Characteristics of symptoms and psychosomatic status in women with chronic pelvic pain syndrome




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This study assesses the severity of symptoms and psychosomatic status in 177 women with chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Pain in the bladder was registered in all patients, 86 (48.6%) women had pain along the urethra and 67 (37.6%) women had pain in the vagina. Pain in the bladder increased during filling of the bladder in 94 (53.1%) patients and decreased in 48 (27.1%) patients. Urination disorders were observed in 174 (98.3%) patients. Psychosomatic disorders reported in 166 (93.8%) of 177 patients and in 88 (49.7%) of them showed signs of moderate or severe depression. These characteristics of the symptoms must be considered during planning the therapeutic treatment of this group of patients.


Margarita Slesarevskaya

First St. Petersburg State I. P. Pavlov Medical University

candidate of medical science, senior research fellow, Urology Department

Igor Kuzmin

First St. Petersburg State I. P. Pavlov Medical University

doctor of medical science, professor. Department of Urology

Yuriy Ignashov

First St. Petersburg State I. P. Pavlov Medical University

postgraduate, urology department


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