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卷 12, 编号 2 (2015)


Academician Rem Viktorovich Petrov. 85 th anniversary

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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(2):3-4
pages 3-4 views

Exercise-induced asthma: epidemiology, pathogenesis, therapy peculiarities

Tsarev S.


The article discusses pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment approaches in exerciseinduced asthma and post-exercise bronchoconstriction. Arguments in favor of using antileukotriene medications in complex treatment of patients with exercise-induced bronchoconstriction are presented.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(2):5-10
pages 5-10 views

Clinical and immunological characteristics of bronchial asthma phenotype with syndrome of secondary immune deficiency

Sizyachina L., Churyukina E.


Background, To study the clinical and immunological features of the phenotype of bronchial asthma with syndrome of secondary immune deficiency. Methods, The analysis of observation of 105 patients with bronchial asthma (BA) was conducted, 70 patients had a clinical markers of secondary immune deficiency. Results, Patients suffering from BA with secondary immune deficiency were observed, there was inhibition of cellular and phagocytic links on the background of activation of the humoral immune system. Changes in immune status were recorded on the clinical course of the disease. Conclusion, BA patients with a concomitant syndrome of secondary immune deficiency had heterogeneous disorders of the immune system, leading to clinical manifestations of secondary immune deficiency, making it difficult for bronchial asthma, contributes to chronic foci of infection, refractoriness to traditional treatment methods.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(2):11-14
pages 11-14 views

Markers of endothelial dysfunction in bronchial asthma patients

De Silva N., Nemtsov V., Trofimov V.


Objective. To identify endothelial dysfunction (ED) in patients with bronchial asthma (BA) in the acute phase, to establish the relationship between levels of homocysteine (HC) and endothelin-1 (ET-1) in the blood, and the causes of the disease. Materials and methods. 32 young patients in acute phases of bronchial asthma divided into three groups depending on the cause of bronchial asthma, and 10 healthy individuals were included in the study. Respiratory function assessed by spirometry with bronchodilatation test, serum endothelin-1 level was determined with immunofermental analysis, homocysteine level was determined with plasma liquid chromatography method. The results. There was a significant statistical difference between groups in terms of homocysteine, endothelin-1 levels in blood. Significant positive correlation between the levels of homocysteine and endothelin-1 in patients with allergic bronchial asthma and a significant negative correlation between the marker levels of endothelial dysfunction and lung function were identified. Conclusion. Acute phase of asthma accompanied by endothelial dysfunction, characterized by different levels of homocysteine and endothelin-1 in blood, depending on the genesis of the disease.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(2):15-18
pages 15-18 views

Pollen sensitization and aero-palynological monitoring for determination of significant allergens in early spring pollinosis

Minaeva N., Novoselova L., Plakhina K., Shiryaeva D.


Background. To estimate dynamics of registered pollinosis prevalence among children in Perm region, to compare regional aeropalynological data and features of sensitization to early spring trees pollen. Methods. Analysis of registered allergic rhinitis morbidity (2005-2012) has been done; a structure of spring pollinosis sensitization was investigated in 592 skin tests protocols, that were held using water-salt extracts of allergens. The pollen monitoring during the period 2010-2014 was conducted in Perm using the Burkard volumetric trap. Results. General allergic rhinitis morbidity got a 34,6% rise during eight years of observation. Spring trees pollen sensitization was identified in 49,8% of patients. Birch pollen often caused sensitization and amounted to 62±8,7% of seasonal spectrum. Seasonal spectrum of alder pollen was 3,9±3%, but increased a number of days with seasonal high pollen concentration (p=0,02, p=0,05). Alder pollen caused sensitization as often as birch. Most part of positive skin tests with other spring trees is a result of allergic cross-reactivity with birch. Conclusion. The relevance of the pollinosis problem is connected with increasing of its prevalence. Evaluation of sensitization is not coordinated with an aeropalynological data. The problem needs such approaches as observation of clinical symptoms in the acute season pallination or application of modern molecular diagnostics of allergy to identify cross-reactivity.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(2):19-24
pages 19-24 views

IgE-AB to animals molecular allergens in patients with respiratory allergy

Mokronosova M., Bass E., Bala A., Zheltikova T.


