Male infertility risk factors in men seeking care in art center




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Analysis of 324 infertile male patients in assistant reproductive technology (ART) medical center was performed using standardized WHO protocol of investigation and diagnosis of the infertile couple and laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen. The semen analysis results were described accordingly to male infertility risk factors found. Delay in specialized medical care was found as well as inflammatory genital disease as common risk factor of male infertility.


Galina Nosova

First St.-Petersburg State I. P. Pavlov Medical University

ordinator. Urology Department

Yuliya Fedortsova

First St.-Petersburg State I. P. Pavlov Medical University

intern. Urology Department

Vladimir Morev

International reproductive medicine center


Igor Korneyev

First St.-Petersburg State I. P. Pavlov Medical University

doctor of medical science, professor. Urology Department


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版权所有 © Nosova G.G., Fedortsova Y.V., Morev V.V., Korneyev I.A., 2013

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