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卷 12, 编号 5 (2015)


Fungal sensitization of patients with asthma in St. Petersburg

Kozlova Y., Frolova E., Sobolev A., Aak O., Uchevatkina A., Filippova L., Burygina E., Klimko N.


Background. Fungal sensitization is associated with severe uncontrolled asthma. Connections of specific, micromycetes and fungal allergens with disease development and immunopathogenesis of asthma with fungal sensitization are not well understood. Methods. The study included 120 patients with different grades of asthma severity. Results. Fungal sensitization was detected in 48 patients with asthma (40%). Severe course of asthma with fungal sensitization was identified in 7 patients (14,6%). The main fungal allergens in patients with severe asthma were Alternaria spp. and Aspergillus spp., in patients with mild and moderate course of disease - Aspergillus spp. and Penicillium spp. Increasing of serum total IgE and enhancing the ability of blood cells to produce IL2 and IFN-y in patients with bronchial asthma with fungal sensitization were revealed. The obtained results indicated the important role of Th1 along with Th2 cells in the development of immunopathological process in asthma patients withfungal sensitization. Conclusion. Further research is necessary for determination of clinical and immunological criteria of severe asthma with fungal sensitization and study of the effectiveness of antimycotic therapy.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(5):3-8
pages 3-8 views

Clinical and laboratory features in young patients with bronchial asthma and obesity

Demko I., Sobko E., Soloveva I., Kraposhina A., Ishenko O., Gordeeva N., Egorov S., Vturina S.


Background. To study the clinical and functional features in interrelationship between the level of proinflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokines in young patients with bronchial asthma and alimentary obesity for optimization of therapy. Methods. 133 persons were examined: 93 patients with bronchial asthma were divided into 2 groups depending on body weight index (BWI): the 1st group included patients with bronchial asthma with BWI less than 25 kg/m2, the 2nd group included patients with bronchial asthma with BWI 30 kg/m2 and more. The group of control included 40 almost healthy persons. We studied external respiration function, cellular structure of the induced sputum, the level of TNFα, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-15, Creactive protein in blood. Results. The results of cytokines at patients with bronchial asthma depending on BWI out of an exacerbation of the disease within the last 2 months. We found the signs of more significant systemic inflammation in the group with obesity the increasing of the level of IL2, IL6, TNFa and Creactive protein in plasma was found. Conclusion. We found that there was more sever course of bronchial asthma in young patients with obesity, decreased external respiration functions, increased level of proinflammatory cytokines and proteins of acute phase in peripheral blood.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(5):9-16
pages 9-16 views

Mucosal immune system: the regulatory action of probiotics

Astafieva N., Gamova I., Udovitchenko E., Perfilova I., Kobzev D., Michailova І.


The evidence of the beneficial effects of dairy products on the intestinal microflora was given for the first time in 1908 by I.I. Mechnikov in the famous article «A few words about the sour milk». Since that time probiotics - the living microorganisms for regulation of intestinal microbiota are the case of interest. Interactions between the probiotics and macroorganism are very complex and include a network of genes receptors, signaling molecules and a variety of other factors that determine the natural course of the disease.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(5):17-30
pages 17-30 views

Modern approaches to specific immunotherapy in atopic dermatitis children

Slavyanskaya T., Derkach V., Sepiashvili R.


This review presents the results of scientific research studies, systematical and metaanalyses data which confirm clinical efficiency of allergen specific immunotherapy (ASIT) in atopic dermatitis (AD) children. This review shows prospects for the use of combined immunotherapy, including ASIT and immunomodulators.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(5):31-38
pages 31-38 views

Epidermal barrier defect in atopic dermatitis children and its role in the development of allergic sensitization and respiratory allergy

Migacheva N., Zhestkov A., Kaganova T., Elisutina O., Bibarsova G., Shtyrbul O.


Atopic dermatitis (AD) is the most common allergic disease in young children which is often (almost in half of cases) the beginning of so-called «allergic march», followed by the addition of respiratory allergy symptoms. In this review we present some studies to explain one of the possible mechanisms for the realization of allergic march associated with transepidermal sensitization in atopic dermatitis infants. Perhaps, the data may help in establishment of new strategies for allergy prevention in the near future.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(5):39-48
pages 39-48 views

Pharmacoeconomic analysis of using of tiotropium bromide (Spiriva® Respimat®) as adjunctive therapy in patients with asthma in the Russian Federation

Kolbin A., Galankin T., Proskurin M., Balykina Y.