Background. The purpose of this study was to identify IgE-antibodies to the major and minor allergenic components of pets in the blood serum of patients with bronchial asthma and/or allergic rhinitis (BA/AR). Methods. The study included 327 patients from Moscow and St. Petersburg. All of them were detected for specific IgE-antibodies (IgE-AB) to the animal allergens by ImmunoCAP® (ThermoFisherScientific, Sweden). 105 patients wanted to detect IgE-AB to the main animal allergens molecules ImmunoCAP ISAC® (ThermoFisherScientific, Sweden). Results. In the sera of 327 patients IgE-AB to cat’s (62%) allergen dominated. IgE-antibodies to dog’s, house dust mites (D.pteronyssinus, D. farinae), mold fungi, horses and rodents allergens were found in 2,6-31 times less. IgE-AB to uteroglobin (rFel d 1), major cat allergen, was detected in 80% of patients (84/105). The detection rate of IgE-AB to other cat allergens was 4,2-8 times lower (rFel d 2 - 10%, nFel d 4 - 19%). IgE-AB to major dog allergen rCan f 1 was detected in 39% of patients (41/105). Positive level of IgE-AB to other dog allergens was detected in 2,2-4,9 times lower (rCan f 2 - 8%, nCan f 3 - 9%, rCan f 5 - 18%). Positive level of IgE-AB to lipocalin was assayed in 6% of patients, to serum albumin - in 7%. Conclusion. Prevalence of IgE-AB to cat and dog allergens was almost 3 times higher than the frequency of detection of IgE-AB to house dust mite allergens in citizens of Moscow and S. Petersburg. The frequency of IgE-AB to rFel d 1 was dominated and detected 2 and 4-11 times often than to rCan f 1 and other animal allergens consequently.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(2):25-28
pages 25-28 views

Oropharyngeal microbiota features in patients with bronchial asthma, depending on the severity of the disease and the level of control

Fedosenko S., Ogorodova L., Popenko A., Petrov V., Tyacht A., Saltykova I., Deev I., Kulikov E., Kirillova N., Govorun V., Kostryukova E.


This paper presents the results of the comparative analysis of the taxonomic composition of oropharyngeal microbiota obtained by swab from the back of the throat of the 2 groups of patients with bronchial asthma: patients with mild persistent controlled or partially controlled asthma, and patients with severe uncontrolled asthma. The swab collecting procedure was performed in a stable period of the disease without exacerbations episodes and systemic antibiotic therapy courses within the previous 4 weeks or more. Taxonomic identification of the microbiota was performed using conserved regions of bacterial 16S rRNA sequencing. The study revealed a number of differences in the representation of the identified microorganisms that make up the oropharyngeal microbiota in patients with asthma, depending on the severity of asthma, the level of control, other clinical and anamnestic features.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(2):29-36
pages 29-36 views

Allergic bronchopulmonar aspergillosis in asthmatic patients

Kozlova Y., Sobolev A., Frolova E., Aak O., Burygina E., Klimko N.


Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) is a caused by hypersensitivity to Aspergillus spp. antigens, is the lung disease, which occurs in patients with asthma or cystic fibrosis and is characterized by poor control of background disease and development of respiratory failure. According to experts opinion the number of patients with ABPA is about four million people in the world and 175 000 persons in Russian Federation. The clinical course improvement, prevention of progression and prophylaxis of bronchiectasis depend on timely and correct diagnosis of the disease. International Society of Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM) formed a working group «ABPA in patients with asthma» for worldwide collaboration with physicians and researchers. The working group proposed new diagnostic criteria. This report presents a clinical case of ABPA in asthmatic patient. The diagnosis is established according criteria proposed by R. Agarwal et al., 2013.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(2):37-46
pages 37-46 views

Principles of personalized diet therapy of cow’s milk allergy in children

Reviykina V., Larkova I., Kuvshinova E., Shavkina M., Boitcov M., Mukhortykh V.


Cow’s milk allergy protein (CMPA) is the leading cause of food allergy in infants and young children. The personalized diet prescription, providing individual medical nutrition can be reliable guaranty of effective treatment for diverse range of CMPA symptoms. In spite of the fact that there are a lot of special infant formula in Russia, pediatricians and allergologists have difficulties in choosing appropriate diet. The suggested algorithm of individual option of extensively hydrolyzed proteinbased formula for CMPA patients will help doctors to optimize diet.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(2):47-51
pages 47-51 views

Colostrum and breast milk cytokines in sensitized women

Geneva M., Munblit D., Pampura A.


