Arterial dysfunction and systemic inflammation in patients with bronchial asthma



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Background. The objective of this study was to estimate a vascular wall status of large arteries and function of endothelium in patients with different clinical forms of bronchial asthma throughout the disease progression. 220 patients with bronchial asthma have been examined, including 106 persons with moderate asthma ( 1 st group), 61 persons with severe asthma (2 nd group), and 53 persons with steroid-dependent asthma. Control group was formed from 40 healthy donors. Methods. We have assessed parameters of external respiration, arterial rigidity, and the levels of TNFα, IL-6, sCD31 (sPECAM-1), CRP in the peripheral blood at the time of exacerbation and 48 weeks later. Results. We found elevation of IL-6 and TNFα levels in all the tested groups in the period of exacerbation comparing to the control group (p<0,05), thus confirming development of SIRS. We have registered increased levels of sCD31 (sPECAM-1) in all the tested groups suggesting development of endothelial dysfunction. Increase in aorta rigidity in patients with asthma has been manifested by elevation of pulse wave velocity and augmentation index. Conclusion. We have demonstrated that the degree of arterial rigidity and endothelial dysfunction could be used as indicators of systemic inflammation being corresponded to the alterations in external respiration in asthma patients.


E Sobko

Krasnoyrsk state medical university named arter prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenersky, ministry of public health service and social development of the Russian Federation Regional Clinical Hospital


A Kraposhina

Krasnoyrsk state medical university named arter prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenersky, ministry of public health service and social development of the Russian Federation Regional Clinical Hospital


O Ischenko

Krasnoyrsk state medical university named arter prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenersky, ministry of public health service and social development of the Russian Federation Regional Clinical Hospital


I Demko

Krasnoyrsk state medical university named arter prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenersky, ministry of public health service and social development of the Russian Federation Regional Clinical Hospital


A Salmina

Krasnoyrsk state medical university named arter prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenersky, ministry of public health service and social development of the Russian Federation Regional Clinical Hospital


A Burakov

Krasnoyrsk state medical university named arter prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenersky, ministry of public health service and social development of the Russian Federation Regional Clinical Hospital


V Prugova

Krasnoyrsk state medical university named arter prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenersky, ministry of public health service and social development of the Russian Federation Regional Clinical Hospital



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