Evolutionary background of allergic reactivity: mast cells, FcεRI, IgE - three components of the effector phase of the allergic response



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The literature data on the evolution of the main obligatory participants in the effector phase of the IgE-mediated allergic response are presented: mast cells/basophils, immunoglobulin E, and high affinity receptor for the Fcε fragment (FcεRI). Allergic reactivity is considered as the most recent evolutionary immunologically-mediated acquisition of mammals. It is aimed at recognizing small amounts of allergen entering the body in a certain time regime, and organizing an allergen-specific inflammation that carries features of elimination function. The most biologically justified way to prevent allergies is to restore the function of barrier systems and, accordingly, to prevent the need to develop an allergic response.


I Gushchin

NRC Institute ofImmunology FMBA of Russia

Email: igushchin@yandex.ru
зав. отделом, доктор медицинских наук, профессор, член-корр. РАН.


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