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Pollen, the male gametophyte of flowering plant species, is one of the most predominant sources of environmental allergens, and a significant cause of allergic disease. This review discusses the nature of pollen proteins as allergens, their effect on the human immune system. The influence of cross-reactive pollen allergens to the incidence of food sensitivities is also discussed. Flowering plant species that posses allergenic pollen, identified with allergens cloned from these species, are also discussed.


B Shamgunova

Astrakhan State Medical Academy


B Levitan

Astrakhan State Medical Academy


A Sartova

Astrakhan State Medical Academy


L Yarilina

Institute of Professional Development of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Moscow, Russia

S Suchkov

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry; First Moscow State Medical University; European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine

Russia; Brussels, EU


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