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Recently the problem of low adherence of patients to treatment attracts more attention worldwide. WHO experts recognized the low adherence to therapy as a global international problem. In real life, the results of allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) are not so beneficial first of all due to patient’s noncompliance. The cooperation between patient and physician helps to achieve positive results of the treatment. The solution of the problem of low adherence of patients requires the development of systematic approaches, and the medical community is ready to propose it.


N Astafieva

Saratov's State Medical University named after Razumovsky


N Ilina

Institute of Immunology Moscow


O Kurbacheva

Institute of Immunology Moscow


L Namazova-Baranova

Federal State Budgetary Institution «Scientific Centre of Children Health» under the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


N Nenasheva

Russian Academy for Postgraduate Education



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