For the first time in Russian economic conditions clinical and economic evaluation of the appropriateness of tiotropium bromide as adjunctive therapy (in addition to the standard therapy) was carried out in patients with severe asthma. Markov model was built using direct and indirect costs, data efficiency and effectiveness; research horizon was 1 year. An additional model was comparing tiotropium bromide (plus standard therapy) and omalizumab (plus standard therapy) with standard therapy. Sensitivity analysis and the budget impact analysis were done. The modeling showed that the use of the strategy of «tiotropium plus standard therapy» increased the likelihood of patients to remain in a state of controlled asthma compared to other strategies. The strategy «tiotropium plus standard therapy» reduced the likelihood of a severe exacerbation compared with standard therapy. Thus, taking into account high frequency of hospitalization of patients with asthma in Russia that was shown in pharmacoepidemiological studies, the use of tiotropium is absolutely appropriate medical technology from the standpoint of clinical and economic analysis. The strategy of using tiotropium is the most preferred strategy in terms of the budget impact analysis when compared with the strategy of omalizumab: the use of tiotropium strategy allows to save substantial budget funds that can be further used to treat a considerable number of patients.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(5):49-58
pages 49-58 views

Muramylpeptides and other innate immunity receptor agonists in the complex treatment of allergic deseases

Kozlov I., Guryanova S., Kolesnikova N., Andronova T.


Spread of allergic diseases testifies the inadequacy of the existing concept of pharmacotherapy. The review discusses the immunotherapy of allergic diseases based on the polarization of the immune response - activation of Th1 and suppressing of Th2-response. Clinical efficacy of glucosaminylmuramyldipeptide in atopic asthma and atopic dermatitis is presented in this review of clinical and experimental preclinical studies data.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(5):59-67
pages 59-67 views

Opportunities for primary prevention of allergy in infants due to the introduction of hypoallergenic complementary feeding products

Borovik T., Zvonkova N., Lukoyanova O., Bushueva T., Stepanova T., Skvortsova V., Zaharova I., Semenova N., Kutafina E., Semikina E., Kopyl’tsova E., Gemdzhian E.


Background. To evaluate the tolerability of the industrial complementary feeding products (grain, fruit and vegetables, meat-based) in healthy children and children at high risk of allergies developing. Methods. The study included 90 children aged 4-6 months with breastfeeding, mixed or artificial feeding, who had not received any complementary food before. The children were healthy or had a high risk for development of allergic disease. Complementary foods (porridge, vegetables, meat and fruits) were administered based on an individual plan depending on age, nutritional status and nature of feces. Tolerability of products, dynamics of weight and height and laboratory parameters were evaluated. At the beginning and at the end of the study, capillary blood was taken to determine the specific IgE (sIgE) to the proteins of cow’s and goat milk, apples, pears, prunes, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, rice, maize, buckwheat, turkey meat, and rabbit meat (quantitative allergy diagnostics using an express method). In addition, a scatological study was performed. Results. The level of specific IgE to food allergens in all children under the study was within normal range (0-135 IU/ml) both initially and after the administration of all studied complementary foods. Conclusion. The investigated complementary foods have a low sensitizing potential, including children with a high risk for development of allergic disease. This allows us to describe the industrial complementary feeding products as hypoallergenic.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(5):68-75
pages 68-75 views

Contact dermatitis as a result of the aggression of the environment. How to treat?

Kuznetsova Y.


Background. To estimate the efficiency, tolerability of mometasone furoate cream «Momat» in treating of allergic contact dermatitis. Methods. There were involved 42 patients suffering from allergic contact dermatitis. The patients were applying mometasone furoate cream 1 time per day during 2-3 weeks according to the submitted written instructions. Index SCOREPI (SCOre de Reparation de l’EPIderme) and 5D-scale assessment of pruritus (index shows changes in the sensation of pruritus over time) have been used as the methods of estimation of the efficiency of therapy. Results. In 98% of participants compliance with prescribed therapy was achieved. This corresponds to a global data about the impact of various factors on adherence of patients suffering from allegic contact dermatitis. Researchers evaluated the tolerability of «Momat» cream as «good» in the majority of cases and «very good» or «excellent» in 93% of patients. Conclusion. According to the study it can be concluded that application of «Momat» cream once a day during 2 weeks is effective and safe.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(5):76-81
pages 76-81 views

Relvar Ellipta® - new molecule in a new delivery system - new horizons in the treatment of bronchial asthma

Nazarova E., Latysheva E.


Bronchial asthma is a serious socio-economic problem despite of the availability of highly effective therapy for control of symptoms. The gold standard of asthma therapy is high effective and safe combination of ICS+LABA. However, even use of these drugs leave more than half of patients around the world without full control over the symptoms of the disease. This leads for necessity of the search of new therapies - molecules as new drugs and new means for delivery, allowing to minimize technical errors during the inhalation manoeuvre, improving patient treatment adherence. This drug is Relvar Ellipta® containing a combination of new molecules of ICS and LABA in a new, improved delivery system for use 1 time per day.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(5):82-89
pages 82-89 views

Immunobiological medicines in treatment of bronchial asthma: experience and prospects of application

Ilyina N., Kurbacheva O., Sizyakina L., Ukhanova O., Shogenova M., Brisin V.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(5):90-93
pages 90-93 views


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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(5):94-94
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Informational Letter

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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(5):95-95
pages 95-95 views

Congresses, Conferences

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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(5):96-103
pages 96-103 views