The cytokine status in infants with atopic dermatitis



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Background. To estimate the process of immunoregulation in infants aged 0-36 months with atopic dermatitis (AD) we have examined serum levels of cytokines and selectines in 89 infants with AD of different severity. Materials and methods. The serum concentration of total IgE was determined by the ELISA immunoenzyme method. For quantitative determination of the allergen-specific IgE and IgG to cow milk protein the non-concurrent immunoenzyme analysis was used. The serum levels of IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-12, IL-13 was determined by the ELISA - enzym-linked immunosorbent assay.
Results of this study showed the role of cellular immunity in the development of allergic inflammation and humoral specific response with significant role of the local immune response, in ADinfants with predominantly IgE response/ In patients with mixed type of immune response (IgE+IgG) we revealed increased serum concentration of IL-4, IL-5, IL-12 and IL-13 compared with control group. We revealed high levels of leukocyte migration factors: ICAM-1 (p<0,05) and E-selectine. The trend to decrease level of IL-2 and increase levels of IFN-γ and TNFα in patients with mixed type of the specific immune response was revealed. The level of IL-5 was significantly higher in patients with mixed type of the immune response compared to other patients. In patients with isolated IgG immune response the level of IL-12 was higher compared to infants with lack of specific response. In patients with isolated IgE-specifis immune response the level of TNFα was significantly higher compared to infants with other types of immune responses.
Conclusion. The obtained data of the interrelation of cytokines, molecules of the intercellular adhesion in infants with AD showed the participation of allergenspecific IgE and IgG antibodies in the pathogenesis of AD with equal activity of non-specific immune inflammation and objective signs of the disease.


Tat'yana Sentsova

НИИ питания РАМН

НИИ питания РАМН

S Denisova

Городской консультативно-методический кабинет по питанию больного и здорового ребенкаДепартамента здравоохранения города Москвы

Городской консультативно-методический кабинет по питанию больного и здорового ребенкаДепартамента здравоохранения города Москвы

M Belitskaya

Городской консультативно-методический кабинет по питанию больного и здорового ребенкаДепартамента здравоохранения города Москвы

Городской консультативно-методический кабинет по питанию больного и здорового ребенкаДепартамента здравоохранения города Москвы

T Sentsova

Research Institute of Nutrition RAMS

Research Institute of Nutrition RAMS

S Denisova

City Consultation ant Methodology Room for Nutrition of ill and Healthy Children, MoscowDepartment of Public Health

City Consultation ant Methodology Room for Nutrition of ill and Healthy Children, MoscowDepartment of Public Health

M Belitskaya

City Consultation ant Methodology Room for Nutrition of ill and Healthy Children, MoscowDepartment of Public Health

City Consultation ant Methodology Room for Nutrition of ill and Healthy Children, MoscowDepartment of Public Health


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