The endocrinologic complications in children after anticancer treatment



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During last three decades, there is a dramatic improvement in the survival of children and adolescents with cancer. This progress has been possible because of the recent programs of improved therapy (radiotherapy, chemotherapy). There are different toxic effects in patients who have received chemotherapy and radiotherapy. One of the most common late effects of anticancer treatment in children and adolescents is endocrine disorders. Radiotherapy, alkylating agents, high-dose chemotherapy with stem-cell transplantation are the main risk factors of endocrine impairment. All parts of endocrine system are involved in the pathologic process during and after the end of treatment of children and adolescents. Abnormalities in hypothalamo-pituitary function, thyroid function, adrenal function, gonadal function are variably associated with anticancer therapy. Different metabolic disturbances, abnormal sexual development and infertility are caused by the dysfunction of endocrine system. There are immediate (during therapy) and delayed (after the end of treatment) onset late effects of antineoplastic therapy. Early diagnosis and early treatment of complications - as the main factors to improve the results of treatment and quality of life of patients surviving cancer. The aim of this article to analyze the possible range of endocrine disturbance in children and adolescents after anticancer treatment, the necessary intensive follow-up for survivors after the diagnosis of cancer and the treatment of possible endocrine disorders.


Galina Radulesku

Children City Clinical Hospital No 31

Department of Oncology, Haematology with Chemotherapy for Children. City Clinical Hospital No 31, Russia

Nina Matchenkova

Children City Clinical Hospital No 31

Department of Oncology, Haematology with Chemotherapy for Children. City Clinical Hospital No 31, Russia.

Margarita Belogurova

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of Health Ministry of Russia

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci Professor, Head, Department of With a Course of Radiation Oncology Diagnostics and Radiotherapy. St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University; City Clinical Hospital No 31.


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版权所有 © Radulesku G.G., Matchenkova N.V., Belogurova M.B., 2016

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