Parental compliance and influences factors in treatment of children with irritable bowel syndrome





Summary. The irritable bowel syndrome is one of the most common of functional gastrointestinal tract disorders in the population. The Rome criteria IV are basic recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of functional gastrointestinal disorders in patients of different ages. At the present time, the therapy of most diseases requires special attention not only from the treating physician, but also from the patient. In turn, in the treatment of children, the monitoring of compliance with the treatment is carried out not by the patient, but by his parents who control the regimen of taking medications.

The aim of the study was to determine the level of parental compliance and factors affecting it in the treatment of children with irritable bowel syndrome. It was established that the level of parental compliance to the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome for their children is low, which may lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the treatment. It was found that only in less than 1/3 of the patients the parents are fully compliant with respect to the therapy received by their child. The main causes that influence the adherence of parents to the treatment of their child with irritable bowel syndrome are revealed. Establishment of interpersonal relationships in the “doctor-patient-parent” system, working with parents, aimed at explaining the essence of the disease (in some cases, the mechanisms of its formation), the consequences of the disease, treatment tactics are an important stage in the therapy of a sick child.


Andrew Nalyotov

Donetsk National Medical University named after M. Gorky


MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Associate Professor Department of Pediatrics and Childhood Infections

乌克兰, Donetsk

Yulia Vunichenko

Donetsk City Children Clinical Hospital No 2


Department No 1

乌克兰, Donetsk

Dmitry Masyuta

Donetsk National Medical University named after M. Gorky


MD, PhD, Associate Professor. Department of Pediatrics and Childhood Infections

乌克兰, Donetsk


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版权所有 © Nalyotov A.V., Vunichenko Y.S., Masyuta D.I., 2018

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