There is some evidence to suggest that colostrum/breast milk immunological composition have potential in infant gut immunity modulation early in life. Objective. To assess levels of cytokines in colostrum and breast milk in atopic and non-atopic mothers, and in those, who have self-reported allergy. Patients and methods. 277 Moscow women were recruited as a part of an International (Great Britain, Russia, Italy) study assessing immune composition of colostrum and breast milk. Skin prick-tests were used to assess sensitization in recruited women. Electrochemiluminiscence of colostrum and breast milk samples for HGF, IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, TGF β1, TGF β2, TGF β3 was performed in a Flow Cytometry Lab, Imperial College London. Results. In 19,4% of Moscow women a sensitization to one or more allergens was revealed. According to univariate analysis colostrum and/or breast milk levels of TGF β1, TGF β3, HGF, IL-5, IL-10 and IFN-γ were higher in sensitized women. No difference in IL-2, IL-4, IL-12, IL-13, TGF β2 levels was revealed in relation to sensitization. Conclusion. Cytokine and growth factors differences of colostrum and breast milk samples from Moscow women allow to assume the lack of IL-4 and IL-13 shift of cytokine and growth factors in relation to sensitization.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(2):52-58
pages 52-58 views

The atopic desease development in infants and preschool children in Lesnoy town of Sverdlovsk region

Volkova N., Tuzankina I., Shershnev V.


The aim of study. To determine the structure of atopic diseases and characterization of different allergens in their progression in infants and preschool children in Lesnoy town. Material and methods. We studied a spectrum of allergen-specific IgE antibodies in children’s blood with different allergic diseases. Comparative analysis of the results was conducted with methods of mathematical statistics. Results. Our data demonstrate the different stages of formation of atopic diseases in children. We revealed that clinical symptoms of atopic diseases and relevance of allergens were changing gradually as children were getting older. Our results showed that the role of nutrition allergens is reduced while airborne allergens came to the fore. Conclusion. Formation and progression of atopic diseases are determined by various allergens. The temporary relevance of different types of allergens indicates a diversity of multivalent sensibilization during affection of the «shock» organ; the result of this phenomenon appears as atopic march. Detection the relevant causative allergens is important for prevention of progression of allergic diseases.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(2):59-63
pages 59-63 views

Clinical and allergological characteristic of children with allergic rhinitis receiving allergen-specific immunotherapy in Altai region

Shakhova N., Gordeev V., Lobanov U., Ardatova T., Surcova M.


The purpose of this study. To investigate clinical characteristics of the allergic rhinitis in children receiving allergen-specific immunotherapy. Methods. The epidemiologic observational multicenter study was conducted with the allergists of Altai region. The participating allergists filled out the specially designed medical record card on children with allergic rhinitis receiving ASIT. The study lasted from October 2013 to March 2014. Results. Allergists have filled out medical record cards of 165 children with allergic rhinitis receiving ASIT. The average age of children was 10,5±2,3 years, with the average of 4,8±2,5 years of allergic rhinitis prior to the start of ASIT. 159 (96,2%) children had moderate/severe allergic rhinitis, and 121 (73,3%) children had persistent allergic rhinitis. In 123 (74,5%) children rhinitis was accompanied by allergic conjunctivitis, and in 70 (42,2%) children - by bronchial asthma. 69 (41,8%) children receiving ASIT were mono-sensitized, 96 (58,2%) children were polysensitized. 48,5% of children were sensitized to house dust mites, 63,6% to tree pollen, 48,5% to meadow grass pollen, 30,9% to weed pollen, and in 21,8% sensitization to epidermal allergens was found. Conclusion. The findings of the study showed that in most cases (96,2%), children with allergic rhinitis receiving ASIT had moderate/severe rhinitis and in 73,3% symptoms were persistent. In 74,5% of cases, allergic rhinitis was accompanied by allergic conjunctivitis. Most part of children receiving ASIT had multiple sensitization (58,2%). Also a delayed beginning of ASIT was observed - 4,8±2,5 year from primary diagnosis to ASIT initiation.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(2):64-67
pages 64-67 views

Changing the basic treatment as a way to achieve asthma control

Kurbacheva O., Pavlova K.


In the article the question of asthma control, the main reasons for its absence. The variant replacement used inhaled corticosteroids while maintaining equipotent doses as a way to achieve asthma control without increasing the pharmacologic stress.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(2):68-74
pages 68-74 views

Fundamental research and personified approaches in clinical immunology and allergology

Ilina N., Gudima G.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(2):75-79
pages 75-79 views

Seslavina Lia Sergeevna (18.07.1935 - 24.03.2015)

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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(2):80-80
pages 80-80 views

Congresses, Conferences

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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(2):81-81
pages 81-81 views