Immune parameters in moderate seasonal allergic rhinitis




The results of the immune parameters changes of 29 moderate seasonal allergic rhinitis patients are presented in this study. The humoral and cellular parameters of innate and adaptive immune system were investigated during clinical manifestation and remission. The interpretation of the obtained data according to pathogenetic principle showed no difference between recognition phase, active phase or remission phase. The number of peripheral Treg cells was reduced only in the active phase, at the same time Il-4, CD3+CD8+Gr+, IgA, IgE - indicators of effector phase remained elevated during clinical remission.


L Sizyakina

Rostov State Medical University

Rostov-on-Don, Russia

I Andreeva

Rostov State Medical University

Rostov-on-Don, Russia

N Semenova

Rostov State Medical University

Rostov-on-Don, Russia


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