Incidence of primary school age children with post-trumatic stress disorder





Presents the results of evaluations of morbidity 123 primary school children suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), caused by the military actions in the Donbass region. By us the data analysis was conducted patient cards (f. 112/u) and medical statements (f. 027/u) children study groups, over the period of appealability throughout the year. Revealed an increase the incidence of somatic pathologies in children survived the military events that were recorded in 2.5 times more likely than in the comparison group (children who have not experienced combat operations). The first place in the structure meets pathology occupied somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, recorded in 100% of children, who experience the stress of combat operations. Second place among children 7-9 years with PTSD, occupied acute respiratory diseases, with a prevalence frequencies of of developing complications after them 2.1 times, which was interpreted as lowering infectious resistance of the organism under the influence of strong stress factor. By the multiplicity of handling of children to the doctor by us highlighted a group of frequently ill children. Is noted that the the number of younger schoolboys for a long time and frequently ill in the main group predominated вy 2.3 times. Among children 7-9 years with PTSD was not a single child who during the school year never would not been sick. Additional psychoemotional load on the body caused by adaptation to school loadings can exacerbate the health conditions and increase the incidence rates of primary school children.


Irina Ershova

Lugansk State Medical University


MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Pediatrics with the Children’s Infections

乌克兰, Lugansk

Yuliya Glushko

Lugansk State Medical University


Postgraduate Student, Department of Pediatrics with the Children’s Infections

乌克兰, Lugansk


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