Risk factors of bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease and «OVERLAP» syndrome asthma-COPD among adults in Ekaterinburg



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Topicality. Prevalence of bronchial asthma (BA) and COPD achieves in different countries 18 and 20% respectively. The prevalence of «OVERLAP» syndrome - ASTHMA/COPD in Russia is unknown. Objective. To determine the prevalence ofBA, COPD and «OVERLAP» syndrome - ASTHMA/COPD. Materials and methods. The study included a survey using a specially developed questionnaire to identify asthma-like symptoms (ALS), risk factors for BA, COPD, and the definition of FEV^ FEV^FVC in adults in Ekaterinburg. Results. The study has revealed that the risk factors for developing ALS are exposure to tobacco smoke and age over 40 years. The impact of allergens and family history of allergy are less significant. Decrease of spirometry indices is associated with smoking, age over 40 years and the presence of ALS. The diagnostic criteria for the «OVERLAP» syndrome - ASTHMA/COPD were developed based on the answers to the questionnaire on ALS, risk factors and the results of the screening spirometry. Conclusions. Preliminary prevalence ofBA, COPD, «OVERLAP» syndrome - ASTHMA/COPD and actual risk factors have been established in Ekaterinburg in 2018. Unfavorable situation with prevalence of smoking in Ekaterinburg has been showing.


V Abdullaev


врач-пульмонолог терапевтического отделения.

E Beltyukov

Ural State Medical University

доктор медицинских наук, профессор кафедры факультетской терапии и эндокринологии.

V Naumova


Email: nika.naumova@gmail.com
кандидат медицинских наук, врач аллерголог-иммунолог консультативно-диагностической поликлиники.


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