Varicocele as a manifestation of connective tissue dysplasia




Varicocele is spread in 35% of men with primary infertility and in 70-81% of men with secondary infertility, being common in 15% of the entire male population. The prevalence and recurrence of varicocele are relevant for investigating of the underlying etiological mechanisms of this disease.

Objective: to evaluate the prevalence of connective tissue dysplasia in patients with varicocele.

Materials and methods. A clinical study is conducted in 148 patients with varicocele. A generally accepted minor congenital anatomical abnormalities were discovered during the examination. Electrocardiography, intervalography and echocardiography were provided among all patients.

Results. 129 people (87.2%) of the examined patients with varicocele had connective tissue dysplasia. The most frequent manifestations of connective tissue dysplasia are: malformation of ear pavilion (90.5%), asthenic body type (79.2%), disturbed occlusion and tooth growth (52.7%), arterial hypotension (47.3%). In the vast majority of cases (104 people, 70.2%) electrocardiograms of 148 patients with varicocele demonstrated different types of arrhythmia. In intervalography it was found that in half of the cases (83 patients, 56.1%) patients had disorders of the autonomic nervous system. During the regular echocardiography only 32 people (21.6%) didn’t have any heart disease, on the other hand valvular and myocardial lesions were diagnosed in other patients.

Conclusions. The deficiency of mesenchymal structures within the connective tissue dysplasia in varicocele is a systemic predisposing factor and requires a more in-depth examination of the cardiovascular system in such patients.


Anton Tsukanov

Omsk State Medical University


Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of Department of Surgical Diseases and Urology

俄罗斯联邦, Omsk

Sofija Semikina

Omsk State Medical University



俄罗斯联邦, Omsk

Ruslan Mustafayev

Surgut City Clinical Polyclinic No. 2



俄罗斯联邦, Surgut


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