The level of immunoglobulin E in patients with pyoinflammatory diseases



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Object. Cause-and-effect relations^ assessment of immunoglobulin E leveTs increase in patients with
pyoinplammatory diseases.
Materials and methods. 80 patients with acute appendicitis, 51 patients with chronic recurrent furunculosis, 27
patients with chronic osteomyelitis aged 16 to 60 years old have been examined. The patients with the increased
IgE level underwent clinical and allergologycal assessment. Patients with chronic pyoinplammatory diseases
had been skin tested with the Staphylococcus aureus allergens.
Results. Total IgE level was increased in all nosologic groups of patients. In patients with the increased IgE level
atopy or antihelminths antibodies have been established. In patients with chronic pyoinflammatory total IgE
level was not changed but negative correlative connections between the level of immunoglobulin and the late
phase of immediate hypersensitivity reaction have been shown. Increased level of serum immunoglobulin E in
patients with acute appendicitis confirmed more serious involvement of appendix and surrounding tissues and
the higher indexes of white blood cells count before the operation.
Conclusion. Increased IgE level in patients with pyoinflammatory diseases reflects Th2 type of immune response
mostly due to the condition of atopy or parasites. The higher rate of development of destructive and complicated
forms of appendicitis is typical for the patients with acute appendicitis and the increased IgE level.


T Druzhinina

The state educational institution of additional vocational training «The Penza institute of advanced medical studies» of The Federal public health and social development agency

The state educational institution of additional vocational training «The Penza institute of advanced medical studies» of The Federal public health and social development agency

N Alekseeva

The state educational institution of additional vocational training «The Penza institute of advanced medical studies» of The Federal public health and social development agency

The state educational institution of additional vocational training «The Penza institute of advanced medical studies» of The Federal public health and social development agency

B Molotilov

The state educational institution of additional vocational training «The Penza institute of advanced medical studies» of The Federal public health and social development agency

The state educational institution of additional vocational training «The Penza institute of advanced medical studies» of The Federal public health and social development agency

A Ivachov

The state educational institution of additional vocational training «The Penza institute of advanced medical studies» of The Federal public health and social development agency

The state educational institution of additional vocational training «The Penza institute of advanced medical studies» of The Federal public health and social development agency

A Peskov

The state educational institution of additional vocational training «The Penza institute of advanced medical studies» of The Federal public health and social development agency

The state educational institution of additional vocational training «The Penza institute of advanced medical studies» of The Federal public health and social development agency


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