Starvation in childhood and obesity in senior age





The problem of children's starvation remains relevant and actual at the present time, as in the 21st century experts from the leading countries of the world coordinate their efforts to create programs aimed at eliminating extreme poverty and hunger of. At the same time, the analysis of obesity prevalence typical for the population of some countries of the world, indicates an increase in the number of obese people in both economically developed and developing countries. In this article we are talking about the common severe degree of abdominal obesity in people of older age groups, survivors in childhood, long periods of fasting. Studied 594 history and Protocol of autopsy of people in older age groups, born from 1927 to 1941 and the dead on the hospital for war veterans in St. Petersburg from 1989 to 2000. The whole array of documents was structured by sex, age, the fact of living in the blockaded Leningrad. Severe degree of obesity was considered to be exceeded more than 7 cm of thickness of deep abdominal subcutaneous layer of adipose tissue. It is well established that former young residents of the besieged Leningrad, regardless of gender, age, die sooner than men and women in the comparison groups; men who survived long periods of starvation in children, were dying earlier than men in the comparison group and earlier than women of the main group; women who have experienced a long period of starvation before the age of 11 years, often dying because of cardiovascular diseases than women in the corresponding subgroup comparisons; the emergence of pronounced obesity in older age-governmental groups from the former young residents of the blockaded Leningrad, determined by elk not only the fact of prolonged fasting, but child sex and age, which accounted for starvation.


Lidya Khoroshinina

Almazov Medical Research Center


MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Department of Internal Diseases

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Alexander Shabrov

Institute of Experimental Medicine


MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Project Leader, Department of Ecological Physiology

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Leonid Buynov

Herzen State Pedagogical University


MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Department of Medical and Valeological Disciplines

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg


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