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Background. To study pathogenetic features of the normal type balneological response on intake of natural high mineralized water during medical rehabilitation in atopic dermatitis (AD) patients in comparison with relapse of the disease.
Materials and methods. There were studied some clinical, morphological and immunological parameters and nature of correlative interlinks between their values in AD patients with different immunopathogenetic forms of the disease (IgE-dependent and IgE-independent AD) during both the relapse of the disease and development of the normal type balneological response at the treatment with natural high mineralized water. Results. The highest interlinks were between the clinical indices of disease severity during exacerbation of IgE-dependent AD and IgE, IL4, TNFб, IL 1в levels, dense infiltrate in derma; at exacerbation period of IgE-independent AD - TNFб and IL 1в dense inflammatory infiltrates in derma and number of degranulating mastocytes in their composition; at developing of the balneological response - only the number of degranulating mastocytes in composition of inflammatory infiltrates and a slightly increased TNFб level. Conclusion. The treatment of AD patients with natural high mineralized water is followed with the normal type balneological response characterized with slightly increased THFб level and is not associated with immunopathological processes, typical for the relapse of the disease, and therefore, it's medical correction is not required.

About the authors

N G Luzgina

Научный центр клинической и экспериментальной медицины СО РАМН

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Научный центр клинической и экспериментальной медицины СО РАМН

V A Shkurupiy

Научный центр клинической и экспериментальной медицины СО РАМН

Научный центр клинической и экспериментальной медицины СО РАМН

O V Potapova

Научный центр клинической и экспериментальной медицины СО РАМН

Научный центр клинической и экспериментальной медицины СО РАМН

O V Devizorova

Научный центр клинической и экспериментальной медицины СО РАМН

Научный центр клинической и экспериментальной медицины СО РАМН

N G Luzgina

Scientific center of clinical and experimental medicine SB RAMS

Scientific center of clinical and experimental medicine SB RAMS

V A Shkurupy

Scientific center of clinical and experimental medicine SB RAMS

Scientific center of clinical and experimental medicine SB RAMS

O V Potapova

Scientific center of clinical and experimental medicine SB RAMS

Scientific center of clinical and experimental medicine SB RAMS

O V Devizorova

Scientific center of clinical and experimental medicine SB RAMS

Scientific center of clinical and experimental medicine SB RAMS


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