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The article includes a brief literature review of clinical and experimental studies of intestinal uptake and
absorption of macromolecules. Results of own research of the gut permeability for human milk α-lactalbumin
in premature infants (30-36 weeks) are presented. The study revealed a reduction of gut permeability during
the first months of life regardless of gestation age and type of feeding. Absorption of human milk α-lactalbumin
did not decrease in babies with allergy symptoms, which appeared during the first month after birth. Study of gut
barrier function in infants with skin and gastrointestinal manifestations of food allergy has shown maintenance
and further increasing of intestinal permeability for human α-lactalbumin during the first year of life. In this
regard, the indications for the use of specialized amino acids based formula Neocate were considered and the
results of its application were presented.


S Makarova

Научный центр здоровья детей РАМН

Научный центр здоровья детей РАМН

T Borovik

Научный центр здоровья детей РАМН

Научный центр здоровья детей РАМН

G Yatsyk

Научный центр здоровья детей РАМН

Научный центр здоровья детей РАМН

N Zvonkova

Научный центр здоровья детей РАМН

Научный центр здоровья детей РАМН

S Makarova

Scientific Center of childrens health Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Scientific Center of childrens health Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

T Borovik

Scientific Center of childrens health Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Scientific Center of childrens health Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

G Yatsyk

Scientific Center of childrens health Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Scientific Center of childrens health Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

N Zvonkova

Scientific Center of childrens health Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Scientific Center of childrens health Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


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