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Background. Secretory IgA of breast milk plays the main role in prevention of alimentary sensibilization and in protection against infectious agents. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of different diets of pregnant women over the rate of secretory IgA in breast milk post partum. Materials and methods. Monitoring group comprised 148 pregnant and lactating women. Pregnant women have been divided into 3 subgouprs depending on the diet type. The first subgroup included 37 (25%) women, being on hypoallergenic diet (HD). The second one included 29 (19,5%) pregnant women, being on HD and taking also probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG). The third subgroup included 82 (55,4%) women, being on hypoallergenic diet provided the replacement of cow milk with New Zealand goat’s milk «Amaltea» and taking the probiotic LGG. Results. The analysis showed that the rate of secretory IgA, IgA1 and IgA2 in breast milk depends on whether a woman has any allergy or gastrointestinal disease. HD diet provided LGG and New Zealand goat’s milk led to increased rates of secretory immunoglobulin in breast milk. The highest rate was detected in breast milk of the second subgroup of women, where HD and LGG were applied and the women didn’t have any allergy or gastrointestinal disease.



Russian national medical research institute named after N.I. Pirogov; Municipal polyclinic № 219


Scientific-research institute of nutrition Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


Scientific-research institute of nutrition Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


Russian national medical research institute named after N.I. Pirogov



Scientific-research institute of nutrition Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


Scientific-research institute of nutrition Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


Russian national medical research institute named after N.I. Pirogov


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