75-80
pages 75-80 views

Lectures for the doctors

Urosepsis. Pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment

Uchvatkin G., Gaivoronskiy E., Slesarevskaya M.


Modern data on terminology, classification, pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment of urosepsis were presented in clinical lecture. Particular attention is paid to laboratory and clinical criteria for assessing the severity and prognosis of the disease, as well as methods for preventing urosepsis.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(1):81-91
pages 81-91 views

History of medicine

Professor Georges Marion – outstanding french surgeon and urologist (on the 150th anniversary of the birth)

Morgoshia T., Kuzmin I.


The article is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Professor Georges Marion, an outstanding French surgeon and urologist. The main stages of his clinical and scientific activities are presented. G. Marion is the author of more than 300 scientific papers, including the fundamental guide to urology. He made a great contribution to the development of the surgical field in urology. G. Marion first performed many operations, subsequently named after him, and the hypertrophy of the bladder neck described by him was called Marion’s disease.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(1):93-95
pages 93-95 views
