The influence of climatic factors on the spectrum and structure of allergic diseases in the case of the Moscow region



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Background. To study the features of the structure and spectrum of etiological allergens in allergic diseases in a changing climate taking into account the climatic characteristics the analysis of medical documentation and allergological examination of the Moscow region patients. Methods. The number of patient’s visits in the clinical department of the Institute of immunology, Moscow, Russia, for the fiveyear period (2008 to 2012) as well as the pollen monitoring data during the seasonal period from 2008 to 2012 were estimated. Results and conclusion. It was found that the debut of bronchial asthma in patients with pollinosis directly depends on a high pollen concentration in the atmospheric air (above 20 000 pollen grains per m3 of air). The influence of climatic and weather conditions on the formation, aggravation and severity of allergic diseases in the case of patients living in the Moscow region have been established.


N Ilyina

Institute of Immunology

Moscow, Russia

L Luss

Institute of Immunology

Moscow, Russia

O Kurbacheva

Institute of Immunology

Moscow, Russia

E Nazarova

Institute of Immunology

Moscow, Russia

K Pavlova

Institute of Immunology

Moscow, Russia


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