New opportunities for the combined therapy of allergic rhinitis in real clinical practice





This paper assesses the efficacy of the original combined medication Allergoferon® beta (betamethasone + interferon alpha-2b) in real clinical practice among patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis (AR). The research program results demonstrated a good efficacy of the given medication: there were a decrease in nasal congestion as well as restoration of nasal breathing and in patients with concomitant allergic conjunctivitis - a reduction in the severity of eye symptoms. A low incidence of side effects was observed. It was shown that Allergoferon® beta can be recommended as monotherapy for patients with mild and moderate AR and in complex therapy for patients with severe AR.


E Nazarova

NRC Institute of Immunology FMBA ofRussia

кандидат медицинских наук, зав. отделением госпитализации.


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