The influence of subcutaneous allergen-specific immunotherapy with birch extract absorbed onto calcium phosphate on quality of life of children with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: 2-years follow-up results



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Background. The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of subcutaneous allergenspecific immunotherapy with birch extract absorbed onto calcium phosphate on quality of life of children with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis Methods. 50 patients at the age from 5 to17 years old with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis sensitized to trees pollen (birch, alder, hazel) were observed. All the patients were divided into 2 groups. The first group consisted of 23 children, who were treated with birch extract («Phostal») subcutaneous allergen-specific immunotherapy (SCIT). The second group was a control group, consisted of 27 children, no treatment was assigned to them. Results. Statistically significant increase of all quality of life indexes in the group which was treated with SCIT using «Phostal» was observed. Statistically valid decrease of severity of rhinoconjunctivitis symptoms in the 1 group was shown (6,1±3,1; 11,8±4,5; p=0,00002). Total number of Phostal injections was 990, 227 (23%) local reactions and no one systemic reaction have been observed during the study. Conclusion. SCIT with birch extract absorbed onto calcium phosphate could be considered as a highly effective and safe method of treatment of pollinosis in children.


N Shakhova

Altai State Medical University


U Lobanov

Altai State Medical University


V Gordeev

Altai State Medical University


V Tokarev

Children’s clinical hospital № 7


M Surkova

Children’s clinical hospital № 7



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