The effectiveness of allergic rhinitis detection using standard international protocol ISAAC inthe Rostov region



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Background. The detection of prevalence of allergic rhinitis among children living in big industrial cities and
rural areas of the Rostov region.
Methods. In accordance with ISAAC program the two-stage epidemiological research included screening
questionnaire of 7254 pupils, on the second stage a functional and allergy examination of the group on the
examination of 963 pupils, who gave positive answer to any of the questions in the questionnaire, has been
carried out.
Results. In Rostov-on-Don and in the towns of the Rostov region pupils of primary school age suffer from allergic
rhinitis significantly more often than those in the rural districts (p<10-6 and p=0,0002). The number of pupils
in the junior group on the examination who demonstrated allergic rhinitis is higher in Rostov-on-Don, while
the number of children in the senior examined group who demonstrated allergic rhinitis is higher in the rural
districts of the Rostov region. The children in the junior group demonstrated apparent increase in allergic
sensitization for domestic, epidermal and food allergens, while the children in the senior group demonstrated
apparent increase of allergic sensitization for pollen and domestic allergens.
The IgE level was increased with the patient's age and with the severity of allergic rhinitis.
Conclusions. The comparison of the results of allergic rhinitis prevalence research in children using ISAAC
technique and the data of official statistics has revealed insufficient level of discover assessment of allergic
rhinitis in the Rostov region.


I Marugin

Ростовская областная детская больница

Ростовская областная детская больница

M Chepurnaya

Ростовский государственный медицинский университетРостовская областная детская больница

Ростовский государственный медицинский университетРостовская областная детская больница

A Volkov

Ростовский государственный медицинский университет

Ростовский государственный медицинский университет

I Marugin

M Tchpumaya

A Volkov


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