Clinical and epidemiological evaluation of cases of hepatitis E in St. Petersburg




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Hepatitis E - zoonotic disease that has received a nosological independence twenty years ago, when Russian scientist, Professor M. S. Balayan, identified the pathogen (hepatitis E). It was believed that the disease can manifest itself only in the acute form, and occur only in regions with subtropical and tropical climate conditions. The development and introduction of practicing of modern scientific research methods for detecting antibodies to activator change, to view the global prevalence of infection and present doubts on inabilities of transformation into a chronic form. The purpose of our research was to conduct a retrospective analysis of hospital cases of acute jaundice hepatitis E in St. Petersburg. Etiologic accessory to hepatitis E implemented by discovery in serum of patients a specific marker of infection hepatitis E- an anti-HEV. In the analysis of archive documentation for 2000-2014 from the patients which were hospitalized in the Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital by S. P. Botkin only 15 patients were diagnosed with “acute hepatitis E”. Which indicates the presence of patients with acute hepatitis E infection among hospitalized in hospitals of the city of St. Petersburg are not endemic for this disease. The presence of cases of disease of the indigenous inhabitants of the city during the past years, which isn’t going beyond its limits, indicates the existence of “autochthonous” hepatitis E.


Khatuna Peradze

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Dept. Infections Diseases and Epidemiology


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